
Spring Festival Reading Feelings|Find inner peace and peace in reading

author:The bamboo shadow is breezy and the moon is bright

今年农历春节之际,我‬未能返乡,静心沉浸于阅读。 书页间淡淡的墨香,如同故乡的炊烟,带给我了‬温暖与安宁。 在这个喧嚣的世界里,如何保持内心的宁静与平和?这似乎成为了我们时下一个“热‬门”的话题。

Spring Festival Reading Feelings|Find inner peace and peace in reading

read Su Shi's "When the husband saw the humiliation, he drew his sword and stood up to fight, which is not enough to be brave." There are great brave people in the world, who come suddenly and are not surprised, and they are not angry for no reason, and the people they hold hostage are very large, and their ambitions are far away. "There will be a deep respect in my heart. This is not only a kind of personal cultivation, but also a kind of wisdom of life.

In the journey of life, we will inevitably encounter lows, setbacks, and even be misunderstood and slandered. In the face of this, we often have two choices: one is to be angry and argue, trying to prove our innocence, and the other is to be calm and introspective and look for the root cause of the problem. And Su Shi told us that the real brave will not be easily shaken by the outside world, and even in the face of sudden difficulties, they can maintain their inner peace. This calmness is not due to their indifference to the world, but because they understand that it is better to calm down and think than to argue angrily.

Spring Festival Reading Feelings|Find inner peace and peace in reading

Zeng Guofan's sentence "There is calm in every major event" also gave me the same inspiration. This is like Zhuge Liang's calm and calm fuqin in the empty city plan, which not only shows his resourcefulness, but also reflects his inner peace and calmness. This kind of tranquility not only helps us face crises, but also enables us to understand ourselves and others more clearly in our daily lives.

The merits and demerits of right and wrong have their own public opinions.

When Confucius was ridiculed as a stray dog, he accepted it calmly, not because he agreed with the evaluation of others, but because he understood that time would tell. Instead of spending time and energy arguing, use these to improve yourself and improve yourself. Because in this long journey of life, all we can really control is our own attitude towards life and the balance in our hearts.

Spring Festival Reading Feelings|Find inner peace and peace in reading

Nurture the mind and calm the mind, not arguing and not angry.

This is not only a realm, but also a kind of respect and love for life. In this ever-changing world, may we all find our own tranquility and tranquility.

In the days to come, keep a calm heart, not disturbed by trivial matters, not moved by fame and fortune, face the ups and downs of life with a peaceful attitude, like a stream in the deep mountains, flowing quietly, not competing with others, taking reading as a companion, thinking as an oar, nurturing and meditating, finding tranquility in the hustle and bustle, and keeping the heart in impetuousness.

( 作者:图‬/文‬ 四川坤弘律师事务所 曹帅)