
Seize the "golden period" of growing taller in spring, don't miss these 10 recipes for growing tall (2)

author:Nanxun loves food

Spring is the golden time for growth and development, so choosing the right diet is essential to promote your body's growth. Here are ten more recipes designed for spring growth that provide a rich nutrient profile that helps promote bone and tissue development in the body.

Winter melon soup with shrimp skin

Purchase list: winter melon: appropriate amount, shrimp skin: appropriate amount, chicken thigh: 150 grams, green onion, ginger and garlic: a little, cooking oil: appropriate amount, coriander: appropriate amount (for decoration), salt: appropriate amount, white pepper: appropriate amount

Seize the "golden period" of growing taller in spring, don't miss these 10 recipes for growing tall (2)


1. Peel and cut the winter melon into pieces, wash and cut the chicken thighs into pieces for later use.

2. Heat some cooking oil in a pot, add green onions, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Add the chicken thighs and stir-fry until they change color, then add the winter melon pieces and stir-fry evenly.

4. Add an appropriate amount of water, add an appropriate amount of salt and white pepper, cover the pot and simmer for 15 minutes.

5. Wash the shrimp skin and add it to the pot, and continue to simmer for 10 minutes until the melon is ripe and soft.

6. Sprinkle with coriander leaves for garnish and enjoy.


- Winter melon should not be stewed for too long to retain its refreshing taste.

- The amount of salt and pepper can be adjusted according to personal taste to increase umami.

- Shopee skin can be soaked in water in advance to make it easier to cook.

Try a bowl of hot winter melon soup with shrimp skin, which is both warm and delicious!

Stir-fried beef with asparagus

Ingredients: 200 grams of fresh asparagus, 150 grams of beef slices, an appropriate amount of minced green onion, ginger and garlic, an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, sugar, starch, and an appropriate amount of cooking oil

Seize the "golden period" of growing taller in spring, don't miss these 10 recipes for growing tall (2)


1. Remove the old tendons from the asparagus, wash and cut into sections for later use. Cut the beef into thin slices and marinate for a few moments with light soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, sugar, and starch.

2. Put an appropriate amount of cooking oil in the pot, stir-fry the chives, ginger and garlic, and then add the marinated beef slices and stir-fry quickly until they change color.

3. Add the asparagus segments and continue to fry until the asparagus is soft and the beef is cooked through.

4. Finally, add salt and sugar according to personal taste, and pour a little light soy sauce to extract freshness.


The stir-fry time of asparagus should not be too long, so as not to affect the taste and nutritional value.

Beef slices need to be marinated in advance to increase the tenderness of the meat.

Stir-fry quickly to keep the asparagus crispy.

You can add the right amount of seasoning according to your personal taste to adjust the taste that best suits you.

Crucian carp tofu soup

Ingredients: 1 crucian carp (about 300g), 300g tofu, 2 slices of ginger, 2 green onions, salt, light soy sauce, white pepper, coriander

Seize the "golden period" of growing taller in spring, don't miss these 10 recipes for growing tall (2)


1. Prepare the ingredients: Remove the scales and internal organs of the crucian carp, wash it and cut it into pieces for later use. Cut the tofu into small pieces, slice the ginger, and chop the green onion into chopped green onions for later use.

2. Stir-fry ginger and shallots: Heat the pot, pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil, add ginger slices and chopped green onions, and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Boil the fish soup base: Add an appropriate amount of water, put in the crucian carp pieces, boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 15 minutes, so that the fish bones are cooked and soft, and the soup is more delicious.

4. Add the tofu: Put the tofu cubes in the pot and continue to cook for 2 minutes until the tofu tastes good.

5. Seasoning: Add salt, light soy sauce and white pepper to adjust the taste to your taste.

6. Sprinkle coriander: Sprinkle cilantro before turning off the heat to add fragrance.

7. Serve: Place the boiled crucian carp tofu soup in a bowl and enjoy.

Seize the "golden period" of growing taller in spring, don't miss these 10 recipes for growing tall (2)


Choose fresh crucian carp: Choose fish with bright flesh, intact scales, raised eyes, and bright red gills on the gills. Fresh fish has a delicate flesh and a better taste.

Master the heat when cooking the soup: The heat should not be too high when cooking the fish soup base to avoid the fish from breaking. Cook the tofu on a moderate heat to avoid the tofu falling apart.

Deodorization: You can soak the fish fillets in salted water before boiling the fish soup base to remove the fishy smell and make the soup more fragrant and delicious.

Tofu selection: Tofu is soft and delicious, and it is recommended to choose tender tofu or northern tofu.

Seasoning tips: When seasoning, you can add umami or chicken essence in an appropriate amount to add umami flavor to the soup.

Pay attention to maintaining the fragrance of the soup: Serve as soon as possible after cooking, so as not to overcook the fish and tofu in the soup, which will affect the taste and nutrition.

Serve with a bowl of hot rice, or with light green vegetables, it's nutritious and delicious.

Crucian carp tofu soup is light and delicious, rich in high-quality protein and a variety of nutrients, suitable for all ages.

Steamed eggs with tofu and shrimp

Ingredients: 200 grams of tofu, 100 grams of fresh shrimp, 3 eggs, appropriate amount of chopped green onion, appropriate amount of minced ginger, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of water, appropriate amount of cooking oil

Seize the "golden period" of growing taller in spring, don't miss these 10 recipes for growing tall (2)


1. Prepare the ingredients: Cut the tofu into small pieces, wash the shrimp and set aside. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat and set aside.

2. Stir-fry the shrimp: Heat the pot, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil, add minced ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the fresh shrimp and stir-fry until it changes color, pour in a little light soy sauce to extract the freshness, and set aside.

3. Prepare the container: Take a container and spread the tofu cubes evenly on the bottom of the container.

4. Add the fresh shrimp: Sprinkle the sautéed shrimp evenly over the tofu.

5. Pour in the egg mixture: Pour the beaten egg mixture evenly into a container and cover it with the tofu and shrimp.

6. To taste: Sprinkle salt on the surface of the egg mixture and sprinkle chopped green onions according to personal taste.

7. Steaming: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put the container with tofu, shrimp and egg mixture into the steamer, and steam over high heat for 8-10 minutes until cooked through.

8. Remove from the pot: After turning off the heat, take out the steamed tofu and shrimp steamed eggs, sprinkle with a little green onion to garnish, and serve.

Seize the "golden period" of growing taller in spring, don't miss these 10 recipes for growing tall (2)


Choose tofu: Choose a delicate and non-fragile tofu, and tender tofu or northern tofu are good choices.

Fresh shrimp processing: Before stir-frying the shrimp, marinate them for a while with a little salt and cooking wine to enhance the umami taste.

Steaming technique: When pouring the egg mixture evenly into the container, you can gently use chopsticks to move it on the surface to make the egg mixture more even.

Master the heat: The heat should not be too large when steaming the eggs, so as not to make the egg liquid rough and affect the taste.

Cover the lid: Do not open the lid frequently during the steaming process, so as not to affect the steaming time and taste.

Season evenly: When sprinkling salt on the surface of the egg mixture, use chopsticks to gently pluck the salt to distribute the salt evenly.

Garnish when serving: Steamed eggs with tofu and shrimp are tender and can be eaten with light vegetables or rice, which is nutritious.

Pay attention to safety: Be careful of scalding when the steamer is steaming hot, and use anti-scalding tools when removing food to avoid burning your hands.

Wakame pork rib soup

Ingredients: 500 grams of pork ribs, 300 grams of wakame, 2 slices of ginger, 2 green onions, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of water

Seize the "golden period" of growing taller in spring, don't miss these 10 recipes for growing tall (2)


1. Preparation: After the ribs are washed, put them in a pot and soak them in water for 30 minutes to remove the blood.

2. Blanching treatment: Add enough water to the pot, put in the pork ribs, add ginger slices and green onions, and bring to a boil over high heat to remove the foam. Then remove the ribs and rinse them with clean water for later use.

3. Boil the soup base: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put in the blanched pork ribs, then add some ginger slices and green onions, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 1 and a half hours, until the ribs become crispy.

4. Add the wakame: Wash and cut the wakame, put it in the soup and continue to cook for 5 minutes to let the wakame absorb the flavor.

5. Seasoning: Add salt and light soy sauce to taste according to personal taste, and cook for another 1 minute.

6. Remove from the pot: Remove the boiled wakame pork rib soup, sprinkle with a little chopped green onion, and enjoy.

Seize the "golden period" of growing taller in spring, don't miss these 10 recipes for growing tall (2)


Pork rib treatment: After washing the ribs, it is recommended to blanch them first, which will remove blood and impurities, making the soup clearer and more delicious.

Soup base cooking: When cooking the pork rib soup base, the heat should not be too large, so as not to overcook the pork ribs and affect the taste.

Shop wakame: Choose wakame with green colors and tender leaves.

Cook wakame: Do not add wakame for too long to avoid affecting the taste and colour of the dish.

Seasoning skills: When seasoning, you can add chicken essence or umami in an appropriate amount to add the umami flavor of the soup.

Garnish pairing: Wakame pork rib soup has a fragrant taste and can be eaten with rice or noodles, or it can be served with some vegetable salad for a more nutritious taste.

Maintain Nutrition: After the pork rib soup is cooked, the nutrients in it have been dissolved in the soup, and it is recommended to eat them together to maintain a balanced nutrition.

Storage: If there is any leftover soup, put it in an airtight container, store it in the refrigerator, and reheat it the next time you eat it.

By choosing these grow-tall recipes wisely, combined with good lifestyle habits and enough exercise, we can maximize the potential of spring growth and add more vitality and energy to a healthy body.

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