
Kidney Yang Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency, Don't get confused!

author:A gentleman of humor

Do you know how to distinguish between kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency? Don't get confused anymore! Today I will explain them to you one by one, so that you can easily read and understand them, and you will never need them again

Kidney Yang Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency, Don't get confused!

I can't tell the difference between stupidity!

Kidney Yang Deficiency and Kidney Yin Deficiency are two common types of kidney deficiency in Chinese medicine, but many people are prone to confusion. In fact, there are obvious differences:

First of all, kidney yang deficiency is mainly manifested as a lack of yang qi in the body, resulting in symptoms such as cold intolerance, cold hands and feet, and soreness in the waist and knees. At this time, you can replenish yang energy and enhance yang energy in the body by eating warm foods, such as ginger and meat.

Kidney yin deficiency refers to the lack of yin fluid in the body, resulting in symptoms such as dry mouth, dry throat, irritability, and frequent urination at night. At this time, you can replenish the yin fluid in the body and moisturize the kidneys by eating foods that nourish yin and moisturize dryness, such as rock sugar, pears, white fungus, etc.

Kidney Yang Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency, Don't get confused!

Secondly, from the perspective of physical characteristics, people with kidney yang deficiency usually have a cold constitution and like to drink hot water and wear thick clothes, while people with kidney yin deficiency have a hot constitution and like to drink cold water and wear light clothes when they are thirsty.

Finally, from the perspective of lifestyle habits, people with kidney yang deficiency should pay more attention to keeping warm, avoid cold, and exercise moderately to promote yang qi circulation, while people with kidney yin deficiency should avoid eating spicy and stimulating food, maintain a calm mood, avoid excessive fatigue, and help regulate the balance of yin and yang in the body.

In general, although Kidney Yang Deficiency and Kidney Yin Deficiency both belong to the category of kidney deficiency, there are obvious differences in terms of symptoms, physical characteristics and lifestyle habits. As long as we can understand clearly and regulate different types of deficiency syndrome, we can effectively prevent and improve kidney deficiency.

Kidney Yang Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency, Don't get confused!

So, now you should know how to distinguish between kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency, right? Don't get confused anymore! According to your symptoms and physical characteristics, choose the appropriate conditioning method to protect your kidney health!