
Summary of the stage of joint inspection of cultural and tourism safety

author:Changchun Cultural Tourism
Summary of the stage of joint inspection of cultural and tourism safety
Summary of the stage of joint inspection of cultural and tourism safety

In order to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on production safety, fully implement the recent instructions and requirements of provincial and municipal leaders on production safety, deeply learn the lessons of recent safety accidents, and implement the requirements of the special rectification action for ice and snow tourism safety, the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, and Tourism and the Municipal Emergency Bureau took the lead in organizing public security, fire protection, transportation, commerce, market supervision and other departments to carry out the "2024 Spring Festival and Two Sessions Cultural Tourism Industry Safety Joint Guidance Service Action".

The inspection team adopts the forms of "cadres + experts", four noes and two straights, open and secret visits, random spot checks, etc., focusing on the safety management of A-level scenic spots and star-rated hotels related to ice and snow tourism, the safety management of travel agencies and tourist groups, and the fire safety of densely populated entertainment places such as Internet cafes, KTV, dance halls, performance venues, escape rooms, etc., and inspects the safety of fire protection, gas, electrical, amusement facilities and equipment, special equipment, etc., focusing on the power distribution room, fire control room, fire protection facilities, fire evacuation channels, evacuation signs, etc.

The inspection team spent 4 days and successively visited key cultural and tourism business units in Lianhuashan, Changchun New District, Chaoyang District, Nanguan District, Automobile Development Zone, and Green Park, and found 33 hidden problems, 28 on-site rectifications, and 5 rectifications within a time limit. In view of the problems found, enterprises are required to attach great importance to it, deeply learn the lessons of recent safety accidents, seize the time to rectify, and earnestly implement the main responsibility of safety production.

The on-site inspection of the inspection team found that the management personnel and practitioners of each business unit have a certain awareness of safety production, are willing to invest in facility allocation, training and drills, hidden danger investigation, etc., and can carry out safety work throughout their daily work. However, there are also problems such as lack of knowledge and experience in safety production, old facilities and equipment, and insufficient staff. The inspection team stressed that safety is the premise of development, we must firmly establish the concept of safe development, the recent frequent safety accidents, to us sounded the alarm, we must always tighten the safety strings, not to take it lightly, not careless, fully implement the main responsibility of safety production, strengthen the self-examination and self-improvement of hidden dangers, and eliminate safety risks in a timely manner.

Summary of the stage of joint inspection of cultural and tourism safety

◆Source: Changchun Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism

◆ Editor of this issue: lattice

◆ Duty officer: catkins

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Summary of the stage of joint inspection of cultural and tourism safety
Summary of the stage of joint inspection of cultural and tourism safety

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