
Eat more shepherd's cabbage in spring, how nutritious is shepherd's cabbage?

author:The MD focuses on the gastrointestinal tract

Spring returns to the earth and everything recovers, which is the best time to nourish the body and mind and adjust the diet. Among the many spring ingredients, shepherd's cabbage stands out for its unique nutritional value and has become a health treasure that cannot be ignored. Imagine walking in the park after a cold winter and meeting old friends you haven't seen in years. The conversation shifted from homely chores to how to stay healthy in the spring. Your old friend mentions a secret he recently discovered – shepherd's cabbage. He talked about how he improved his long-standing digestive problems by eating camellia in the spring, did you feel curious and excited after listening to it?

Capsule, not only a seasonal vegetable in spring, but also a green therapeutic product that can bring multiple benefits to our body. Its fresh taste and rich nutrients are a highlight of the spring table. But you may be asking, what is so special about shepherd's cabbage, and how does it become a great choice for spring health? Why not follow this article to explore the secrets behind shepherd's cabbage and understand how it has become an indispensable health ingredient for spring.

Eat more shepherd's cabbage in spring, how nutritious is shepherd's cabbage?

Brief introduction of shepherd's cabbage: Spring emerald

Shepherd's cabbage, a touch of green in spring, has won the favor of health lovers with its unique nutritional value. This vegetable, a combination of wild and cultivated, is widely known in several regions of Asia. Capsule's cabbage is not only delicious, but also a good product to purify the body in spring. It grows in mild climates, and is especially fatty after spring rains, when the nutritional value of shepherd's cabbage is at its highest.

Eat more shepherd's cabbage in spring, how nutritious is shepherd's cabbage?

The benefits of shepherd's cabbage for specific health problems

Digestive assistant

Shepherd's cabbage is rich in dietary fiber, which has a significant effect on improving the digestive system. Dietary fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis and help the excretion of waste products from the body, thereby relieving constipation and reducing the risk of intestinal diseases. For middle-aged and elderly people who often face indigestion, shepherd's cabbage can not only provide essential nutrients, but also help maintain the health of the digestive system.

The patron saint of immunity

Shepherd's cabbage is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that is essential for boosting the immune system. Vitamin C helps fight disease and reduces free radical damage, thereby protecting the body from various inflammations and infections. In spring, with climate change, the body is more susceptible to attacks by viruses and bacteria, and moderate consumption of shepherd's cabbage can provide the body with natural immune support.

A regulator of blood sugar balance

For people with abnormal glucose metabolism, shepherd's cabbage is one of the ideal ingredients. Its low-calorie, high-fiber properties help control blood sugar levels after meals and avoid sharp fluctuations in blood sugar. In addition, the minerals and vitamins contained in shepherd's cabbage can help improve insulin sensitivity, which is helpful in preventing and managing increased blood pressure in systemic arteries.

Eat more shepherd's cabbage in spring, how nutritious is shepherd's cabbage?

A new way to eat shepherd's cabbage: a simple recipe, great health

Capsule, the green treasure of spring, is not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but also brings a refreshing taste to the everyday table. In this section, we'll explore a few simple yet innovative ways to eat shepherd's cabbage to add more possibilities to your healthy diet.

1. Purple cabbage tofu cake

Ingredients: 100 grams of fresh shepherd's cabbage, 1 piece of tender tofu, 1 egg, a little salt, appropriate amount of pepper.

Preparation: Wash and chop the shepherd's cabbage, crush the tofu, beat the eggs, mix well, add an appropriate amount of salt and pepper to taste. Spread the mixture into patties and fry on both sides in a nonstick pan over medium-low heat until golden brown. This method not only retains the nutrients of shepherd's cabbage, but also increases the protein of tofu, which is suitable for breakfast or afternoon tea.

2. 清炒荠菜

Ingredients: 200 grams of fresh shepherd's cabbage, appropriate amount of minced garlic, a little cooking oil, appropriate amount of salt.

Preparation: Wash and cut the shepherd's cabbage into sections, and mince the garlic. After the oil is heated in the pot, first add the minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the shepherd's cabbage and stir-fry quickly, and finally add salt to taste. This method is simple and fast, retains the tenderness and nutrition of shepherd's cabbage, and is a healthy dish with low fat and high dietary fiber.

3. Egg soup with shepherd's cabbage

Ingredients: 150 grams of fresh shepherd's cabbage, 2 eggs, 750ml of water, appropriate amount of salt.

Preparation: Wash and chop the shepherd's cabbage, add the shepherd's cabbage to cook for about 1 minute, beat in the eggs, gently stir it with chopsticks to make it egg-shaped, and add salt to taste. Not only is this soup delicious, but it is also rich in protein and vitamins, making it a great appetizer for dinner.

4. Purple cabbage gimbap

Ingredients: 100 grams of fresh shepherd's cabbage, a few sheets of seaweed, an appropriate amount of rice, an appropriate amount of sauce (such as hoisin sauce or mustard).

Preparation: Wash and chop the shepherd's cabbage, mix with an appropriate amount of rice, and add your favorite sauce to taste. Spread the nori flat, put the prepared shepherd's cabbage rice on top of the seaweed, roll it up and cut it into sections. This creative dish is not only attractive in color, but also combines the nutrients of shepherd's cabbage and seaweed, making it suitable as a bento box or light meal.

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