
What is the reason for the game of flowing water, the king of iron, from a phenomenal game to a national game?

author:A king at your fingertips

Hello everyone, I'm at the tip of my fingers, what's the hottest mobile game today? Many people blurt out, that must be the glory of kings, and the interesting thing is that you threw this question three years ago, or even five years ago, everyone's answer is still the same.

Since its debut, Honor of Kings has gone through eight years, and it struggled for a long time when it was first launched, but after changing its name, it began to become an instant hit when it was reissued, from an unpopular game that no one cared about, to a phenomenal mobile game, this explosion from 1-100 has also laid the direction for its future development.

What is the reason for the game of flowing water, the king of iron, from a phenomenal game to a national game?

The popularity of the king is the impetus of the game tide, and it is nothing more than the phrase "5v5 fair game" that really pushes it into the public eye, but no game can be absolutely fair, and the version changes again and again, and the data balance again and again, it is inevitable that there will be a balance imbalance.

What is the reason for the game of flowing water, the king of iron, from a phenomenal game to a national game?

Fingertips I started playing the king from S4.,It's the oldest group of players.,Of course, there are a lot of people who have been in the pit since S1.,Maybe a little more.,So many seasons have passed.,I've seen many changes in the king.,Especially the large-scale version updates.,Two of the updates are the real reason why the king has continued to this day.。

The two major directions in which the king continues to explode

1. The operation of the game is convenient

Have you found it?,How many versions?,Every major version update will launch some content that we don't usually pay attention to.,Such as the perspective shift after the skill drags.,For example, intelligent command recommendation.,Like fixing long-deposited bugs.,The fluency of combos.,Even the absolute restraint relationship like Jia Luo Chang'e has been broken.。

What is the reason for the game of flowing water, the king of iron, from a phenomenal game to a national game?
What is the reason for the game of flowing water, the king of iron, from a phenomenal game to a national game?

The practicality of all adjustments can be summed up in three words, and that is convenience.

It doesn't feel so difficult to play the game, and the problems that were criticized before have been solved, just like the old Liu Bang, you need to constantly use the ultimate to open the position of your teammates in order to accurately airborne, and later added a permanent small avatar around the ultimate, the operation is simpler, and Liu Bang's players are naturally relaxed, and this is just a few simple cases in many adjustments.

2. Socialization of the game

I think this direction has been done since the birth of the king.,It's only in recent years that it seems to have found a real direction.,Don't think that social-oriented games are bad.,Balance and optimization in the game can improve the game experience.,And socialization can keep the game in a hot state.,You can't even match people.,No matter how reasonable the optimization and balance are, it's useless.。

At the end of the day, socialization is a way for players to maintain their love for the game, which is actually a good thing for players who focus on scoring points.

What is the reason for the game of flowing water, the king of iron, from a phenomenal game to a national game?

Today's Glory of Kings has already become a model in the mobile game industry, our own national game, so many years of games, in fact, the king has already become a part of many people's lives, a tool for friends to contact each other, a transit station for meeting like-minded strangers, and a happy nest after exhaustion.

So for you, what is the meaning of the existence of kings?

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