
The 2023 primary school moral education work plan recommends 5 articles

author:Small cloth security

2023 Primary School Moral Education Work Plan Part 1

In the new semester, the education and teaching work of our school will be guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of "three represents", and we will conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Fifth and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the CPC Central Committee and the new "Compulsory Education Law" Firmly establish and implement a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable scientific outlook on development, keep pace with the times, forge ahead and fully implement the party's education policy, adhere to the rule of law, deepen the reform of education and teaching, solidly promote quality education, comprehensively improve the quality of teachers, focus on cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability, strengthen the routine management of the school, take scientific research as the guide, seek development in quality and connotation, do a solid and effective job in all aspects of the school's work, and comprehensively improve the quality of education and the efficiency of running a school.

1. Strengthen moral education and improve students' ideological literacy

Moral education occupies a core position in the implementation of quality education in schools and is an important part of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization in schools. It has a guiding force and guarantee role in adhering to the socialist direction of running schools, and has a guiding and guaranteeing role in students' intellectual education, physical education, labor education and social practice activities, and carries out in-depth activities of "civilized students" and "civilized classes" to run education work through all aspects of school education, family education, and social education, effectively enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of moral education work, actively explore effective education models, cultivate students' good behavior and habits, actively carry out educational activities, and promote the overall improvement of students' moral education level.

2. Strengthen school management and strive to improve the efficiency of running schools

1. Strengthen the management of the teaching process. This semester, we will devote our energy to research management, teaching and research guidance and services, and often go deep into the classroom to guide work and solve problems. School leaders should often leave work to listen to and evaluate classes, and at the same time, the teaching department should frequently check the teaching plans, homework corrections, tutoring, etc.

2. Strengthen the education and teaching management of our school, improve the quality of education and teaching in our school, constantly revise and improve various rules and regulations, strengthen system management, fully mobilize the subjective initiative of teachers, strengthen the basic skills training of teachers, pay close attention to education and scientific research, strengthen the training and management of class teachers, strengthen the learning management of students, stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning, and resolutely put an end to discrimination, corporal punishment and disguised corporal punishment of students.

3. Strengthen the construction of school leadership groups.

1. The team members should work together, unite the faculty and staff, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of all parties, have a strong organizational concept, and play a leading role in demonstration. He often goes deep into the front line of teaching, takes the lead in learning educational theories, takes the lead in practicing educational reform, takes the lead in writing scientific research papers, and often holds education and teaching lectures.

2. Vigorously strengthen the construction of teacher ethics and style, and establish a good image of teachers. Teachers are often organized to conscientiously study the "Teacher Law" and "Teachers' Professional Ethics", and continue to carry out activities to cast teachers' souls, cultivate teachers' morality, and cultivate teachers' style. Continuously improve the consciousness and enthusiasm of teachers to love their jobs and dedicate themselves to their jobs, teach and educate people, and actively promote teaching with ethics and law.

3. Actively organize teachers to participate in continuing education and various trainings, encourage teachers to carry out academic training, improve the teaching level and education ability of teachers, and strive to create a team with high ideological quality. Faculty and staff with strong professional ability.

Fourth, do a good job in the safety of our school

Conscientiously implement the "Interim Regulations on Safety Work in Primary Schools in Guangdong Province", further increase safety education and publicity, continuously improve students' awareness of safety precautions and self-help and self-protection capabilities, and carry out the creation of a "safe and civilized campus" to ensure the health and life safety of teachers and students in our school.

Fifth, do a good job in the legal system and stability of our school

First, it is necessary to fully implement the "Fourth Five-Year Plan" for popularizing the law, strengthen education in the legal system, and raise the legal awareness of the vast number of teachers and staff members and the level of teaching according to law. Implement the "** Regulations" and continuously strengthen the policy education of the majority of teachers, and investigate and deal with them in a timely manner. The second is to digest and solve the existing problems and contradictions internally in a timely manner to prevent the occurrence of ** cases.

6. Do a good job in the construction of party style and clean government in our school

The first is to strengthen the education and publicity of clean government, and organize and carry out warning education activities.

The second is to improve the system, strengthen supervision, and actively prevent it.

The third is to vigorously carry out education on party style and party discipline, and establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values.

7. Do a good job in the physical education and health work of our school

Conscientiously implement the "New Curriculum Standards for Physical Education" and the "Physical Health Standards for Students" to do a good job in physical education classes, so that students' physical health standards reach 100 percent, strengthen students' education on the rejection of pornography, drugs, AIDS, and infectious diseases, so that students can develop good hygiene habits from an early age, care for themselves and others, conscientiously do a good job in students' health education, and do a good job in the prevention of common infectious diseases.

8. Do a good job in the charging and financial management of our school

1. Strictly charge fees in accordance with the standards, resolutely put an end to the occurrence of arbitrary fees and private ordering of teaching and supplementary reading materials, and improve the fee publicity system.

2. Do a good job of "two exemptions and one subsidy", implement the policy and formulate a reasonable evaluation plan.

9. Do a good job of deepening the reform of the mechanism for guaranteeing funding for compulsory education in rural areas.

Conscientiously implement the rural compulsory education funding guarantee mechanism, earnestly do a good job in the publicity of the new mechanism, use the opening ceremony, parents' meeting, blackboard newspaper, set up a policy consultation station and other forms to widely publicize the policy of the new mechanism, and at the same time do a good job in the work of "two exemptions and one supplement" in our school.

2023 Primary School Moral Education Work Plan Part 2

1. Guiding ideology:

Implement the educational concept of "adults first, then become talents", take education as the foundation, take practical activities as the carrier, and improve the overall quality of students as the goal, update the concept, keep pace with the times, strengthen class management, pay close attention to the construction of class style and study style, continue to carry out basic moral education through multiple channels and forms, carry out various moral education theme activities in depth, enhance the pertinence, effectiveness and innovation of moral education work, and cultivate the characteristics of moral education work and student management in our school.

Second, the work objectives:

1. Carry out multi-form activities with patriotic education as the center, cultivation education as the foundation, and strengthening school management as the guarantee, combined with the actual situation of the school and the requirements of the situation, and pay attention to the characteristics of students.

2. Give full play to the advantages of the Young Pioneers organization, explain reasoning in simple terms, engage in activities with entertainment, provide services with enthusiasm, and grasp construction in a down-to-earth manner, so as to promote our campus class style to be better, the school spirit to be corrected, the study style to be strong, and the campus to be more harmonious.

3. Main work: primary school moral education work plan_school moral education work plan

(1) Take experiential education as the basic way to effectively strengthen students' ideological and moral education.

1. Strengthen patriotic education

Strictly regulate the flag-raising system, strengthen education on speeches under the national flag, and continue to implement the flag-raising system for class mobility.

The "My Olympic Feelings (Story)" essay and speech contest was used as an opportunity to increase pride.

National Day and Team Building Day are used as an opportunity to carry out activities so that students can receive education in the activities.

2. Strengthen cultivation education

Establish class management regulations, standardize student behavior, establish an evaluation system, do a good job in class management, do a good job in evaluation, and timely feedback and publish evaluation results.

Combined with the "Code of Conduct for Primary School Students" and the "Code of Conduct for Primary School Students", students are required to achieve "three controls". That is, control your mouth, do not spit, do not swear, control your hands, do not litter, do not climb, control your feet, do not trample on flowers and plants, and cultivate students' good behavior habits.

3. Vigorously carry out experiential education activities

Carry out safety and civilization education activities, mutual help activities, and environmental education activities.

Provide positions for students to carry out experiential activities, so that students can fully experience, learn to do things, learn to be a person, and increase knowledge.

4. Strengthen safety education and management

Pay close attention to the routine management of the school, strengthen the management of duty, regularly carry out safety education and safety inspection, have a clear division of labor, assign responsibilities to people, and eliminate all unsafe hidden dangers in the school.

5. Strengthen the training of language knowledge and ability.

(2) Strive to build a Young Pioneers culture and enhance the influence of the organization.

1. Strengthen the construction of positions, the construction of squads, and the training of small cadres. Team building of class teachers.

2. Strengthen the construction of the Red Scarf Broadcasting Station, establish models, commend the advanced, form a positive cultural atmosphere, and carry out various forms of literary and artistic activities.

(3) Mobilize the participation of social families, give full play to the advantages of integration, and build a three-in-one moral education model.

1. Improve the system of parent committees. Organize and convene school-wide parent-teacher meetings and parent-teacher committee meetings on a class-by-class basis.

2. Establish the website of Yingcai Primary School, make good use of the home-school communication established by Unicom, and build a communication platform for schools, teachers and parents.

Fourth, the specific work arrangement:

September: Code of Conduct Education Month

1. Hold the opening ceremony and the normal flag-raising ceremony

2. Formulate moral education work plans and squadron plans

3.08 Young Pioneers cadre election

4. Carry out routine cultivation education

5. Resume routine work evaluation and duty work, and implement the "civilized dormitory" evaluation system

6. Class teacher work meeting, duty work meeting, life teacher training meeting

7. Each class holds a parent-teacher meeting

8. Team appearance evaluation activities

9. Campus safety education

10. The 11th Tui Pu Week activities

October: Patriotic Team Month of Loving the Country, Loving the Team, and Loving the School

1. Routine cultivation education

2. Organize a series of activities on the theme of National Day

3. Carry out the activities of the Young Pioneers Building Day,

4. Hold a ceremony for new team members to join the team

5. Publish a theme blackboard newspaper and wall paintings.

6. "My Olympic Feelings (Story)" Essay and Speech Contest

7. Class teacher work experience exchange meeting

November: Safety and Environmental Education Month

1. Routine cultivation education

2. "Safety accompanies me to grow up healthily" safety education activities

3. Convene a meeting of the Parent Committee

4. Carry out environmental protection festival education activities

5. Class teacher work meeting

6. Theme blackboard newspaper "safety and environmental protection"

7. Prepare language and writing archives

December: Learning Achievement Showcase Month

1. Each squadron carries out the "My Learning Tips" experience exchange meeting.

2. Summarize the work of the team at the end of the semester and submit all kinds of records, forms and other materials.

3. Students' final evaluation.

4. Write a letter to parents and arrange social practice activities for students during the holidays.

5. Team work assessment.

6. Celebrate New Year's Day themed activities

7. Theme Blackboard Newspaper "Celebrating New Year's Day"

8. Create the activity of "Municipal Language and Writing Demonstration School".

January: Class dispersal

2023 Primary School Moral Education Work Plan Part 3

The third class of the second grade has completed all the tasks of the school well in the past semester. As a class teacher, I see the progress of the children. In the new semester, I will earnestly implement the concept of people-oriented, make breakthroughs and innovations in student habit formation, mental health education, problem student education, etiquette education, etc., and promote the harmonious and healthy development of the class. In order to strengthen the moral education of the class, the work plan is formulated as follows:

1. Class management

(1) Build distinctive class collectives

In the new semester, we will have good moral education classes, mental health education classes and legal system classes. According to the age and psychological characteristics of second-grade primary school students, a class meeting with the theme of "I am one year older" will be held for students, and students will be guided to consciously regulate their words and deeds and become second-grade primary school students in the new era. At the same time, they actively participated in the activities of the school's Young Pioneers, rectified the procrastination habits during the holidays, and laid the foundation for a good class style.

In addition, according to the specific situation of the second and third classes, while strengthening the construction of characteristic classes, I also plan to do a good job in routine work in the following aspects: grasping class discipline, adopting the form of group evaluation, and supervising each other; The corridor sanitation area is responsible for the weekly rotation of the team to ensure a good indoor and outdoor hygienic environment, and to catch the competition of students. Our class will put every item in the school rules and discipline into the class evaluation list to carry out orderly and effective competition.

(2) Pay attention to students' mental health and grasp class trends

The potential for children with mental health to develop is enormous. As a class teacher, I will also carefully observe the performance of each child on a daily basis and educate the students in the class team meeting. We educate students at the right time with positive and negative examples that can be felt and resonate with students around them, prevent deviations in their behavior and learning, and use various theme teams to educate students on their own.

(3) Do a good job of home-school interaction and communication

Home-school interaction can maximize the understanding of students' movements and promote students' development. This semester, I will continue to use the communication platform to communicate with parents. Through the communication work of the last semester, parents understand the requirements of the school and class for their children, and parents are very supportive of each of our work, and the consistency of family education and school education has promoted the healthy growth of children. I will continue to do this well in the new semester.

(4) Persistently do a good job in etiquette education

The students in the second and third classes are smart and lively, but the children in the lower grades have poor self-control and cannot supervise themselves well. In view of the specific situation, on the premise of respect, trust, and adherence to principles, I will carefully and patiently start from the students' understanding, and take a variety of effective measures through different channels to repeatedly carry out in-depth and meticulous ideological work. In terms of etiquette education, students are interested in the form of "I am a civilized villain", "etiquette is by my side", "I am a small pacesetter of etiquette" and other activities.

2. Evaluation management

Our class conducts a grading and assessment activity in small groups, encouraging students to participate, and each child wants to be praised and affirmed. Make full use of the class evaluation list to carry out various forms of reward and assessment activities. Use the "Little Good News" to stimulate students' self-motivation and enthusiasm for learning, and promote the development of various tasks in the class.

Include all class activities in the "Apple Tree" evaluation activity. Good news will be issued to every student who has made progress in learning, discipline, hygiene, dining, self-care, etc., and the good news will be hung on the personal growth tree. The apple tree will continue to be a beautiful scenery in the second and third classes this semester. The evaluation activities will build students' confidence, stimulate their motivation to learn, and make students feel the joy of success.

2023 Primary School Moral Education Work Plan 4

1. Guiding ideology:

Guided by the spirit of the Party's XX Congress, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important idea of the Three Represents and the XX Scientific Outlook on Development, we will conscientiously implement the party's education policy, adhere to the educational concept of moral education as the first and five educations at the same time, strive to improve the moral quality level of teachers and students in the school, pay close attention to the formation of students' habits, and cultivate a new generation of people who learn to behave, survive and learn.

Second, the work ideas:

1. Establish a consciousness: take students as the main body.

2. Grasp the two main lines: cultivation education and class management.

3. Change three concepts: change indoctrination to infiltration, change unilateral to all-round, and change passive acceptance to active absorption.

3. Work priorities and mission objectives

1. Further rationalize the working mechanism of moral education and moral education management, establish and improve various management systems, and form a complete set of quantitative and evaluation incentive measures.

2. Strengthen student self-management, strengthen management efficiency, establish an effective student self-management organization, so that students' self-management can basically ensure the good operation of daily management of large classes, two exercises, road teams, order, and student safety.

3. Carry out moral character education, etiquette education and "two hearts" education for students, and strive to make it systematic and normalized, carry out various educational activities, purify the soul, and enhance truth, goodness and beauty.

4. Earnestly do a good job in family education, and form a joint force in family and school education. Do a good job in the "Five Ones" project and the community co-construction project, thousands of famous people into the campus project and life education, create a good learning and living environment for students, internal reasons for righteousness, external reasons to promote, continuous innovation, all kinds of activities to go deeper, produce results, and create a brand.

5. Do a good job in the integrated management of the campus, strive for a safe campus, do a good job in the safety month education activities, establish a safety responsibility system, education mechanism and effective supervision and prevention measures to ensure that there are no major accidents of man-made safety responsibility.

6. Culture, art and all kinds of sports activities should not only highlight the organization and training of various competitions, but also implement the achievements of art, sports, and health into campus life.

3. Work measures:

(1) Conscientiously do a good job in the political and ideological education of faculty and staff.

1. Organize all faculty and staff to do a good job in the study of political theory, the study of popular law knowledge and examinations, the study of the XX National Report, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", and everyone should establish study notes and write high-quality experiences.

2. Implement the "Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers", do a good job in the construction of spiritual civilization and teacher ethics for teachers and staff, make them dedicated and selfless to their posts, strive to do their own work, patiently and meticulously do a good job in students' ideological education and transformation, prevent simple and rude, resolutely put an end to corporal punishment and disguised corporal punishment of students, and resolutely put an end to the phenomenon of arbitrary fees, arbitrary apportionment and increasing students' homework burden.

3. Organize faculty and staff to learn educational theories and advanced experience, do a good job in the exchange of work experience, and further improve the overall quality of the faculty and staff.

4. Do a good job in the implementation of school rules and regulations, strict attendance system and office order, and increase supervision.

5. Do a good job in the exchange of experience in the implementation of the "Class Teacher Learning System", continue to do a good job in the guidance of the work of the class teacher, and introduce the experience, methods and measures of class and student management for learning and reference. Intensify the training of class teachers, guide the work of class teachers, and improve the management level and quality.

6. Trade union organizations should give full play to their own advantages and do a good job in professional ethics education for teachers

(2) Promote the standardization of behavior and habits through the improvement of moral character

1. Systematic moral character education for students, and the implementation of moral character education is the basic premise for the implementation of standardized management.

In order to carry out moral character education, we must take root in the fine traditions of the Chinese nation and look to the world and the future. With the attitude of promoting and abandoning, choose the best, those who can use it, and learn from it. In primary and secondary schools, respect for the elderly, love for the young, honesty and civility, tolerance, perseverance, patience, love and responsibility education are the basic courses of students' moral cultivation. There are two main ways of education, one is positive preaching, which should be carried out through thematic class meetings, speeches and lectures under the national flag, and multimedia materials. The second is to deepen education through activities, such as social practice, civilized etiquette competitions, essays, letters and other ways, so that moral cultivation can be further sublimated. This work is a project, imperceptible, moisturizing things silently, and strive to make the students' moral character have a comprehensive and systematic improvement through one to two years of efforts, and at the same time pay attention to the collection of materials, strengthen theoretical research and collation, and form a set of unique school-based teaching materials.

2. Strengthen the regular education of students.

Make good use of the theme class meeting and morning and evening meeting to educate students on the "Daily Code of Conduct for Primary School Students", "Code of Conduct for Primary School Students" and "Three-character Song of School Etiquette", so that they can memorize and implement them in words and deeds, and conduct regular knowledge competitions in the middle of the semester. The second is to do regular education repeatedly, repeatedly, and find out role models in a timely manner, so that students' words and deeds have a goal to find.

3. Earnestly do a good job in family education and form a joint force in family and school education.

In accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Family Education Guidance Center and the Basic Education Department of the Municipal Education Bureau, with the textbook "Holding Hands for Two Generations" as the general outline, no less than four hours of parent training will be conducted each semester. Class teachers should strengthen the study of home education theories, be competent for the responsibilities of family education instructors, and strive to work with parents through family education, lay a good foundation for the healthy growth of students, and contribute to the harmonious development of the surrounding communities. It is necessary to let parents go, order supporting teaching materials, and strive to achieve 90 percent of primary schools and 70 percent of junior high schools. To further do a good job in the "Five Ones" project and the community joint construction project, it is necessary to guide the activities well in the students' spare time, pay attention to accumulating materials, and highlight the bright spots. Give full play to the creativity of students, enhance students' national pride and patriotic enthusiasm for the party, invite famous experts to give speeches on campus, and deepen the activities of thousands of famous experts on campus.

4. Do a good job in safety education and create a safe campus.

The school will further improve the safety system and accountability system, improve various emergency plans, and conduct regular emergency drills. Regularly inspect the surrounding environment and school buildings and investigate hidden dangers, and deal with problems in a timely manner. In particular, we will strengthen the safety education around the newly constructed buildings. First, all classes should raise their awareness, and in the education of students, they should talk about it every day and all the time, and never slacken their words. Second, it is necessary to pay attention to the safety of students' food hygiene, electricity and fire, prevention and control of infectious diseases, and safety of climbing and performing risks and launching water. 3. It is necessary to pay attention to individual students who have violent tendencies or behaviors that have not yet been standardized, establish quality transformation files, and have the ability to predict the safety factor of students' behavior and habits, so as to prevent problems before they occur. Fourth, the first month of school is regarded as the "standard education month" and "safety education month", and the students are intensively educated.

5。 Do a good job in life education: make students love life, struggle for life, live happily, and establish a correct life level.

In accordance with the school's implementation plan, all departments should complete the life education of students in accordance with quality and quantity, and regularly (before the 22nd of each month) report the stage cases and results to the Department of Political and Educational Affairs in a timely manner.

6. Strengthen the inspection, supervision and feedback of student management.

The daily management of students, basic education management is inseparable from the specific work of the grade department and the class teacher. At the same time, effective inspection and supervision are the guarantee of student management. Continue to implement the health responsibility system and the weekly duty system of road teams.

This semester, the Office of Political and Educational Affairs will integrate various self-management organizations of students into a "student union", with organizations at all levels, increasing the weight of student self-management organization inspections, and gradually realizing student self-management.

The Department of Political and Educational Affairs has strengthened the implementation of three kinds of inspections: first, the establishment of the Student Union to supervise the first-hand information of class management obtained by the inspection of sports, health, discipline, literature and art. The second is the regular and irregular inspections of the Department of Political and Religious Affairs. The third is the spot check of school leaders, and the results of these three inspections are recorded in the "Regulations on the Quantitative Assessment of Class Classes and the Distribution of Class Teacher Subsidies in **City** Schools". In particular, it is necessary to inspect all work, and give timely feedback to all those who can have clear quantitative results, mainly through blackboard publicity or campus radio announcement.

We will continue to do a good job in the evaluation of red flags for quantitative mobility in classes and the evaluation of star-rated class teachers.

7. Do a good job in the construction of campus culture.

In the construction of explicit culture, it is necessary to achieve overall planning and pay attention to details. Make the walls speak, and the corners nurture people; In the construction of implicit culture, it is necessary to base ourselves on tradition, focus on the future, and determine the main purpose of carrying out activities with the theme of "knowing honor and disgrace, knowing right from wrong, debating beauty and ugliness, and improving taste", and finally form a unique style and characteristics.

8. Do a good job in students' mental health education, regularly conduct comprehensive and systematic psychological counseling and education for students, and correctly teach and timely save students with individual problems.

(3) Establish a strong team of class teachers and improve the level of class management.

1. Through the training of class teachers, all class teachers should correctly treat their responsibilities and obligations, and establish a new education management concept under the new situation;

2. Through the revision and improvement of relevant systems, stimulate the class teacher to work actively and innovatively;

3. Do a good job in the theme class meeting, carefully prepare the lessons, carefully design, implement the school's work intentions accurately, and grasp and summarize the students' ideological dynamics in a timely manner;

4. Correctly use the class teacher's manual, roll call, do a good job of home visits and make records carefully; Pay attention to the accumulation of materials, and evaluate the comprehensive quality of students in a reasonable and evidence-based manner;

5. Establish a class committee and a student self-management organization, with a good class style and obvious characteristics.

6. Organize all kinds of activities to improve the overall quality of students.

(4) Carry out a variety of activities to enrich campus life

1. The team should take the lead in doing a good job of the routine flag-raising and flag speech on Monday, and make arrangements at the beginning of the semester and organize the implementation after soliciting the opinions of relevant leaders.

2. Continue to do a good job in happy recess activities, departments at all levels should assign teachers to each class, class teachers should rely on them, and teachers and students should have fun together. and organize an innovative and happy recess competition.

3. Do a good job in the series of activities of the sports festival in April and the art festival in June.

(5) Do a good job in sports, health, literature and art.

1. Conscientiously implement the "Regulations on Physical Education in Primary and Secondary Schools" and the spiritual essence of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on strengthening the physical exercise of primary and secondary school students, correctly use the "Healthy Physical Training Form" and the "Physical Education Attainment Certificate", set off a climax of physical exercise in the whole school in spring, enhance students' physical fitness, and ensure that students' exercise time is not less than one hour a day.

2. Set up a basketball team, a table tennis center team and a faculty basketball team, do a good job in the organization and selection of sports games, and strive to achieve good results in the city's competitions.

3. Set up a music and art center team in junior high school and primary school respectively, and strive to win more awards in the city's art performances and calligraphy and painting competitions.

4. Implement the "Regulations on Health Work in Primary and Secondary Schools", strengthen adolescent education, do a good job in personal hygiene and environmental sanitation, and put an end to indiscriminate eating and littering on campus; Strengthen the prevention of myopia, dental caries, and epidemic diseases, cooperate with relevant departments at higher levels to do a good job in various inspections and epidemic prevention work, regularly hold health lectures, and print and distribute disease prevention publicity.

2023 Primary School Moral Education Work Plan Part 5

1. Guiding ideology

Conscientiously implement the school's work plan, continue to adhere to the school's characteristics of running a school, take the improvement of students' ideological and moral literacy as the fundamental point, focus on creating a good class collective, take the improvement of the moral education management system as the guarantee, and improve the management ability of the moral education team as the key, establish the "three all" consciousness of full education, full education, and comprehensive education, and form a good "three winds" through solid moral education activities, guide students to strive to be "four good teenagers", and promote the all-round development of students.

Second, the main points of work

1. Strengthen the construction of moral education management team. Create an atmosphere of "all-staff education" in the whole school, and establish the concept that everyone is a moral education worker. Adhere to positive education, adopt effective methods, and organically infiltrate moral education.

2. Strengthen the construction of positions and create an environment for educating people. Make sure that there is education (class training) every day, a focus (speech under the national flag) every week, a theme every month, a goal (plan) for each period, and a change every year.

3. Give full play to the leading role of the Young Pioneers, strengthen organizational construction, arm student cadres, and carry out a variety of Young Pioneer activities.

4. Continue to take the education of students' behavior and habits as the focus of moral education. Emphasize the four vigorous grasps:

(1) Grasp activities and promote cultivation, through the guidance of thinking and etiquette, the discipline education to grasp the edification of aesthetic education, the team activities to grasp the cultivation training, the role model to grasp the positive guidance, the campus culture to grasp the environmental cultivation, and the family education to grasp the counseling cooperation;

(2) Grasp the typical, set an example, and motivate students to work hard through various "top ten" selections;

(3) Focus on key points, seek practical results, make great efforts to grasp the road team and health management, standardize the daily behavior and habits of students, and establish a good image of small and medium-sized enterprises;

(4) Grasp the inspection, seek deepening, find problems, correct them in time, and strive to ensure the quality and quantity of the work, and be excellent and successful.

5. Vigorously strengthen safety education and improve students' safety awareness and self-defense ability.

6. Strengthen moral education and scientific research. Continue to carry out in-depth research on the topic of "Incentive Accumulation Cascade Commendation", and infiltrate the subject research into every detail of moral education. Carry out research on the education and follow-up management of left-behind students, and lead the healthy growth of "left-behind children".

7. Carry out a variety of recess activities.

8. Call on students to take the initiative to participate in housekeeping, be willing to do what they can, and cultivate students' love of labor.

9. Run a good parent school and improve the level of home education.

10. Pay attention to children's mental health education, continue to run a good "intimate sister mailbox", and build a "intimate sister hut", so that intimate sisters can solve problems for students with psychological difficulties, so that they can grow up healthily.

3. Work measures

1. To further reflect the moral education characteristics of our school. We will continue to make use of the creation of "star-rated classes" to strengthen class management and improve the management level of class teachers; in connection with monthly theme education, we will make use of class meetings and class training time to vigorously grasp cultivation education and standardize students' behavior. We will continue to use the "Star Civilized Students" evaluation to cultivate a large number of civilized students.

2. Fully excavate the cultural resources of the campus and give full play to the function of cultural education. This semester, we will make good use of the class meeting and class training, the school's propaganda window, class blackboard newspaper, propaganda column, red scarf radio and other positions to educate students to "love the motherland, love the school", "filial piety to parents, civilized and polite", "cherish life, cherish today", "self-improvement, self-reliance, and strive for progress". Each class holds a blackboard newspaper with a distinct theme once a month. The art teacher will select the outstanding art works of the students to decorate the staircase, forming the unique staircase culture of Fangqian Longtou Primary School.

3. Carry out a series of activities around the "striving to be a good teenager", such as: civilized etiquette competition, essay competition and knowledge quiz.

4. Intensify safety education, strengthen safety awareness, rectify the order of the road team, and build the image of our primary and secondary schools.

(1) Each class must determine a safety supervisor, who is responsible for the safety management inside and outside the classroom after class, and must take a safety class training class every week, and must carry out safety work once a month

In summary, there should be a record in the class log.

(2) There is no trivial matter in the school, and everything is safe. Students should not chase or fight between classes; walk slowly, keep to the right, and do not push or pull; when they go to the playground for physical education classes and activity classes, they should line up in an orderly manner, do not talk, and do not run, so as not to affect the teaching class; stand in line to go home after school, and do not go to the same school to play without the consent of their parents; do not jaywalk on the way to school, and pay attention to traffic safety.

(3) In order to eliminate potential safety hazards and establish a good image, the management of the road team will be strengthened in this issue. First of all, learn the road team standards, and then set up a road team management organization to implement three-level management. The class teacher fixes the personnel of each road team and the location of the team. Four responsible students are selected from each class to be the road captain, and the number of road teams is counted after each school, and the sports committee members are the whole team. At the end of school, the teams must hold high the road team card, escorted by the teacher to go out of the campus in four straight lines, the first, third and fifth grade teachers are responsible for sending the east line team, the second, fourth and sixth grade teachers are responsible for sending the south line team, the teachers are responsible for managing the undisciplined students along the way on the way, the teacher in charge of the road team in the last class must be responsible for the class teacher, send the road team to the designated place---- use "smiley face" for particularly good classes, and "crying faces" for particularly bad classes It said that the scores are summarized once a month and directly included in the class assessment.

5. Continue to carry out the activity of "civilization accumulation cascade commendation" and implement a combination of rewards and punishments. Each class should correctly guide students to accumulate civilization in combination with the monthly educational theme, pay attention to the process of students' accumulation of civilization, and record it, which must be reflected in the propaganda column of the classroom, so that students can know that they and others are several stars of civilization students, and play a role in spurring the advanced to the backward. In this issue, the Moral Education Department and the Young Pioneers Brigade Department will continue to work together to pass on and record the good and bad deeds of the outstanding performance of each class through the "Student Performance Information Transmission" card, praise the students who stop the bad people and bad deeds, distribute "smiley faces", criticize the eating snacks, littering, chasing and fighting, and not cherishing flowers and trees, and distribute "crying faces" to provide some references for the class teacher to reward and punish students. In the last week of each month, the Moral Education Office and the Young Pioneers Brigade Department will compile the results into class management and star student evaluations. Use this method to correct students' bad behavior in a timely manner and urge students to develop good behavior habits.

6. The education and management of "left-behind children" is a major topic that we need to study at present, and we will continue to do so in this issue. At the end of March, the school will organize an exchange of experience on the education and follow-up management of left-behind children.

7. In order to enhance the physical fitness of students, ensure that they exercise for one hour a day. In addition to insisting on doing a good job in recess exercises this semester, students should also be organized to carry out a variety of recess activities in order to achieve the purpose of making recess activities more enjoyable. Exercise schedule: Monday - second grade, Tuesday - third grade, and so on, classes that do not do exercises are active indoors, and students can only go out after the recess music exercises. The school divides the playground into seven activity areas, namely: basketball area, table tennis area, badminton area, game area, shuttlecock area, rubber band area, rope skipping area, students voluntarily choose projects during recess, and carry out civilized and elegant activities in the designated area of the playground.

8. In May, all kinds of "top ten" will be evaluated by grade, and the characteristics of "being happy to learn and politics at home" will be highlighted through the evaluation of "labor stars".

9. Improve the level of parenting through "Parenting Paper Selection", "Parent Training" and "Parent Open Day", and communicate with home and school through home visits and parents' meetings, so as to achieve co-education. This semester, the school has incorporated parents' feedback on teachers into the evaluation of teachers and classes. Further improve the online parent school and update the content regularly. Make it a bridge between home and school, and a paradise loved by parents.

10. Carry out mental health education and do a good job of helping students with special needs. Continue to attach importance to students' mental health education, and teachers of all subjects should pay attention to infiltrating mental health education in the process of education and teaching, so as to help students adjust their learning mentality, improve their interest in learning and self-confidence, treat their academic performance correctly, overcome their boredom with learning, and experience the joy of learning success.


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