
On the seventh day of the first lunar month, remember: 1 does not come out, 2 does not fight, eat 3 things, and the Year of the Dragon is auspicious

author:Wise man melon 9D

The seventh day of the first lunar month is also known as "Renri", "Rensheng Festival", or "Seven Yuan". This ancient festival has a history of at least 2,000 years, and is recorded in ancient books such as "Beginner's Records", "Jing Chu Years Chronicles" and "Western Qing Poems". The poet You Xi took "Human Day" as the title and gave poems to express his meaning, such as Du Fu's poem: "On this day, at this time, everyone has a common get, and they talk about each other and look at each other". Taoism believes that there were chickens in heaven and earth, and then dogs, pigs, sheep, and horses, and then they appeared.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, remember: 1 does not come out, 2 does not fight, eat 3 things, and the Year of the Dragon is auspicious

Renri Festival, also known as the "Rensheng Festival" or "Qiyuan Festival", is one of the important festivals in Chinese tradition. On the seventh day of the first lunar month, people hold various celebrations to pray for a safe and prosperous new year. On this special day, we might as well follow some traditional customs while not forgetting to inject auspicious meanings into the new year.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, remember: 1 does not come out, 2 does not fight, eat 3 things, and the Year of the Dragon is auspicious

First, not out

Not going out means not going out. On this day, it is believed that going out will bring bad luck, so it is advisable to stay at home and spend quality time with your family. This custom not only helps to maintain family harmony, but also allows people to enjoy the festive atmosphere better.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, remember: 1 does not come out, 2 does not fight, eat 3 things, and the Year of the Dragon is auspicious

Second, do not fight

Not fighting means not fighting. Renri Day is a holiday to pray for peace and harmony, so on this day, we should avoid any actions that may lead to conflict. We can choose to participate in some traditional celebrations or do something light-hearted with family and friends to create a peaceful atmosphere together. Don't hit or scold your child at the same time.

3. Eat three things

Eating three things means eating three specific foods. On the day of Renri, people usually eat noodles, pancakes, and eggs. Noodles symbolize longevity, pancakes symbolize a good harvest, and eggs represent new life and hope. All three foods are foods with auspicious meanings, and eating them can bring good luck and happiness in the new year.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, remember: 1 does not come out, 2 does not fight, eat 3 things, and the Year of the Dragon is auspicious

To sum up, the seventh day of the first lunar month is a festival full of blessings and hopes. On this special day, we must not only follow traditional customs, but also keep in mind the good meaning of praying for good luck. For the Year of the Dragon, this festival has a special significance, as the dragon represents strength, power, and luck in Chinese culture. In this auspicious year, let's go smoothly together and welcome a bright future.

In this Ren's Day Festival, let us pray together for good luck in the Year of the Dragon, so that our lives will take off like a dragon and welcome a better tomorrow!