
There are no eternal friends and foes, only eternal values.

author:Taoist Tai Chi culture inheritance Xuantong

Winston Churchill once famously said, "There are no eternal enemies, no eternal friends, only eternal interests." This sentence is regarded by some as a wise saying. However, judging from the major disputes in the world today, such as the "Russia-Ukraine war" and the "Kazakh-Israeli conflict", Churchill's statement is not entirely correct. What makes people truly friends or enemies is their values.

There are no eternal friends and foes, only eternal values.

Values are an individual's perception of the events that occur in this world and this society, and they are the criteria for judging the rights and wrongs of the events that occur.

People with the same values, even if there is a temporary conflict of interest, will not become an enemy in the end, and if they can resolve the conflict of interests, even if they do not have common interests, they are likely to become friends. For example, the United States and the European Union, before the Russian-Ukrainian war, had conflicts of interest and often quarreled back and forth, but after the outbreak of the war, because of their similar values, they immediately abandoned their differences of interest and became partners in the alliance to aid Ukraine.

There are no eternal friends and foes, only eternal values.
There are no eternal friends and foes, only eternal values.

People with great differences in values may temporarily become friends because of temporary interests, but in the face of major events, they are likely to become the most hated and dangerous enemies because of great differences.