
In the Spring Festival of 2024, what do people care about most?

author:Spring Last Autumn Flower 2020

The Spring Festival of 2024 is coming to an end, and in the six days of this holiday, in the constant visits to relatives and friends, in the continuous banquet guests, in the mutual blessings of my colleagues and me, and in the advice and care of my parents, I found that there are several things that our people are most concerned about and looking forward to in 2024.

The first thing is income.

In the Spring Festival of 2024, what do people care about most?

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Red envelope expenditure: This year is the natal year of my parents, in order to better celebrate and express my good wishes, I gave my parents a red envelope of 6,000 yuan (they used to be 3,000 yuan), and in line with the principle of alignment, I also wrapped a red envelope of 6,000 for my parents-in-law. gave the child a red envelope of 2,000, and also wrapped a red envelope for the children of the seven aunts and eight aunts in the family, which alone cost 16,000 yuan.

Spending on buying New Year's goods: It is not enough to just give red envelopes in our hometown, but also need to buy New Year's goods, parents and parents-in-law are 2,000 yuan per person, plus other relatives, the cost is 5,000 yuan.

Meal consumption: friends gathering, class reunion, comrade-in-arms gathering, eating and drinking at sea, the total cost is 2,000 yuan.

The above-mentioned expenses wiped out the year-end bonuses and savings of the two of us, and even used part of the previous savings, with a total cost of 23,000 yuan.

Of course, if it's just this money, it can be regarded as internal circulation and consumption, and the worst thing this year is the funds in the stock account. From 200,000 at the beginning of 2023, to 80,000 now, hey, it's all tears.

The second thing is health

As I get older, I feel that health is really important. I used to eat Ma Ma Xiang, but now I don't dare to drink too much wine, I don't dare to eat more meat, I don't dare to stay up late, I don't pay attention to it a little, and the next day I feel dizzy and my appetite is stagnant.

My brother-in-law drank too much on the third day of the Lunar New Year, drank a pound of liquor and drank a case of beer, no matter how he persuaded him, he couldn't persuade him, and he didn't listen to anyone's persuasion.

You can't care less about being young, health is your most precious thing.

The third thing is stability

I don't know what the situation is now, many people are afraid of the New Year. Among my comrades-in-arms this year, two of them have left, one is after New Year's Day and not yet the Spring Festival, and the other is just past the New Year. One of the reasons for walking is cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, and the other is advanced cancer. This person is just leaving, life is so fragile.

Life seems stable on the surface, but people you can't think of, things you can't think of can happen at any time.

So be sure to cherish the moment, cherish your life, your loved ones, and your life.

The fourth thing is to go out for a trip for the New Year

In the Spring Festival of 2024, what do people care about most?

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In the past, the way to celebrate the New Year was to accompany my parents, eat and drink well, drink and eat well, but now people's way of celebrating the New Year has changed, and my brother's family embarked on a journey to Yunnan after the second day of the Lunar New Year. People still drive by car, envy of our family, in fact, we are also willing to go on a driving trip, but a year to accompany our parents these days, we have to cherish it.

If you look at the Internet, there are too many people in the major scenic spots, people are crowded, people are crowded, there are people everywhere, but everyone is still not happy with each other, why is this, because people are living richly.

The fifth thing is that everyone's feelings are weak

In the past, when I rode a bicycle to visit the New Year, teachers, colleagues, and relatives had a phone call, and then they got up to call for New Year's greetings; and then after the mobile phone appeared, what WeChat New Year's greetings, grabbing red envelopes for New Year's greetings, until now everyone is very indifferent, if you don't send me a text message, I won't take the initiative to send you a text message. Except for the kindest people, everyone doesn't seem to remember who to give New Year's greetings to each other.

In the Spring Festival of 2024, what do people care about most?

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In 2024, I hope that you will put your health first, make more money, make more wealth, honor your parents, and care for your relatives and friends.

I don't know what you care about!!?

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