
The big fish and meat are too greasy during the Spring Festival? Then change some light dishes, which are delicious and appetizing

author:Nanxun loves food

A favorite of foodies, the Spring Festival is a feast. Especially those fat big fish and meat, almost no one can resist the temptation. However, for some friends who pay attention to healthy eating, the greasy and high-calorie nature of Spring Festival food often discourages them. So, we started looking for light dishes that would not only satisfy our taste buds, but also bring a touch of freshness to our body. Next, let's take a look at these delicious and appetizing light dishes!

Vermicelli baby dish, light and delicious vegetarian delicacies!

Purchase list: 200 grams of baby cabbage, 100 grams of vermicelli, 2 carrots, 1 tofu, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of soy sauce, appropriate amount of balsamic vinegar, appropriate amount of garlic cloves, appropriate amount of minced ginger, appropriate amount of white pepper powder, appropriate amount of Sichuan pepper powder, appropriate amount of coriander leaves (for decoration)

The big fish and meat are too greasy during the Spring Festival? Then change some light dishes, which are delicious and appetizing


1. Prepare the ingredients: Wash the baby cabbage and set aside, peel and cut the carrots into thin strips, and cut the tofu into small pieces.

2. Soak the vermicelli: Put the vermicelli in a bowl, soak it in hot water until softened, and then cut it to a length suitable for consumption with scissors.

3. Stir-fry the spice sauce: Take a small bowl, add garlic cloves, minced ginger, appropriate amount of white pepper, appropriate amount of Sichuan pepper powder, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of soy sauce and appropriate amount of balsamic vinegar, stir well.

4. Stir-fry ingredients: Heat the pan with cold oil, add shredded carrots, stir-fry for a while until fragrant, then add tofu cubes and baby cabbage, and continue to stir-fry.

5Add the vermicelli: Add the soaked vermicelli to the pot and stir well.

6 Condiments: Pour the stir-fried spice sauce into the pot and continue to stir-fry evenly, so that the ingredients can absorb the fragrance evenly.

7. Remove from the pot and serve: Serve the fried vermicelli baby cabbage and sprinkle with an appropriate amount of coriander leaves to garnish.

Tips: The stir-fry time of vermicelli should not be too long, so as not to fry paste. This dish has a great flavor and a delicate taste, which is not only appetizing but also provides rich nutrients. Suitable for vegetarians and friends who like light flavors!

Try it and you'll love this vermicelli baby dish!

Plum pickled tomatoes are really a bright color in summer, delicious to the heart!

Purchase list: a box of small tomatoes, an appropriate amount of plum sauce, an appropriate amount of sugar, an appropriate amount of salt, and an appropriate amount of garlic

The big fish and meat are too greasy during the Spring Festival? Then change some light dishes, which are delicious and appetizing


1. Wash the small tomatoes, drain the water and use a knife to make a cross cut on the tomato.

2. Boil an appropriate amount of water in a pot, blanch the tomatoes for 30 seconds, remove them and put them in cold boiled water to cool for later use.

3Mash the plum paste into a puree, add an appropriate amount of sugar and salt, stir well and set aside.

4Spread a layer of cherry tomatoes in a clean glass jar, sprinkle with garlic and spread evenly with a layer of plum sauce mixture.

5 Repeat step 4️⃣ until the glass jar is filled. Remember to cover the cherry tomatoes with plum sauce on the last layer!

6. Cover the jar, place it in the refrigerator and marinate for more than 24 hours.


- The tomatoes need to be washed and blanched, so as to remove the astringency of the tomatoes!

- The sweetness and salinity of the plum sauce can be adjusted according to personal preference, so it is recommended to add less at first, try it and then gradually increase it.

- Pickled plum pickled tomatoes have a better taste, so it is recommended to place them in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.

Try this plum pickled tomato, the refreshing sweet and sour taste will definitely make you come back for more!

The leek is fried and fragrant and dry, the aroma is overflowing, the taste is crisp, and the rice is excellent!

Purchase list: leeks, dried fragrant, ginger and garlic, light soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, Sichuan pepper powder, edible oil

The big fish and meat are too greasy during the Spring Festival? Then change some light dishes, which are delicious and appetizing


1. Prepare the ingredients: wash the chives and cut them into sections, cut them into thick slices, and mince the ginger and garlic for later use.

2. Hot pan with cold oil: Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the hot pan, add minced ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Stir-fry fragrant and dry: Put the chopped fragrant dried into a wok and stir-fry over medium-low heat until both sides are slightly yellow.

4. Add the leek: Add the chive section to the pot and stir-fry quickly to maintain the fresh and tender taste of the leek.

5. Seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, stir-fry lightly evenly, and be careful not to add salt, because the dried fragrant sauce itself has a salty taste.

6. Stir-fry and remove from the pot: Stir-fry until the leeks are cooked, not too long, to keep the taste tender.


When choosing leeks, you should choose the ones that are green and tender in appearance, so that the taste is better.

Dried fragrant slices should be sliced beforehand, so that it is easier to sauté.

The time of stir-frying the chives should not be too long to retain the tender and crisp taste of the leeks.

Try it now! You'll love this simple and delicious stir-fried chives!

Stir-fried lotus pond, with good color and flavor, it is a simple and easy-to-learn home-cooked dish. Stir-fried lotus pond is made with fresh snow peas, chicken breast and fungus as the main ingredients, and is paired with spicy seasonings, which is tender and refreshing, and very appetizing. Come and follow me to make this delicious lotus pond stir-fry!

Purchase list: 200 grams of fresh snow peas, 150 grams of chicken breast, 10 grams of dried fungus, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 small piece of ginger, appropriate amount of cooking oil, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of sugar, appropriate amount of chili powder, appropriate amount of chicken essence

The big fish and meat are too greasy during the Spring Festival? Then change some light dishes, which are delicious and appetizing


1. Prepare the ingredients: Remove both ends of the snow peas, wash them and set aside. Shred the chicken breast, cut the onion into chunks, mince the garlic and ginger, soak the dried fungus and shred it for later use.

2. Stir-fry the seasoning: Heat the pan with cold oil, add the garlic and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the shredded chicken and stir-fry until it changes color. Add cooking wine and stir-fry well.

3Stir-fry the main dish: Add the snow peas, onion and dried fungus to the pan and stir-fry evenly. Continue to add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, sugar and chili powder and stir-fry well.

4. Stir-fry to bring out the fragrance: Stir-fry until the snow peas change color and become soft, and the vegetables can be cooked thoroughly, so as to maintain the original taste and taste of the vegetables.

5. Add condiments: Finally, add the chicken essence and stir-fry evenly, adjust the taste, and turn off the heat.

6Serve in the pot: Stir-fry the lotus pond on a plate, and the fragrant snow peas, chicken and dried fungus complement each other's colors, making people mouth-watering.

The big fish and meat are too greasy during the Spring Festival? Then change some light dishes, which are delicious and appetizing


1. Remove both ends of snow peas in advance to ensure a better taste.

2. When stir-frying, the heat should be just right to maintain the original flavor of the ingredients.

3. After all ingredients are cut, do not use them for too long to avoid affecting the taste and freshness.

This lotus pond stir-fry is delicious and nutritious, making it suitable for the whole family to enjoy. Take a bite and feel like you are in a lotus pond and feel the freshness and tranquility of nature. Try it and share it with your family and friends so they can enjoy this delicious lotus pond stir-fry together!

Today I would like to share with you a refreshing and healthy recipe for garlic lettuce! This dish is not only good in color and flavor, but also rich in nutritional value, which is very suitable for cooling off in summer.

Purchase list: a handful of fresh lettuce hearts, 3 cloves of garlic, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of cooking oil, light soy sauce at will, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of chicken essence

The big fish and meat are too greasy during the Spring Festival? Then change some light dishes, which are delicious and appetizing


1Wash the lettuce heart, cut off the thick part of the bottom, and gently tear it into small pieces for later use.

2Peel and chop the garlic cloves, chop the ginger into minced ginger and set aside.

3Heat the oil in a pan, add minced garlic and ginger, and stir-fry over low heat until fragrant.

4Put the torn lettuce hearts into the pot, stir-fry quickly and evenly, and add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce to taste.

5. Stir-fry until the lettuce is soft, add a little salt and chicken essence, and then stir-fry quickly and evenly.


- Remember not to sauté for too long to keep the lettuce crisp and tender.

- The amount of seasoning can be adjusted according to personal taste, and it is better to be moderately salty.

- The freshness of lettuce has a great impact on the taste, try to choose fresh, tender green lettuce.

This garlic lettuce dish is both simple and delicious, and is an indispensable dish on the summer table. Give it a try!

To sum up, the big fish and meat are delicious during the Spring Festival, but if you want to try some light and delicious dishes, these dishes are definitely a good choice. Not only does it taste great, but it's also full of nutrients. In the new year, let's eat healthier and try more delicious light dishes!