


Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Exchange.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, a new round of showdowns will be held in the LCK region, and there will be a major competition on the first day of competition, with KT with three champions challenging the top GEN team.


As a result, KT suddenly broke out in this round of the game, successfully overturning the top team and proving its strength.


In the season's opener, Team GEN defeated Faker's champion team, T1, and since then, they have been on a strong march, going unbeaten until they beat KT, which has also achieved good results with 4 wins and 2 losses, including a loss to T1.


There are also a lot of noteworthy points in the showdown between KT and GEN, first of all, GEN's top laner Kiin played for KT before, and the jungler Canyon and BeryL are old teammates, and the matchup between Canyon and Pyosik is called the battle between the third uncle and the fifth nephew.

In the first game, in the face of the strong Lucian Candle combination on the opposite line, KT chose to target the lower lane, quickly cooperated with the jungler Pyosik to win the head in the early stage, and continued to target the lower lane in the follow-up, BeryL Titan played EQ to cancel the fast unexplained combo of R backswing, and cooperated with Pyosik to enter the kick to get the kill again.


Deft Sena made some mistakes, a 0-3 start in the early stage, and several waves of battles were not handled well enough, but KT had an overall advantage.

The key wave of river team battles Canyon made a mistake in the approach and was won by the KT team, and the initiative was handed over to KT, and the second wave of pioneer team battles KT broke up GEN again and successfully won to expand the advantage.

Nosuke played the gap, and GEN was not in good shape

Follow-up GEN counterattacked two waves in a row, BeryL also made mistakes, but Pyosik Blind Monk was almost full, a wave of roundabout kicks in the middle and touching the eye Q entered the field first to complete the kill, and the follow-up key battle for the big dragon was to directly go to the dragon pit and kick away Canyon, Canyon's backhand E was interrupted by Pyosik with a blasting fruit, and entered the dragon pit to directly complete the punishment and take the big dragon.


After winning the first game smoothly, KT continued to select Titans in the second game, GEN was cracked by the Titans at the beginning of the tower and lost a blood, and then switched to the upper road, and was rushed to the support of KT Field, Pyosik played another wave of wonderful operations, and Foyego crossed the tower with two ultimate moves to pursue the remnant blood Gwen to complete the kill.

After falling into a disadvantage, GEN made another mistake, the humorous prince in the middle of the jungler Canyon tried to kill the Titan and was killed, and Chovy's Karma also died in many team battles, and finally GEN was overturned by the KT team.


On the whole, the KT team played a relatively large gap between Nosuke in this game, and the performance of BDD in the middle lane was also much better than Chovy.

It can be said that KT has successfully proved its strength with this battle, and GEN is not unsolvable in the LCK division.


From this top competition of the LCK, it can be seen that there is a relatively obvious style swap between the two major regions of LOL, to put it simply, the game content of the LPL division is now like the previous LCK, and the current game content of the LCK is like the previous LPL, and the statistics also show that the average length of the LPL this year is more than that of the LCK division.


Personally, I think that the teams in the LPL region may have lost their self-confidence due to last year's failure, and they have begun to doubt their previous playing style and have begun to learn the operation of the LCK.

However, the LCK side played more fiercely after gaining self-confidence.

In fact, LPL and LCK have always represented LOL's two styles of play, LPL is better at sudden group fights, LCK is better at pulling, defensive counterattack-style operations, when the version is more inclined to fight, LPL is easier to play an excellent performance, and when it is more inclined to operate the style of play, LCK will be stronger.


But in the past two years, it seems that the balance between the two major regions has been broken, because in the past two years, the LCK has begun to show a kaleidoscopic of offensive BP and tactical choices, and the LPL has lost if it can't keep up with the LCK.

Personally, I think that if LPL wants to win back the championship, it has to stick to its own style of play and then improve its own problems.