
In the Gulf War, Iraq slapped the whole world

author:Sister Lei had broken thoughts

The outbreak of the "Gulf War" shook all countries in the world in the 90s of the last century, and the outbreak of this war changed the pattern of the whole world, and at the same time showed an advanced weapon show for human history. What kind of weapons will show its terrifying power so strongly, and also bring a wonderful visual feast to everyone?

At the end of the 19th century, there was a great deal of controversy between Iraq and Kuwait over the demarcation of the border, and the conflict began to spread like a fuse. In the 80s of the 20th century, this contradiction was even more angry, as Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein believed that Kuwait was originally part of Iraqi territory and must be resolved by force to recover the territory that belonged to them. After World War II, Iraq and Kuwait split into two different schools of thought because of the rise of Arab nationalism, Iraq tended to pan-Arab nationalism, while Kuwait insisted on national sovereignty as the dominant ideology, so the two schools formed a deeper contradiction.

In the Gulf War, Iraq slapped the whole world

In addition, as we all know, the Middle East is rich in oil resources, and the controlled export of oil varies from country to country. Iraq's oil is under the control of the state, and this move has created a monopoly on Iraqi oil. Kuwait, on the other hand, maintains a long-term market by controlling production and stabilizing prices. This has led to Iraq's dissatisfaction with Kuwait's oil policy. The fuse was ruthlessly ignited, and Iraq tried to expand its voice through war, and the Gulf War broke out, causing panic in neighboring countries. At the same time, the United Nations authorized multinational forces to open fire on Iraq, most prominently with the participation of the United States, which used extremely accurate Tomahawk missiles and laser-guided missiles, both of which played a crucial and destructive role. The laser accurately locked onto the target, realized the enemy's precise strike, and played a decisive role in the victory of the first battle of the Gulf War. Next is the mysterious killer of American fighters - F-117, using advanced stealth materials, weak radar reflection area, so as to effectively avoid radar detection, successfully broke through Iraq, and finally Iraq can only withdraw from the war.

In the Gulf War, Iraq slapped the whole world

The war has had a severe impact on Iraq's economy, with a sharp decline in people's living standards and a volatile situation in the country.

Although nearly 30 years have passed since the Gulf War, it has affected countries around the world from many angles, such as politics and economics. Confrontation will ultimately be a lose-lose situation, but Iraq has been a big slap in the face to the world, and only by shifting from "confrontation" to "cooperation" will the world usher in peace.

In the Gulf War, Iraq slapped the whole world

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