
When I went back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year, I found that those people in the village had become more transparent and popularized these six ways of living

author:Lao Ye said something

In the past, I always felt that those people in our village were the most old-fashioned, and they had always adhered to the old ideas, which made me, who had lived in the city for many years, very disgusted.

But over the years, I found that those people in the village seem to have become more transparent, especially during the Chinese New Year in my hometown this year, I found that many people in the village have begun to become popular with these 6 ways of living, and one can be seen more than the other.

When I went back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year, I found that those people in the village had become more transparent and popularized these six ways of living

1. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, every household will buy a car

In the past few years, almost every family in our village has bought a car. Like my neighbor's three sons, the conditions are very ordinary, all of them either work in factories or construction sites, and they don't buy a house in the city, but the three brothers all buy a car.

I always thought that this kind of person was just a swollen face and a fat man, no money and good face, why does a migrant worker buy a car?

But after chatting with them casually during the New Year, I found that although they bought a car, although they were a little selfish for the sake of arrogance, most of the reasons were for convenience.

Like the old people in their family are old, and they are also married and have children, in case the old and young have any urgent matters, it is easy to solve it if they have a car, and if they don't have a car, they have to ask someone to drive a car, or take a taxi, which is really troublesome.

Especially if there are elderly people at home, who usually want to go back to visit, it is really better to go home often than not to have a car, after all, they have a car, and it is convenient to go back to visit their parents.

If you don't have a car, you have to take a high-speed rail, take a train, and get off the station to take a taxi or shuttle, it will be very troublesome, and in the end, if you don't want to toss, you will rarely go home.

When I went back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year, I found that those people in the village had become more transparent and popularized these six ways of living

2. Families with only daughters basically lie flat after the age of 50

There are more than a dozen families in our village with only daughters, either two daughters, or three or four.

People say that those who give birth to daughters can't marry their daughters too far, and second, they must please their daughters well, so that they can be supported by their daughters when they are old. The third is to work hard to make money for the elderly, and if the daughter is not good, she has to rely on herself.

Actually, there is nothing wrong with this kind of thinking, but in recent years, I have found that families with only daughters have changed, and they no longer rely on their daughters, and they don't work hard.

As soon as her daughter got married and got a bride price of 120,000 yuan, she began to gradually lie down and no longer work hard.

An old man with three daughters in our village, this is the case, five years ago, the three daughters married one after another, and brought him a bride price of more than 400,000 yuan, and the couple in their early 60s lay flat.

The farmland no longer grows grain, all of it is rented to others to grow vegetables, and he collects a rent of 2,000 yuan a year, and then he does not rely on his daughters to support the elderly, so he spends the bride price.

Many people will ridicule them when they see the couple, saying that they are married, why can't they earn more for the elderly.

But they said: It's all gone, why are you still working so hard to make money? Earn so much money, you can't spend it yourself, and you don't have any children and grandchildren, so you can only give it to your daughter and son-in-law cheaply.

Although what they said was very radical, I think they live quite transparently, and without children and grandchildren, no matter how much money they make, it really doesn't matter what they earn.

Now that there is so much money and people are over 60 years old, it is really better to rest and retire. People have worked hard for half a lifetime, and it's time to be capricious.

When I went back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year, I found that those people in the village had become more transparent and popularized these six ways of living

3. Regardless of whether it is a son or a daughter, do not urge to find a partner and have children

I remember a few years ago, the people in the village were still very worried about their children's marriages.

Many young people, once they pass the marriageable age, will be urged by their parents to find a partner, and if the young people do not look for it, their parents will arrange various blind dates to match their children to get married and marry quickly.

If you don't get married after twenty-seven or eighteen, you will be judged as a leftover man and a woman, and then you will be laughed at.

And even if you get married, you will still be worried about having a baby early, and after giving birth to a child, you must hurry up to have a second child, and you must also give birth to a son.

But over the years, this thinking has changed, and those people around him no longer urge their children to get married.

There are about 200 households in the village, and there are more than 10 older singles and leftover girls, all of whom are in their thirties, and they all come back alone every year.

And everyone doesn't talk about it anymore, and their parents don't urge, and they inadvertently talk about these leftover girls, and parents will say that they are not in a hurry, it depends on fate, and fate is the most important.

There is also the belief that young people are immature nowadays, and most of them will divorce if they get married early. So they would rather their children find their children slowly and find a suitable one with a sincere companion, regardless of how old they are to get married.

If this kind of remark had been put seven or eight years ago, I would still have felt that these parents were all inconsistent, saying that they were not in a hurry, but they were very anxious in their hearts.

But seeing that they celebrate the New Year every year, they don't urge or scold, and they are also very indifferent when they talk about their children's marriage, I found that they really saw through it.

When I went back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year, I found that those people in the village had become more transparent and popularized these six ways of living

4. More and more people pay endowment insurance and medical insurance

About six years ago, many people in the village were disgusted with the pension insurance and the NCMS, believing that these contributions were fraudulent.

Spend a lot of money every year to pay, NCMS can only be reported when you are sick and hospitalized, and the pension insurance can only be received at the age of 60.

At that time, the work of the village party secretary was very difficult to do, and at the end of the year, he had to go door-to-door to do the work, and sometimes the village party secretary became a thorn in the side of many people, which was very unpleasant.

But in recent years, the price of NCMS has increased year after year, but there are almost no people in the village who do not pay, and they are very active, and as soon as it opens in September, there will be a bunch of people who go to the village committee to pay centrally.

The cousin who is the village party secretary also said that he has been the village party secretary for so many years, and he rarely needs to be persuaded to do the work of urging the NCMS in the past few years.

In addition to medical insurance, in recent years, many people in the village have also bought rural pension insurance, just like the neighbors on my left and right, parents and grandparents at home, who have no pension, almost all of them have bought rural pension insurance.

As for the rural endowment insurance, the money received is very small, and the maximum is only 500 people, why are the people in the village so active. I heard my cousin say that now everyone thinks that the old man is happy when he is old and still has money.

And many old people also firmly believe that it is best to rely on themselves when they are old, so they will work hard to let themselves have a pension.

When I went back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year, I found that those people in the village had become more transparent and popularized these six ways of living

5. Excessive frugality is becoming more and more common

In the past, the people in the village, except for a few who were more conditional, were almost like this, reluctant to eat, reluctant to wear, and willing to keep money in the bank, not daring to spend it indiscriminately.

Just like the big families I know who planted fruit trees in the village, they used to plant hundreds of fruit trees, and they had an income of 30,000 or 40,000 yuan every year, but their lives were always picky and picky.

On the issue of eating and drinking, except for the children who come back from vacation, the couple don't buy much meat to eat, and the chickens and ducks they raise will not be slaughtered and eaten until the festival, and the eggs they lay must be saved and sold.

The clothes were worn for seven or eight years without changing, and the couple didn't lose a few pounds, which made people look strange and pitiful.

But in the past few years, they have changed, they eat well every day, chickens, ducks and eggs are no longer sold, and they are also very generous.

I once jokingly asked them, why are they not thrifty, and they have to save money to spend in order to have more and more. Guess what happened to them?

They say that only by being willing to spend money, and being willing to eat and drink well, can money become more and more abundant. After all, the body is damaged, and it will cost more to go to the hospital when the time comes.

As for the matter of gifts, they also said that if they don't do a good job in the village, when there is something at home, it will be difficult to find someone to help.

When I went back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year, I found that those people in the village had become more transparent and popularized these six ways of living

6. I don't pay so much attention to funerals

In the past, in our village, as soon as the old people left, they had to make a big funeral, and they had to hold a funeral for at least four days, to arrange the mourning hall, to wear linen and wear filial piety, to invite monks and nuns to do things, to invite funeral music, to put up more than ten or twenty tables of flowing water mats, and so on.

In short, no matter whether you have money or not, you have to do this, and only in this way can it show that the children of this family are filial.

And now, everything has changed, it is rare to see someone die, it will be a big deal, the most common is to keep everything simple, people leave the funeral home to set up a simple memorial ceremony, and then cremate on the mountain to bury.

I have seen the most lively, and I also set up a mourning hall in the ancestral hall of my hometown, and after a simple day of vigilance, I was cremated and went up the mountain.

I asked some people why everyone didn't want to do this special funeral, and most of the answers they got were that they felt that the funeral was just a face-saving project, and the old people couldn't enjoy it when they left, and in the end, the young people spent money and effort, and they would bother the people around them, which was not worth it.

Therefore, it is better to enter the ground as soon as possible, and everyone will be relaxed.

When I went back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year, I found that those people in the village had become more transparent and popularized these six ways of living

Seeing that the people in the village are living more and more transparently, I really admire the ability of the times to change! I don't know, is this also the case in your rural areas? Welcome to the comment area to leave a message and discuss!

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