
#给龙年春晚一个评价#[Focus on the Spring Festival Gala] Time has changed, and the comments on the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon are no longer as exciting as in previous years, but "quiet". It's not fair, after all

author:Chen Jijin icon


[Focus on the Spring Festival Gala] Time has passed, and the comments on the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Dragon are no longer as exciting as in previous years, but "quiet".

This is unfair, after all, the director team and cast and crew have paid so much, and they can't stir up a few "waves".

I insisted on reading it from the beginning, and I should have a certain right to speak, and there are six main experiences: (1) "Koi" is the most impressive. (2) The theme of "Dragon Xing, Xinxin Family and Country" was replaced with "Jiachen Spring Comes, Blessing and Warm Four Seasons", or it is better to use rare words carefully, which is related to the orientation of standardizing excellent traditional culture, and do not deviate from the rhythm. (3) There are as many as 11 advertisements, which were complained by netizens as "Advertising Spring Festival Gala". (4) There is no leader and no soul, the language is bland and boring, the singing and dancing category is unsatisfactory, and the magic is not new. (5) Several sub-venues are also unique. (6) Overall it was better than expected, and the cast and crew also worked hard.

Originated in 1979, opened in 1983, and positioned as a national project in 2014, the Spring Festival Gala has officially opened for 40 years, and it must be continued. Although it is difficult to reconcile, although it is difficult to focus, although it is difficult to continue the glory of the past, there are always more ways than challenges, such as the "rehearsal" from various provinces and regions that I have been calling for, it is a good way. But the overall grasp of the "tone" is still to open the heart, happy, and peaceful!

#说说春晚# #跟着春晚过龙年# #话说龙年# #龙年一起看春晚# #春晚原来在洗牌# #春节快乐# #头条讲真的# #天南地北大拜年#

#给龙年春晚一个评价#[Focus on the Spring Festival Gala] Time has changed, and the comments on the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon are no longer as exciting as in previous years, but "quiet". It's not fair, after all
#给龙年春晚一个评价#[Focus on the Spring Festival Gala] Time has changed, and the comments on the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon are no longer as exciting as in previous years, but "quiet". It's not fair, after all
#给龙年春晚一个评价#[Focus on the Spring Festival Gala] Time has changed, and the comments on the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon are no longer as exciting as in previous years, but "quiet". It's not fair, after all
#给龙年春晚一个评价#[Focus on the Spring Festival Gala] Time has changed, and the comments on the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon are no longer as exciting as in previous years, but "quiet". It's not fair, after all

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