
A man who pretends to love you, no matter how much he hides it, can't escape these 4 obvious manifestations!

author:Duoduo reads emotions

Love and lies are the most powerful "poison", no one is immune, in the wrestling of love, sometimes everyone will be happy, sometimes both will lose.

A truly beautiful relationship must be a two-way street, willing to support each other, and able to give each other the love and warmth they really want.

A person who loves you will always accompany and protect you silently, giving you care and warm care, while a person who does not love you will gradually distance themselves from you, and slowly, there will be no emotional communication and collision between you, let alone soul blending.

People who love you will become a ray of sunshine in your life, making you feel the warmth of the spring breeze, and people who don't love you will keep belittling and denying you, hitting your enthusiasm and self-confidence, and making your life full of devastation.

For women, if a man only pretends to love you, but does not love you in his heart, his love is generally too superficial. Therefore, women should know that the man who pretends to love you, no matter how much he hides it, can't escape these 4 obvious manifestations!

A man who pretends to love you, no matter how much he hides it, can't escape these 4 obvious manifestations!


He will only pay lip service to you, and will never take action for you

Adults should be responsible for themselves, we are past the age of hearing about love, so don't be easily deceived by men's mouths.

In the relationship, if a man really loves you, then, many times, he will naturally do what he says, and the promises he makes to you, he will never just talk about it, but will take practical actions.

However, if the man you love, he doesn't want to be responsible for you at all, just wants to play with you, then, even if he is with you, he is not willing to pay anything for you, so he will only care about you many times, and in real life, he will rarely take practical actions for you.

A man like this who only talks about liking you doesn't love you at all, so when you are sick, he will only say to you: drink more water. I won't take the time to see you and take care of you.

A man who pretends to love you, no matter how much he hides it, can't escape these 4 obvious manifestations!


Won't introduce you to his good friends

When men and women get along with each other, a man who truly loves you must have the idea of marrying you and having children and growing old.

He will genuinely want you to fit in with his circle of friends, he will be willing to introduce you to his friends, and he wants the whole world to know that you exist and don't need to hide a little.

A man who only loves you on the surface will generally not introduce you to his good friends, because he may just want to hook up with you and not plan to last forever, so he does not want you to enter his circle of friends, so as not to cause him unnecessary trouble.

So, if a guy has been in love with you for a while but hasn't taken you to meet his good friend for a long time, it is obvious that he is playing with your feelings, and breaking up is the best choice for you.

A man who pretends to love you, no matter how much he hides it, can't escape these 4 obvious manifestations!


I don't spend money on you, and I care about gains and losses everywhere

Although money is not the only measure of love, to a certain extent, it can reflect a man's attitude towards feelings.

A man who pretends to love you will be careful about money and will not be willing to spend too much for you.

He may explain his stinginess for a variety of reasons, such as "we need to save money for the future" or "money should be used wisely".

Such a man does not put you in the most important position, he thinks more about his own interests.

So, if you find that a man is peckingly on you and is unwilling to pay for you, or even stingy when you need his support, then he may be pretending to love you.

A man who pretends to love you, no matter how much he hides it, can't escape these 4 obvious manifestations!


You are never allowed to touch his phone

In a man's mind, whether you are more important or the mobile phone is more important often depends on his feelings for you.

A man who truly loves you is willing to open up his phone to you, but if a man pretends to love you, then he will never allow you to touch his phone.

Even if he doesn't have any ulterior secrets in his phone, because he doesn't really love you, he will treat the phone as his own private property and won't allow you to touch it.

You can't even touch a man's mobile phone, how can you believe that the love in his mouth is real?

I hope you can understand early that a man who doesn't allow you to touch his phone is just pretending to love you nine times out of ten.

A man who pretends to love you, no matter how much he hides it, can't escape these 4 obvious manifestations!


Emotional message

To love someone, it is useless to just rely on words, it has to rely on actions to confess it over the long years.

In fact, whether a man loves himself or not, every woman has the answer in her heart, but some choose to face it bravely, and some choose to deceive themselves.

Those who choose the brave will surely reap true love and happiness, while those who deceive themselves will only suffer from the bitter fruits for the rest of their lives.

If you are a smart woman and meet a man with these 4 behaviors, please let go decisively, because it is to be kind to yourself, and loving yourself is more important than anything else.

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