
Li Ling, a pioneer of medical reform, spoke out: Behind the increase in medical insurance prices, why is the reimbursement ratio "retrograde"?

author:Global Tweets

In the grand narrative of a healthy China, the medical security system is undoubtedly an important cornerstone of the health defense line for hundreds of millions of people. However, the recent remarks of Professor Li Ling, an expert in medical reform, have pushed the medical insurance system to the forefront. She pointed to the core question: Why is the reimbursement rate not increasing at the same time, but declining? What kind of logic and practical dilemma is hidden behind this? Today, let us explore this seemingly contradictory but actually related to everyone's money bag and health and well-being.

Li Ling, a pioneer of medical reform, spoke out: Behind the increase in medical insurance prices, why is the reimbursement ratio "retrograde"?

1. Is the rise in medical insurance costs an inevitable trend or a hidden disease of the system?

With the advancement of medical technology and the intensification of the aging trend of the population, the growth of medical demand seems to be an irreversible trend. The continuous emergence of new drugs, new therapies, and high-end medical equipment has undoubtedly improved the quality of medical services, but at the same time, it has also pushed up medical costs. In this context, the annual increase in medical insurance costs seems to have become inevitable.

However, Professor Li Ling pointed out that the rise in health insurance costs is not entirely driven by the growth in medical demand. Under the current medical insurance system, there are some structural problems, such as the unreasonable price of medical services, the waste of medical resources and the poor management of medical insurance funds, etc., which have pushed up medical insurance costs to varying degrees.

Li Ling, a pioneer of medical reform, spoke out: Behind the increase in medical insurance prices, why is the reimbursement ratio "retrograde"?

Second, the reimbursement rate does not rise but falls, how do the people feel?

For the general public, the most direct feeling is the change in the reimbursement ratio of medical insurance. It stands to reason that as the plate of the medical insurance fund becomes larger and larger, the reimbursement ratio should be increased accordingly, so that the people can feel a real sense of gain. However, the reality is that many people find that when medical insurance is reimbursed, the part they need to bear does not seem to decrease, and even has a tendency to increase.

This feeling is not unfounded. The data shows that although the total amount of medical insurance funds is increasing, the reimbursement ratio has not achieved synchronous growth. The reasons behind this are complex and varied, including but not limited to the adjustment of medical service prices, the update of the medical insurance catalog, and the adjustment of medical insurance reimbursement policies.

Li Ling, a pioneer of medical reform, spoke out: Behind the increase in medical insurance prices, why is the reimbursement ratio "retrograde"?

3. What is the way forward for the reform of the medical insurance system?

In the face of the double dilemma of rising medical insurance costs and declining reimbursement ratios, the reform of the medical insurance system is particularly urgent. Professor Li Ling believes that the reform should start from the following aspects:

  1. Optimize the price system of medical services, so that the price truly reflects the value of medical services;
  2. strengthen the rational allocation and utilization of medical resources to reduce waste;
  3. Improve the management and supervision mechanism of the medical insurance fund to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the fund;
  4. Promote the integration and unification of the medical insurance system, break down the barriers between regions and systems, and realize the fairness and sustainability of the medical insurance system.

These reform directions not only need to be actively promoted by government departments, but also need the extensive participation and support of all sectors of society. After all, the health insurance system is about everyone's vital interests, and the success or failure of its reform directly affects the health and well-being of hundreds of millions of people.

Li Ling, a pioneer of medical reform, spoke out: Behind the increase in medical insurance prices, why is the reimbursement ratio "retrograde"?

4. Conclusion and interaction

The reform of the medical insurance system is a complex and lengthy process, which requires the joint efforts and wisdom of all parties. As ordinary people, we should not only understand the necessity and urgency of the reform of the medical insurance system, but also actively participate in the reform process and contribute to the construction of a more fair, efficient and sustainable medical security system.

Li Ling, a pioneer of medical reform, spoke out: Behind the increase in medical insurance prices, why is the reimbursement ratio "retrograde"?

Here, we would like to ask readers a question: What are your expectations and suggestions for the current medical insurance system? How do you think it should be reformed to better meet the medical security needs of the people? Welcome to leave your valuable comments in the comment area, let us make suggestions for the construction of a healthy China!

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