
Sammo Hung : The legendary grandmaster of the martial arts world

author:It's simple
Sammo Hung : The legendary grandmaster of the martial arts world

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In the golden age of Hong Kong cinema, there was a character who won the title of "martial arts master" for his outstanding martial arts and unique charm, and he was Sammo Hung. Although Sammo Hung is not as dazzling as his younger brother Jackie Chan in the film industry, his status in the martial arts world is irreplaceable.

Born into a famous family, inheriting the family tradition

Sammo Hung has a well-known family background in the martial arts world. His grandfather, Hung Chung Ho, was an early filmmaker and was known for shooting martial arts films.

Sammo Hung : The legendary grandmaster of the martial arts world

Sammo Hung was influenced by his family from an early age and developed a strong interest in martial arts. In order to inherit the family business, he was sent to the "Chinese Theatre Research Academy" founded by Yu Zhanyuan to receive strict martial arts training.

Sammo Hung : The legendary grandmaster of the martial arts world

Training hard to hone your skills

During his days at the academy, Sammo Hung had to undergo high-intensity training every day, and if he slacked off, he would be severely punished by Yu Zhanyuan.

Sammo Hung : The legendary grandmaster of the martial arts world

This kind of rigorous training not only allowed Sammo Hung to practice a superb martial arts, but also cultivated his perseverance. He quickly rose to prominence in the film industry after graduation and soon became a popular martial arts star at Shaw Brothers Pictures.

Sammo Hung : The legendary grandmaster of the martial arts world

Promote the younger generations and strive to cultivate talents

Sammo Hung knew that martial arts needed to be passed down from generation to generation, so he established the Hung Family Class to promote future generations.

Sammo Hung : The legendary grandmaster of the martial arts world

He has successively become popular with many martial arts stars such as Lin Zhengying, Yuan Hua, and Qian Jiale, and has sent a large number of outstanding talents to the Hong Kong film industry. He also established Golden Harvest Company to provide more development opportunities for the members of the Hung Family Class.

Sammo Hung : The legendary grandmaster of the martial arts world

A unique Grandmaster style

As a generation of grandmasters, Sammo Hung has a very high threshold for accepting disciples, and there are very few disciples under him so far. His inner disciples, Peng Yuyan and Zou Zhaolong, were all strictly selected before they were able to worship under him.

Sammo Hung : The legendary grandmaster of the martial arts world

Sammo Hung has very high requirements for his disciples and strives to train them to become talents. His disciples respected him as a life coach.

Sammo Hung : The legendary grandmaster of the martial arts world


As a martial arts master, Sammo Hung has not only excelled in martial arts skills, but also made great contributions to the cultivation of talents. His influence has transcended the film industry and has become a spiritual symbol. Today, Sammo Hung's legend still inspires countless young people to pursue their dreams and inherit the excellent traditions of Chinese martial arts.

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