
Spring Festival is a nostalgic day for Chinese, a time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, and to move forward towards spring.



The Spring Festival, like an old song, flows in the hearts of every Chinese. It is the echo of the years, the ocean of memories, and the gathering place of life's feelings.

Whenever the snowflakes are flying and the red plums are studied, you know that the Spring Festival is coming. The familiar sound of firecrackers, gongs and drums evokes the memories of many people in the past. may no longer be the immature child, but the nostalgia in my heart is still the same.

Spring Festival is a nostalgic day for Chinese, a time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, and to move forward towards spring.

Chasing the footsteps of the New Year, only to find that the wheels of time have already run over countless traces. Looking back, those laughter, tears, hopes and losses have turned into a little star, illuminating our way forward.

Spring Festival is a nostalgic day for Chinese, a time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, and to move forward towards spring.

The Spring Festival is a station of life. It allows us to stop and reunite with our families and spend this rare time together. In the lively sound of firecrackers, sit around the fire, taste the food of their hometown, and share each other's stories. Those years that have long gone away seem to be reunited in my heart at this moment.

Spring Festival is a nostalgic day for Chinese, a time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, and to move forward towards spring.

The familiar hometown sounds, nostalgia, melodious nursery rhymes, and games are like a key that opens the door to the deep emotions of the soul. It seems to have returned to that innocent era, playing and playing with friends. Those dreams and longings are still as clear as ever in my heart.

Spring Festival is a nostalgic day for Chinese, a time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, and to move forward towards spring.

On the night of the Spring Festival, the stars are shining. We look up at the stars and think about the road ahead. In the endless darkness, there seem to be countless stories and miracles hidden. And we, the seekers, bravely move forward and pursue our own sea of stars.

In this season full of nostalgia, cherish every moment of reunion.

I wish friends from afar: Happy New Year, good luck and peace, happiness, wishes, and wealth [Pray] [Pray] [Pray] [Pray]

Spring Festival is a nostalgic day for Chinese, a time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, and to move forward towards spring.
Spring Festival is a nostalgic day for Chinese, a time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, and to move forward towards spring.

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