
The emperors and queens of the Qing Dynasty had no shortage of wine immortals

The emperors and queens of the Qing Dynasty had no shortage of wine immortals

The emperors and queens of the Qing Dynasty had no shortage of wine immortals

Zhou Qian

Qing court life was inseparable from wine. According to the Qianlong Dynasty's "Guanglu Temple" of the "King James Decree of the Qing Dynasty", the Qing Dynasty set up a good liquor office in the Guanglu Temple, specializing in the matter of liquor. The Liang Li Department "set up 24 liquor bureau rooms in Xi'an Gate, six wine craftsmen, two wine captains, and brewed wine twice a year in spring and autumn", including rice wine, Yuquan wine, shochu, milk wine, etc. In addition, according to the records of the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in September of the third year of Yongzheng (1725), Emperor Yongzheng issued an order to make liquor licenses for the following 16 kinds of court wines: Songlin Wengtou Spring Wine, Songlin Wengzhong Fragrant Wine, Songlin Taiping Spring Wine, Eight Immortals Taiping Spring Wine, Tangerine Peel Fu Wine, Orange Wine, Yanshou Wine, Bazhen Wine, Fu Wine, Jinsheng Dew Wine, Silver Wine, Papaya Wine, White Lychee Wine, Yuquan Wine, Huiquan Wine, and Qingbai Wine. From the above, it can be seen that the types of wine in the Qing Dynasty palace are very rich. Correspondingly, many emperors have an inseparable relationship with drinking.

1. The emperor drinks Tu Su on New Year's Day

Since Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty, the emperor will hold a ritual activity of "drinking and slaughtering Su in the bright window" on New Year's Day (the first day of the Lunar New Year). That is, at 0:00 on New Year's Day every year (sub-hour), in the sound of firecrackers, after the emperor finished the incense ceremony, he came to the west room of the front hall of the Yangxin Palace, sat in front of the long red sandalwood case near the window, personally poured Tusu wine into the Jinou Yonggu Cup (Figure 1), and after drinking, he wrote down the auspicious words of the New Year.

The emperors and queens of the Qing Dynasty had no shortage of wine immortals

Fig.1 The Forbidden City's collection of the Golden Ou Yonggu Cup

In the "Twenty-fifth Volume of the Valley Division" of the Compendium of Materia Medica, Li Shizhen, a Ming scholar, believes that "Tu Su" is a kind of herbal medicine, which can slaughter and cut the huī (the name of ghosts) and drive away ghosts and disasters. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" contains "Tusu wine, drink it on New Year's Day, and dispel plague", indicating that drinking Tusu wine in the New Year can avoid plague and drive away the plague.

In addition to drinking Tusu in the open window, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty would also drink Tusu wine with his family, officials, envoys and others on New Year's Day. For example, Emperor Qianlong wrote a poem on New Year's Day in the twelfth year (1747) "The New Zheng Ling Ri Chonghua Palace Serves the Empress Dowager Banquet", which includes "Jue Ji Tu Su Holds, Screen Open Immortal Wood Cake", which means to drink Tu Su with the Empress Dowager to express New Year's blessings; on the same day, he invited the envoys of the Junggar tribe and composed a poem "Banquet of the Junggar Yi Envoy", in which there are "Wan Ma has seen thousands of miles, Tu Su promised to pre-Yuan Zheng", which means to drink Tu Su wine with the envoy and extend New Year's greetings; Qianlong 55 years (1790) New Year's Day held a New Year's group meeting in the Taihe Palace, and composed a poem " Yuan Zheng Taihe Hall Banquet Chronicle Two Laws", which has "Yujue Tu Su Bai Liqia, Jin Qi Rui Wei Wan Xiang Nong", that is, by drinking Tu Su wine together, and the New Year with hundreds of officials.

Second, Emperor Kangxi drank foreign wine

Kangxi doesn't drink a lot of alcohol on weekdays. He once said in the "Maxims of the Court of Emperor Shengzuren": "I did not like to drink alcohol since I was a child, but I could drink but did not drink, and I stopped drinking a small cup after dinner on weekdays or on the day of the New Year's feast (picture 2)." However, because foreign wine has a "medicinal effect" to cure diseases, Kangxi liked to drink foreign wine for a while.

The emperors and queens of the Qing Dynasty had no shortage of wine immortals

Fig.2 The blue and white Eight Immortals wine cup of Kangxi in the Forbidden City

In September of the forty-seventh year of Kangxi (1708), Kangxi's favorite eighteenth elder brother Yinren died of illness, and in the same month, the prince Yinren was deposed because of illegal ancestors, Kangxi was physically and mentally haggard, his health was declining, and severe heart palpitations were induced. Emperor Kangxi said in the "Records of Emperor Shengzuren of the Great Qing Dynasty": "In September, there were many unfortunate incidents, and I was deeply ashamed and indignant, but the depression increased day by day, resulting in mental wear, and I was described as haggard, and it was difficult to heal." At that time, the domestic doctors were helpless, so they had to turn to the Europeans for help. According to the Jesuits' Brief Collection of Chinese Books: Memoirs of China (Elephant Publishing House, 2011 edition), the French missionary Yin Hongxu said in a letter to the general envoys of the Indian and Chinese missions that the French missionary Rhodes first "prepared carmine wine for the emperor to take, first curbed the most disturbing severe heart palpitations, and then advised him to take wine from the Canarie Islands." Soon, Kangxi's body gradually recovered.

Huang Bolu of the Qing Dynasty recorded the edict of the first month of the forty-eighth year of Kangxi (1709) in the "Orthodox Confession": "The former is against the harmony, and the Yi and other kneels to play: the wine in the West is a great tonic, and drinking it in high years is like the power of babies and children taking human milk." Weeping earnestly, seeking to enter this will definitely be beneficial. I saw his sincerity, that is, I played it accurately, and I ate wine several times a day, which was very beneficial, and I also added food and drink, and I actually ate it several times a day. My body has been greatly an, and I love the heart of the king, and I must not tell my intentions. From the above, it can be seen that Emperor Kangxi used Western wine as medicine and considered it to be a great tonic. He drank several glasses of wine a day, and as a result, he recovered a lot.

3. Emperor Yongzheng was an alcoholic

Emperor Yongzheng claimed not to drink. He once said in "The Mystery of Great Righteousness": "I don't drink it, it comes from nature, not force." He believed that even the sages would not abstain from drinking, but for him himself, he was born not to drink, not to be compulsori. He also gave an example: Lu Zhenyang, the governor of Sichuan, came to Beijing to see him, and found that he was not full of alcohol as rumored in the streets, and he was very puzzled, but he laughed at the incident and said that it was a slander against him by a traitor. So, was Emperor Yongzheng really "not drinking" as he claimed to be? This is not the case.

According to the archives of the Qing Palace's Office of Internal Affairs, from the fourth year of Yongzheng (1726) to the eleventh year of Yongzheng (1733), the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs produced various "wine balls" (wine cups or cups, Figs. 3-4) almost every year. In the four years of Yongzheng alone, there are more than ten files for making wine glasses, and there are various wine glasses made. For example, on July 16, the eunuch Du Shou handed over "24 first-class magnetic wine circles with enamel flowers smeared red ground (2 with red sandalwood plates) and 24 second-class magnetic wine circles with red ground with Falang flowers", and Yongzheng issued an order to "match the box". For example, on July 28, Lang Zhong (official name) Haiwang held out "1 pair of inlaid coral top gilded cover Ji red magnetic wine circle (with inlaid Wufu longevity gilded tray 1 pair)", Yongzheng issued an order to "change the upper line of this gilded cover tray into round beads and five blessings, make it with turquoise, install the coral top, and then make a pair of gold covers and a pair of gold trays". For example, on September 21, Lang Zhonghaiwang held out "1 piece of red agate high-foot small wine round", and Yongzheng ordered "clean up in the circle", and so on. Emperor Yongzheng paid so much attention to making wine glasses, it is not difficult to imagine his preference for drinking.

The emperors and queens of the Qing Dynasty had no shortage of wine immortals

Fig.3 The façade of the red glazed wine cup of the Forbidden City

The emperors and queens of the Qing Dynasty had no shortage of wine immortals

Fig.4 The bottom surface of the red glazed wine cup of the Forbidden City

The Palace Museum has a collection of Qing people's paintings "Yinzhen Xingle Image Album", which contains several paintings of Emperor Yongzheng's leisure scenes, which is the freehand of Emperor Yongzheng's daily life or good intentions. Among them is a painting (fig. 5) showing Emperor Yongzheng, dressed in casual attire, sitting under a large tree and resting by a stream in a cool, pleasant and moderately dry autumn. In the picture, Emperor Yongzheng sits on the ground, his upper body leans against the mountain stone by the stream, in a semi-lying state, admiring the flowing stream with his eyes sideways, the corners of his mouth seem to be slightly drunk, and his face is full of drunken comfort. It is worth noting that above his side, near the head position, there is a wine bottle. Emperor Yongzheng was willing to appreciate his own wine and recognize the wine bottle that accompanied it, so it is not difficult to infer that he was an out-and-out "drunkard".

The emperors and queens of the Qing Dynasty had no shortage of wine immortals

Fig.5 One of the Qing Dynasty paintings in the Forbidden City, "Yinzhen Xingle Image Album".

Fourth, Emperor Qianlong attached great importance to Yuquan wine

Yuquan liquor is brewed in the palace, and its main feature is that it uses water from Yuquan Mountain (Fig. 6) in the western suburbs of Beijing. According to the Guangxu Dynasty's "Case 3 of the Imperial Qing Dynasty", 168 catties of Yuquan water are needed for every 370 catties of Yuquan wine brewed. His Majesty Pan Rong of the Qing Dynasty wrote "Ji Sheng in the Years of Emperor Jing": There are many kinds of wine in the capital of the Qing Dynasty, but "although the taste is different, it is not as mellow and thick as the Yuquan liquor of the inner house". This shows that the Yuquan wine brewed in the palace is more mellow and delicious than other wines in the capital. In addition, according to the "Qing Barnyard Banknote" of "Yuquan Mountain Zhusheng", Emperor Qianlong believes that the quality of spring water lies in "the water taste is expensive and sweet, the water quality is expensive and light", the water of Yuquan Mountain is clear and can be seen, the taste is sweet, and each bucket weighs one or two, which is lighter than other spring water, so it is "the first spring in the world", and the wine brewed with this water naturally tastes good.

The emperors and queens of the Qing Dynasty had no shortage of wine immortals

Fig.6 The "Yuquan Baotu" of the Eight Views of Yanshan Painted by the Qing Dynasty in the Forbidden City

Among the emperors of the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong cherished the use and dosage of Yuquan wine the most. For example, according to China's first historical archives collection "Forty-three years of Yuquan Wine Items", the palace issued the "King James Yuquan Wine Item List" in the year (1778), which was personally supervised by Emperor Qianlong, and the use and dosage of Yuquan wine in the palace every year were clearly stipulated: in terms of sacrifice, the ancestors of the Fengxian Hall used 350 catties and 10 taels (in the Qing Dynasty 1 catty = 16 taels), the Yinghua Hall was used for the Buddha with 168 catties, the Imperial Garden Altar was dedicated to 24 catties and 6 taels, and the Inner City God's Temple, Yongyou Temple is used for dedication 2 jin, the imperial tea room is used for 77 jin 10 taels, the Qin'an Hall is used for dedication, the Zhongzheng Hall is used for jumping cloth (Buddhist activities) for 1 jin, and the Baohua Hall is used for jumping cloth for 4 jin; for banquets: 45 jin for the Chinese New Year's Eve banquet of the Baohe Hall, 45 jin for the Lantern Festival banquet of the Zhengda Guangming Hall of the Old Summer Palace; for pharmaceuticals: 20 jin for pharmaceutical use in the imperial pharmacy; for daily preparation: 44 jin and 4 taels for members of the royal family in the inner dining room; the above dosage cannot exceed 782 jin 14 taels, if there is indeed an increase in the dosage, it must be explained in detail.

In the forty-eighth year of Qianlong (1783), when Emperor Qianlong was in the list of the use of the wine and vinegar room in the previous year, he suddenly found that the amount of Yuquan wine reached 1086 catties and 8 taels, which was 303 catties and 10 taels more than the regulations of Qianlong's 43 years, so he asked the Military Aircraft Department to verify the reason. According to the "List of the Number of Yuquan Liquor Used in the Previous Year" (48th year of Qianlong) in the collection of China's First Historical Archives, the Military Aircraft Department has verified that the reason for the echo is: 273 catties and 10 taels of wine were used by the members of the clan for the New Year's banquet in the first month of last year, and 30 catties of wine were used for the banquet in May for the banquet of Shagai Sultan (Kazakh envoys), totaling 303 catties and 10 taels more. They pledged to "pay attention to the audit in the future, save the handling, and do not make arbitrary expenses to verify".

Fifth, the Empress Dowager Cixi likes to drink lotus white

Lotus liquor is made of soju and lotus (lotus) stamen, which was the imperial wine of the court in the Ming Dynasty. Liang Qingyuan, an official in the early Qing Dynasty, wrote in his "Miscellaneous Records of Carved Hills": "During the Xi Temple (Apocalypse), Qi Chen Wei Shiwang was good at making wine. Every time the wine is used, the name is called autumn dew white, lotus stamen, bergamot soup, osmanthus ferment, chrysanthemum pulp, hibiscus liquid, orchid feast, golden panlu, can be more than 50 kinds, all of which are extremely sweet. In the Qing Dynasty, lotus liquor was mixed with medicinal herbs when brewing to become a medicinal liquor. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, Xu Ke's "Qing Barnyard Banknotes" contained in the "Food and Drink: The Wine of the Beijing Division": "There is another kind of medicine hotel, which is steamed from flowers for soju, and its names are very numerous, such as rose dew, fungus dew, apple dew, hawthorn dew, grape dew, five eggplant skin, and lotus white genus." In the court of the Qing Dynasty, lotus liquor was popular because of the Empress Dowager Cixi's good drink.

The Qing Dynasty court planted a large number of lotus flowers in Yingtai (near present-day Beihai Park in Beijing). Every year, the Empress Dowager Cixi would send a little eunuch to pick the stamens of the lotus flowers, add various medicinal materials, and brew it into a clear and delicious lotus liquor. Cixi not only drank it herself, but also rewarded it to her cronies. The "Diet Lotus White" of "Qing Barnyard Banknotes" contains: "Yingtai is planted with lotus ten thousand handles, and the green plate is covered with green, and there is no end in sight. After filial piety, every time the small gelding picks its stamen, adds medicinal materials, makes fine wine, the name lotus is white, poured into the porcelain, and the yellow cloud satin is covered with a yellow cloud satin to reward the ministers of the cronies. Its taste is clear and mellow, and the jade liquid agar can not be over. ”

The Empress Dowager Cixi likes to drink lotus liquor, which is mainly related to the health benefits of this wine. The Qing Dynasty Pan Rongma's "Ji Sheng in the Years of Emperor Beijing" contains: "As for the number of wines, Jingshi is the most ...... Medicinal liquor is Shi Guogong, Zhuangyuan Hong, Coptis Liquid, Lotus White, Yin Chen Lu, Tangerine Bean Green, Bao Yuan Solid Foundation, Longevity and Prolongation". Some scholars have researched that the medicinal materials in the lotus liquor mainly include more than 20 kinds of angelica, cloves, He Shou Wu, etc.; when making wine, these medicinal materials are steamed, mixed with sugar, sealed in a porcelain jar, and aged. Lotus liquor is beautiful and sweet, with the effects of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys, appetizing and strengthening the spleen, relaxing the muscles and invigorating the blood, so it is favored by Cixi and used as a daily wine for health.

To sum up, it is not difficult to find that the various drinking-related activities carried out by the emperors of the Forbidden City in the Qing Dynasty were an important part of the ancient court food culture of the mainland, and also have important reference value for interpreting the ancient wine-making culture, medical culture and cultural exchanges between the East and the West in the mainland.

(This article was published in the 11th edition of Beijing Daily on December 21, 2023)

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