

author:Present-day Guazhou

The Spring Festival is approaching

Go home for a reunion

It has become the urgent wish of countless foreigners

Do you have a ticket to return home?

During the Spring Festival

Scammers seize on the psychology of rushing to buy tickets

There are multiple traps around "buying tickets".

Train tickets are available for sale 15 days in advance

Read the guide before you buy a ticket

The Guazhou Public Security will take you to "avoid the pit" smoothly and go home safely


Ticket refund and change scams

Fraudsters will use fake base stations to send fraudulent text messages, asking users to change or refund tickets under the pretext of "flight cancellation" and "flight delay", and then send passengers a phishing text message with a fake airline's official website to obtain users' bank cards, ID cards and other information.


Lanzhou Anti-Fraud Center tips

When receiving a text message about flight delay or cancellation, do not contact the phone number provided in the text message directly, but ask the official customer service of the airline or airport staff.


Copycat ticketing site scams

Some criminals have created high-fidelity copycat 12306 websites to defraud them by phishing. When the user "successfully purchases a ticket" on the Shanzhai 12306 website, not only the money is transferred to the account set by the criminals, but the user's personal information will also be stolen.

Lanzhou Anti-Fraud Center tips

The regular ticketing website is also the only booking website designated by the railway department:, partners must also download the "Railway 12306" mobile phone application software from the official website, and do not download it from the mobile phone forum and unknown links given by strangers.


Fake software ticket-grabbing scams

Ticket-grabbing software hides Trojans. Criminals disguise viruses and Trojans as ticket-grabbing software, and spread them on social networks under the guise of "free" and "spikes" to attract users to download and install. Once tricked, the malware can secretly intercept the user's personal information, which in turn will cause the user's financial loss.

Lanzhou Anti-Fraud Center tips

Be sure to book tickets through regular channels, do not believe in false information such as "low-cost tickets" and "discount tickets", and you can install anti-virus software on your computer and mobile phone to block viruses and Trojans, and test whether the website is a "phishing website".

If there are friends

Choose to travel by car

While driving safely

These two types of scams must be vigilant


"ETC" expiration and deactivation scam

Scammers pretend to be ETC center, high-speed management center, traffic management 12123 and other institutions, in the form of text messages, send fake text messages with the content of "ETC has been temporarily suspended, and you need to immediately log in and verify the signature", and the text messages are often attached to the "phishing" link to guide the masses to fill in the key information according to the steps after login, and once the personal property information is filled in according to the prompts, it will all be leaked and mastered by the scammers.


Lanzhou Anti-Fraud Center tips

If you receive such a message, be sure to verify with the official customer service, the links in the text messages are mostly phishing websites, do not click at will, and do not fill in personal information such as bank cards, passwords, and verification codes on the website.


Traffic violation scams

Scammers take advantage of the mentality of car owners who go out to play on holidays, are unfamiliar with the road conditions, and are worried about vehicle violations, and send "traffic violation reminder text messages" through "fake base stations" to trick users into clicking on the URL in the text messages, and the name, ID number, mobile phone number, bank card password and other personal information filled in the phishing website are often used to steal money.


Guazhou Public Security Tips

Usually, a formal traffic violation notification text message will detail the license plate number, the date, time and place of the violation, and the circumstances of the violation. When receiving such text messages, do not blindly believe or click on the link in the text message at will, and should contact the traffic management department for verification before handling.

Once you find that you have been deceived, please call 110 or 96110 to consult the police!

(If there is any infringement, please contact to delete)

Source: Guazhou County Public Security Bureau