
On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, when I went out of the house, my mother-in-law put sausage and bacon in the trunk with a cane, and I burst into tears

author:Brother Minghao
{"info":{"title":{"content":"年初六出远门,丈母娘拄拐杖往后备箱放腊肠腊肉,我顿时泪流满面","en":"On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, when I went out of the house, my mother-in-law put sausage and bacon in the trunk with a cane, and I burst into tears"},"description":{"content":"讲述:老王撰写:明豪兄丈母娘今年75岁,前些年中风过两次,行动不便,拄着双拐,手指僵硬,好在头脑还很清醒。岳父已经年过八...","en":"Narrator: Written by Lao Wang: Minghao's brother and mother-in-law are 75 years old this year, they had two strokes in the past few years, they have difficulty moving, they are on crutches, and their fingers are stiff, but fortunately, their minds are still very clear. My father-in-law is over eight years old..."}},"items":[]}