
8 supermarket promotion plans in 2024

author:Small cloth security

119 Fire Corps Day Activity Summary 7 Chapters 119 Fire Corps Day Activity Summary 1

Since October 27, 20xx, Tianjin Branch on the launch of the "100-day safety and accident-free competition", the detachment HSE management committee and the detachment leaders immediately according to the spirit of the document combined with the specific situation of the detachment, formulated the "fire detachment 100-day safety and accident-free competition activity plan", the program clarified the theme of the activity, the objectives of the activity, and the specific implementation of the activity.

1. Preparation stage for "100-day safety and accident-free competition".

According to the specific actual situation of the detachment, the fire detachment has formulated and established a "100-day safety and accident-free" competition activity plan, and has also made specific requirements for various departments in combination with the detachment plan, with plans, record traces, and phased summaries. The detachment set up a leading group and carried out a detailed division of labor among the team members, so that the division of labor was clear and the responsibilities were assigned to each person. At the same time, each department of the detachment according to the requirements of the detachment program to the department's activity plan and the list of personnel of the departmental competition leading group to report to the detachment equipment section, the detachment safety meeting requires the safety management department to inspect according to the stage, and the inspection situation is used as the assessment result of each department. The detachment attaches great importance to this activity, and once again emphasized at the regular administrative meeting that the 100-day safety activity should start and end.

2. The publicity stage of "100-day safety and accident-free competition".

During the activity, it was a period of arduous tasks and challenges in the history of Tianjin Petrochemical, and it was also a year of unity and hard work, decisive victory and hope. Combined with the "100-day safety and accident-free competition", various departments organized and held a 100-day safety and accident-free mobilization meeting, and used various forms to convey the spirit of the "100-day safety and accident-free" competition to every cadre, employee and soldier.

3. The stage of discussion on safety production

Each department held a symposium, through which everyone agreed that the following three aspects must be done to ensure safety:

1) Have a certain level of business and ability.

2) Have a high awareness of safety production.

3) Have a strong sense of responsibility.

After the meeting, each department carefully found out the problems around them according to the actual situation of the post, and the statistics were reported to the detachment equipment department in the form of numbers.

Safety is a common thing for all of us, only we attach great importance to safety from the ideological point of view, abide by the country's laws and regulations and the company's rules and regulations, and put an end to the "three violations" phenomenon and "low standards, old problems, bad habits" in order to ensure our safe production.

4. The work carried out by the detachment of the 100-day safety and accident-free competition

According to its own characteristics, the detachment carries out fire safety work around the preparation of the company's large projects and the stable operation after driving. First, in the training work, according to the actual situation in winter, the activity group has strengthened the training mode based on physical and intellectual training, and the physical training is carried out in strict accordance with the physical training program of the detachment. Intelligent training is based on teaching materials such as fire business manuals, one mouth clear, living maps, and equipment three meetings for theoretical learning and assessment. Through study, education, and training, the instructions learned have been fully applied to the winter post training. The detachment worked hard to train elite soldiers in light of the characteristics of the increase in the number of installations and tank farms in the area of responsibility and the storage medium of oil tanks and spherical tanks in the tank area after the current installation was put into operation. Drawing on the examples of fire extinguishing of oil tanks and spherical tanks at home and abroad, the achievements of fire scientific research and actual combat experience, it has been fully applied to practice, and according to the characteristics of combustion leakage of oil tanks, spherical tanks, pipelines and equipment, as well as fire extinguishing tactics and fire safety precautions in fire fighting operations, etc., in-depth discussions have been conducted on the spot for many times, repeated drills, and good results have been achieved, and have been reflected in several fire fighting battles. Second, in order to improve the professional skills of the detachment drivers and improve the traffic safety factor, the detachment supervisor vehicle personnel conducted training for the drivers, including traffic knowledge, driving safety, vehicle operation and familiarity with the operation of the fire extinguishing system.

In order to fully ensure the three major functions of the fire detachment, the detachment requires various fire extinguishing plans and personnel emergency rescue plans for air defense and station training according to the characteristics of low temperature, snow and fog in winter. In order to make everyone better grasp the new plan and ensure the correctness of the new plan, the air defense and station training conducted a practical drill on the new plan, and found out the shortcomings of the plan through the drill to achieve the expected purpose, so as to ensure the emergency treatment in the winter emergency.

According to the characteristics of winter vehicle maintenance and maintenance, combined with the nature of various departments, the detachment requires the vehicle department to further improve and formulate the "vehicle maintenance system on duty", "winter vehicle safety exercise management", and "vehicle safety management system", so as to ensure the safe operation of the detachment's vehicles.

Detailed arrangements were made for all the work during the festival, from the arrangement of the captain on duty during the festival to the combat readiness of personnel, vehicles, and equipment, as well as the status of the area of responsibility, etc., to ensure the combat readiness and stability of the team during the festival. Personnel at all levels of the detachment carried out their work conscientiously every day in accordance with their respective responsibilities, inspected all the vehicles of the detachment, and at the same time made all-round inspections of the on-board equipment, electrical equipment, equipment, and canteens. On this basis, the armament department conducted a comprehensive inspection of the detachment's vehicles, equipment, equipment, and the basic ledger of the corresponding work, laying the foundation for the holiday duty and combat readiness.

Through the "100 days of safety and accident-free" competition, the team has been trained, and a firefighting team that can keep, win, and be safe and harmonious is moving towards a higher standard. All cadres and workers of the detachment and team members work together to carry out the competition activities, so that the detachment competition activities are carried out safely and smoothly, the sense of responsibility, dedication and team spirit of the cadres and staff members have been enhanced, and the completion of the work in 2010 has made a good start.

Summary of 119 Fire Corps Day Activities 2

1. Guiding ideology

In order to conscientiously implement the implementation plan of the 100-day fire safety inspection special action of the East Railway Office, the lessons of fire accidents and recent accidents in various industries across the country, strengthen the community fire protection work, strengthen the foundation of community fire safety, and improve the fire safety awareness and fire prevention ability of residents, according to the work arrangement of the East Railway Office, a special fire safety inspection special action has been carried out in our community.

Second, the safety system is perfect, and the implementation of inspection and rectification is carried out

Led by the community, the community property, units actively cooperate, so that the management is orderly, the measures are effective, the division of labor and cooperation, close cooperation, in the fire safety work, we believe that the fire prevention work must be talked about every day, always grasp, at any time can not be relaxed, to do strict prevention, do not leave a dead end, encounter problems in a timely manner to the higher departments report.

Third, pay close attention to implementation and do a good job of publicity

In the community's communities, units make full use of blackboard newspapers, community propaganda columns, posters and other forms of extensive and in-depth publicity, while carrying out extensive fire protection publicity activities, adhere to the fire hazard investigation and rectification work as the top priority of fire protection work, and always make unremitting efforts to comprehensively improve the community's overall prevention and control ability of fire accidents to ensure the safety and stability of the jurisdiction.

Fourth, organize investigation and control hidden dangers

From August 11th to October 9th, my community carried out fire hazard investigation work according to the actual situation, and the community set up a leading group to jointly go deep into the units, communities, stores, residential courtyards and other public places to inspect the main power grid lines, check whether the circuit is aging and whether there is a phenomenon of selfish connection, and remind the people in the jurisdiction to check the wire pipe network in their homes, Socket joints and other carefully inspected to ensure the safety of people's lives and property, and the configuration of fire-fighting equipment in public places in each unit community, whether there is a fire safety channel is unblocked, etc.

Through the development and implementation of various fire safety work, the potential safety and fire hazards in the jurisdiction have been discovered and eliminated in a timely manner, and the occurrence of safety accidents has been effectively prevented, and the property and life safety of the people in the jurisdiction have been ensured.

Summary of 119 Fire Corps Day Activities 3

1. Establish an organization and strengthen leadership

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the "119" Fire Day Publicity Week, our town has set up a leading group for the "119" Fire Protection Publicity Week. The team leader is Wang Chaozhu, the executive deputy mayor, the deputy team leader is Jia Ji, the deputy mayor, and the members are the heads of the member units of Caiyu Town. The leading group is responsible for organizing, guiding and supervising the town to carry out various publicity activities.

Second, identify the key points and strive for practical results

During the "119" publicity week, our town mobilized all forces to carry out various activities, and strive to achieve fire protection work among the masses and fire safety in the hearts of the people.

1. Organize all villages and units to carry out a fire safety publicity and education for villagers and employees in the form of propaganda columns, blackboard newspapers, propaganda slogans, broadcasting, and distributing various publicity materials according to local conditions.

2. 100 publicity banners with the content of "fire safety" were customized, and the police station designated a special person to be responsible for hanging the banners in the obvious position of each village and unit, leaving no dead ends.

3. Carry out theme publicity activities, hold the theme publicity activities of "everyone pays attention to fire protection and build a safe Olympics" in front of the town cultural and sports center, explain fire protection knowledge to the masses, and distribute publicity materials, so that everyone can truly realize the importance of "walking into fire fighting, understanding fire fighting, and everyone participating in fire fighting", and create a good fire protection environment for the town.

4. The town government and the Caiyu fire brigade jointly customized a set of fire safety publicity columns, and the fire brigade is responsible for replacing the content of the propaganda columns regularly, so that the fire protection work can be implemented and the fire protection should be paid attention to at all times.

5. Customize a publicity caravan and 6 exhibition boards, focusing on the "five in" activities of fire promotion. That is, "into the enterprise", "into the school", "into the countryside", "into the community" and "into the family".

Summary of 119 Fire Corps Day Activities 4

On November 19, 2010, all the students of the 091 class of wind energy and power engineering visited the Liutan Fire Detachment in Beichen District, Tianjin.

At 11:30 p.m. on the same day, the whole class gathered at the 649 station on time and was ready to go. With the eyes of the students looking forward to the bus, we embarked on the journey of learning fire knowledge...... After arriving at the station, we unfolded the regimental flag, as well as our squad flag, and walked neatly towards the fire brigade. After all the students of the fire brigade paid high respect to the fire officers and soldiers, the fire brigade arranged for Instructor Liu to lead us to visit and study. We saw the training site for firefighters and experienced the hardships of the firefighters in peacetime training, as well as the spirit of "training for war!" Instructor Liu led us to visit the firefighting knowledge propaganda room, and conscientiously explained to us the knowledge about firefighting, corrected many of our mistakes in consciousness, and made us realize the big harm of small mistakes.

Finally, we once again pay high tribute to the firefighters!

Through this visit and study, the students have a deeper understanding of fire protection work, and at the same time, they have mastered some basic theoretical knowledge of fire safety work. The hazards of fire are often ignored by students in their daily study and life, "hidden dangers are more dangerous than open fires, prevention is better than disaster relief, and responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai." "Through the training, it was found that most of the students have a weak awareness of fire prevention, whether at home or at school, they should have a full understanding of the fire-related facilities such as fire-fighting equipment and fire-fighting passages that may be involved. Instructor Liu explained to us the knowledge and skills of reporting fire alarms, fighting the initial fire, and self-rescue and escape. This activity not only made a contribution to the popularization of fire protection, but also provided an insurance for the students' own safety, which benefited us a lot. In the future, the Wind Energy 091 Youth League Branch will actively organize and participate in various group day activities to enrich the students' extracurricular life, cultivate the students' collective concept, and love the motherland.

Summary of 119 Fire Corps Day Activities 5

In order to make all teachers and students of our school understand the basic knowledge of fire fighting, improve the awareness of safety precautions, enhance self-protection ability, master the response and escape skills to sudden fires, and ensure the safety of teachers' lives and property, our school organized fire drills in the second and third classes on the morning of November 9, xxxx. The drill lasted 1 hour and 30 minutes, and about 1,900 teachers and students participated. The drill was carried out in an intense and orderly manner, and was a complete success. Through this fire drill, not only enhanced the fire safety awareness of all teachers and students, but also mastered the operation and use steps and methods of general fire extinguishing equipment, and further improved the ability of all teachers and students to deal with emergencies.

First, the leadership attaches great importance to the organization of drill activities

In order to ensure the implementation of the drill activities, the school set up a leading group with Principal Wang Shundong as the commander-in-chief, and immediately convened a meeting of all teachers to deploy the drill work. At the meeting, President Wang asked all teachers to first attach great importance to the ideology, enhance the awareness of safety precautions, as well as the sense of crisis, seize the opportunity of this drill, carry out safety education among students, and improve the ability to respond to emergencies.

2. Careful planning, safe and feasible drill plan

The school has carefully formulated a thorough and meticulous drill plan. The time, route, content, and object of the drill were specifically explained, the specific operating procedures, evacuation requirements and precautions of the drill were explained one by one, and the specific division of labor was made for each class teacher and relevant teachers. In order to ensure that the drill activities are carried out smoothly according to the plan, the class teacher is required to educate the students and clarify the evacuation meeting place, evacuation sequence and precautions. After hearing the alarm, all students in the school must obey the command, obey the order, and evacuate quickly and safely in an orderly manner. If you find someone falling, you should immediately help them to get up and help them quickly escape from the dangerous place.

Third, the order is in order, and the drill effect is good

The school issued an alarm through the radio, and the teachers in the class instructed the students to evacuate in an orderly and rapid manner. After arriving at the designated location, the squad leaders immediately counted the number of people and reported to the on-site commander.

In this activity, all students were evacuated from the classroom to their destination, and it took 1 minute and 05 seconds. The drill was carried out according to the plan, and the whole exercise process was tense, intense, and orderly. This drill is not only a fire evacuation drill, but also an emergency evacuation drill for campus safety emergencies. Once again, the preventive measures of our school to deal with emergencies have been implemented, the ability to respond to and deal with emergency safety incidents has been improved, the safety awareness of teachers and students has been further enhanced, the true feelings of adversity between teachers and students have been enhanced, and the basic methods of rapid escape, self-rescue and mutual rescue in danger have been truly mastered, and the expected goals have been achieved.

Fourth, the existing problems:

Some students do not pay enough attention to their thinking because they know that it is a drill, their awareness of emergency escape is not strong, their expressions are still giggling, and the degree of serious attention is not enough, and they will further strengthen their ideological education in the future.

Summary of 119 Fire Corps Day Activities 6

In order to improve the fire awareness of all employees, enhance the ability of employees to respond to emergencies and self-protection capabilities, so that each employee can master a certain knowledge of fire protection. Eliminate fire hazards. Learn about fire protection knowledge and the use of fire fighting equipment, and master fire escape skills and precautions. Check the feasibility of the "Fire Emergency Rescue Plan" of the project department, the timeliness of each rescue team in place in an emergency, and how to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment in disaster relief during the rescue process. Our department takes the "Fire Month" as a wedge machine and focuses on the theme of "All people pay attention to fire protection, life safety first". Our department held a fire drill on November 9, 20__ "Fire Day". The owner Gui Gong and the supervisor Meng Gong were invited to observe.

First, the achievements

The safety awareness of all project employees has been improved, and they have a further understanding of fire safety knowledge. The emergency response ability to deal with emergencies has been improved, most of the employees at the drill site can effectively organize and quickly respond to the fire accident alarm, and most of the rescue team leaders can effectively organize the evacuation, vigilance and fire extinguishing operations of the team members. There is a certain improvement in responding to emergencies in the future.

Before the drill, our department organized a fire plan drill training, so that the on-site personnel can master a certain amount of fire knowledge, enhance the ability of employees to respond to emergencies, self-protection ability, learn about fire protection knowledge and the use of fire fighting equipment, and master fire escape skills and precautions. The project department vigorously promotes the importance of fire safety in the form of posting slogans.

During the exercise, the team cohesion of the employees was sublimated. The organizational, commanding, and emergency response capabilities of the emergency leading group have also been tempered. The purpose of the fire drill was basically achieved.

2. Deficiencies

A small number of employees do not have a strong sense of safety, a strong sense of responsibility, and are not serious enough in drills. The person in charge of the individual rescue team did not publicize the importance of the drill to the members of the group, which was manifested in slow action, loose discipline, and lack of seriousness. The drill of the ambulance team was not in place, the drill of the fire extinguishing team was not real enough, and the overall drill effect was not very good.

3. Follow-up work arrangements

It is the duty and responsibility of every employee to reduce the losses caused by accidents to the company. The company's employees and managers at all levels must closely cooperate to deal with emergencies, and once they receive instructions to deal with emergencies, they must implement them quickly and without hesitation in ensuring their own safety. No excuse may be used to shirk responsibility or refuse to perform. In this way, our company is a big family, a collective with combat effectiveness and execution. Therefore, the project department will improve the above deficiencies in the future work and emergency activities, and further strengthen the training and publicity of emergency work. Enhance the feasibility of emergency response plans. Ensure the timeliness of the arrival of rescue teams in future emergencies and how to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment in disaster relief during the rescue process.

119 Fire Corps Day Activity Summary 7

In response to the notice of the Student Affairs Office and the Youth League Committee of the University on holding a series of campus fire safety activities, the 144-1 Youth League Branch of our sea and the 134-1 Youth League branch of Haihai held a campus fire safety group day activity in 106 of the comprehensive building on the evening of April 20 (Monday). Spring is dry and dry, which is the season of fire danger. The university campus, the student population is dense, to prevent fire from causing harm to the life and property of students, to do a good job in spring safety and fire prevention, to eliminate all kinds of fire hazards, to ensure the safety of students' lives and property. The purpose of this activity is to improve the awareness of fire prevention and disaster prevention of college students, be good at dealing with various unexpected situations, strengthen students' fire self-rescue ability, make students deeply aware of the importance of fire prevention, and truly achieve the goal of eliminating all kinds of fire hazards.

In order to do a good job in this activity, the members of the class committee of the 144-1 Youth League branch of our sea conducted a surprise inspection of the dormitory, aiming to find out the potential safety hazards in the dormitory in terms of hygiene, item placement, electricity, and living habits, and give specific suggestions and rectification measures. This activity has a clear division of labor and proceeds smoothly, eliminating many potential safety hazards in the dormitory. Immediately afterwards, in order to improve the students' awareness of fire safety, the branch of our Youth League and the branch of the Hai 134-1 Youth League held a fire safety lecture. At this event, the host explained the real cases of fires that have occurred in recent years, and the content was shocking. The students watched the fire escape video together, and then the students took the initiative to express their experience of participating in this lecture.

Through this series of activities, the members of the Youth League branch have significantly improved their awareness of fire safety and learned more about fire prevention, fire extinguishing and self-rescue. Fire safety actions should not be limited to this one, fire hazards are great, and safety is no small matter.

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