
7 people have ruptured their eyeballs!

author:Look at Zibo Zhangdian

Chinese New Year

Many people use fireworks to add to the festival in the form of fireworks in this strong New Year's flavor

But the risks that come with it cannot be ignored


A number of people have been injured as a result

Even a cracked eyeball

On Chinese New Year's Eve, a hospital in Xi'an admitted a number of patients with broken eye injuries as many as 7 patientsFrom Chinese New Year's Eve to 8 a.m. on the first day of the new year, a total of 67 patients received diagnosis and treatment in the eye emergency and eye trauma centers of the two hospitals of Xi'an People's Hospital (Xi'an Fourth Hospital) in Shaanxi Province, in addition to the inner districts and counties of Shaanxi Province, there are also patients from Gansu, Shanxi and other places.

7 people have ruptured their eyeballs!
7 people have ruptured their eyeballs!

These patients include ocular contusion, traumatic hyphema, endophthalmitis, lacrimal duct rupture, orbital foreign body, orbital cellulitis, open head injury, iris root dissection, conjunctival corneal foreign body, etc. The majority of patients were hospitalized for gunshot wounds, and 17 were hospitalized.

Depending on the patient's condition, the doctor immediately performs surgery on the patient.

7 people have ruptured their eyeballs!

So far, 13 people have undergone surgery, including 7 patients with ruptured eyeballs, and other diseases such as corneal lamellar laceration, tear duct rupture, orbital foreign body, orbital cellulitis, and orbital foreign body have also occurred.

A hospital in Zhejiang Province saw 16 patients injured by firecrackers in one night, and doctors sighed: Two of them may have their eyeballs removed

At 7:40 p.m. on February 9, a 34-year-old man, accompanied by his family, rushed from Huzhou, Zhejiang Province to the emergency department of the Eye Center of the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou...... In one night, the emergency department of the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University successively received 16 patients who were directly or indirectly injured by fireworks, the youngest of whom was 14 years old. The doctors on duty were busy until 10 a.m. the next morning, and two of the young adults were seriously injured and may have their eyeballs removed.

The Spring Festival is a good day for family reunion

Don't be sad about the joy of setting off fireworks

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