
Adopt a cow to intensively cultivate innovative categories and help the healthy development of dairy enterprises

author:View Zhangye

Recently, Adopt a Cow won two honors in 2023 as the Best Digital Marketing Partner of the Year and the Best Supply Chain Partner of the Rest and Beverage Business Department of JD Supermarket. And the relationship between adopting a cow and can be traced back many years. In 2016, adopt a cow began to cooperate with JD Logistics in 2016, and comprehensively deepened the cooperation content in 2019.

Adopt a cow to intensively cultivate innovative categories and help the healthy development of dairy enterprises
Adopt a cow to intensively cultivate innovative categories and help the healthy development of dairy enterprises

The epitome of the digital upgrade of the supply chain of the digital intelligence logistics industrial park

Pingyi County has a unique industrial foundation with highly competitive market resources, and Pingyi has seized the opportunity of "Internet +" development, built a logistics information interaction platform, and improved the construction of a three-level co-distribution system. As a cutting-edge brand in the dairy industry, "Adopt a Cow" has grown rapidly with the help of the digital supply chain platform of Pingyi Digital Intelligence Logistics Industrial Park and JD Logistics.

Adopt a cow to intensively cultivate innovative categories and help the healthy development of dairy enterprises

"Adopt a Cow" was the first to start from the ranch end, and officially launched the brand operation in 2016. Under the wave of digitalization, "Adopt a Cow" realized the importance of the deep integration of digital technology and traditional industries, carried out the strategic layout of digital intelligence earlier, and effectively achieved double improvement in quality and efficiency through continuous investment in the digital construction of the whole industry chain. It is reported that Shandong Pingyi, as the first production and intelligent manufacturing base in the country of "adopting a cow", has an annual output of about 300,000 tons of dairy products. Up to now, "Adopt a Cow" has covered more than 20 million household users across the country, and has ranked among the top dairy products in sales on and other online e-commerce platforms.

The organic pasture was moved into the Jingdong headquarters to restore the ecological breeding environment

In order to let consumers in the city also have a close understanding of the story behind a good cup of milk, adopt a cow and move the organic ranch into the headquarters building.

Adopt a cow to intensively cultivate innovative categories and help the healthy development of dairy enterprises

It is understood that the adoption of a cow is located in Heilongjiang Anda's organic exclusive ranch Pearl Ranch, which has passed the GAP first-level certification and SQF food and quality standard system certification, and has obtained the organic certification of China and the European Union, showing the efforts to create good milk from the source.

As early as 2017, JD Logistics joined hands with a series of well-known merchants to jointly launch the Qingliu Plan. JD Logistics joined hands with Adopt a Cow to launch the "Adopt a Cow x Qingliu Plan Environmental Protection Bag" activity, bringing an environmentally friendly and practical public welfare experience. In addition to environmentally friendly recycled paper, it also launched the "Eco-friendly Gift Box" program with Adopt a Cow, which also includes carton plasticization, soybean ink substitution and carbon emission reduction, which is of great significance for cultivating green living habits and achieving sustainable social and environmental development.

Create an organic exclusive pasture and intensively cultivate innovative categories

Adopt a cow to intensively cultivate innovative categories and help the healthy development of dairy enterprises

In the post-epidemic era, people are paying more attention to their personal health, and the recommended daily intake of milk and dairy products has increased. In 2023, at Anda Kangbei Ranch in Heilongjiang, Adopt a Cow will join hands with JD Supermarket and JD C2M Intelligent Manufacturing Platform to release the "A2 Milk Trend Insight White Paper".

According to the data, the first A2 β-casein milk to adopt a cow came out in 2020, and at present, the product matrix has been expanded to 5 models. From the perspective of market performance, the growth rate of A2 type milk in Jingdong station in 2023 is 7 times the growth rate of ordinary warm milk, and for every 10 pieces of A2 milk sold in Jingdong Supermarket, 4 pieces are products that adopt a cow. In 2023, A2 β-casein pure milk adopted as a cow has achieved the first sales in the country in the A2 category.

Adopt a cow to intensively cultivate innovative categories and help the healthy development of dairy enterprises

At present, 9 modern pastures have been established in Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Shandong and other places, with nearly 80,000 dairy cows, and the supply capacity of high-quality milk continues to increase. From the beginning of its establishment, Adopt a Cow has started from the upstream of the industrial chain, and is committed to creating a whole industrial chain layout of "integration of supply, production and marketing" to lay a good foundation for high-quality products.

The release of the white paper and the landing of the exclusive ranch make Adopt a Cow an important step in intensively cultivating new categories, and it is also an important embodiment of the deepening strategic cooperation between JD Supermarket and Adopt a Cow. Raising good cattle and producing good milk, it has been proved that insisting on deep industrial cultivation, technological innovation, and category breakthroughs have injected momentum for the healthy development of the cutting-edge dairy enterprise of adopting a cow.