
I was discharged from the army in 1983 and was assigned to a supply and marketing cooperative, but I was unexpectedly transferred, and my fate changed dramatically

author:Retired veteran cadres 67

Text/Farewell to the Old Times (Material/Chen Youjun)

Human life is always full of uncertainties and challenges, it is like a game with no established rules, we don't know what will happen next, for me, looking back on my own experience, I will sigh like this.

I was discharged from the army in 1983 and was assigned to a supply and marketing cooperative, but I was unexpectedly transferred, and my fate changed dramatically

In 1983, after serving in the army for many years, I took off my cherished military uniform and returned to my hometown. Originally, it was said that it was assigned to the supply and marketing cooperative, but I didn't expect that the boiled duck flew, I don't know if it was an artificial "package", or the list was wrong, in short, the place where I finally went to work was a little-known machinery factory in the county.

In that era, the supply and marketing cooperatives were a profession that everyone looked up to. Working there is a great thing.

At that time, there was such a story: Once, the leader of a commune once encouraged a middle school teacher and said, "You do your job seriously, and at the right time, I will promote you to the supply and marketing cooperatives as a salesperson." This may sound ridiculous today, but it was an established fact back then.

Because, as a salesperson in a supply and marketing cooperative, in addition to buying your own daily necessities, you don't have to worry about it, and even your relatives and friends can follow it, and you can buy some scarce goods. On the other hand, working in a supply and marketing cooperative, the income level is also very considerable. Even if you are a salesperson, your monthly income is much higher than that of ordinary positions.

Therefore, when I heard that I was arranged to work at the supply and marketing cooperative, I was overjoyed and so happy that I lost sleep that night.

But who knows, just two days later, I received a notice from the resettlement office again, saying that the list was wrong, and my place of work was a machinery factory.

In the face of the inexplicable replacement, I was in a mood for a few days and refused to report to the machinery factory, but the staff of the resettlement office said that if I did not obey the arrangement, I would bear the consequences, and if I missed this village, there would be no such shop.

At that time, my father also persuaded me earnestly, and he said to me: "I am just an ordinary primary school Chinese teacher, my family has no background, and we can only accept the arrangement of fate. ”

The girlfriend who has just been engaged also said step by step: "Whether it is a mistake in the list or being replaced by a relation, you have to face it calmly, we have our own hands, and we can eat anywhere!"

In order not to upset my parents and girlfriend, I ended up going to that machine shop.

In fact, before I entered the machinery factory, I also learned about the company from a classmate. I heard that at that time, the company's product orders were all problematic and the benefits were not very good, so I was also full of worries about the uncertainty of the future.

But years of army life have tempered my strong will, and I also secretly encouraged myself: "There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb", I am not yet 30 years old, everything can start again.

So, in the face of the fait accompli, I walked into this machinery factory in the county with a very conflicted feeling.

That morning, I reported to the personnel department of the factory, and after going through the relevant entry procedures, the section chief said that there are currently three positions for me to choose from. Without thinking, I replied, "Well, I'll start with the technology."

I was discharged from the army in 1983 and was assigned to a supply and marketing cooperative, but I was unexpectedly transferred, and my fate changed dramatically

Although I have made meritorious service twice in the army and am the best among my comrades-in-arms, I am completely unfamiliar with the enterprise aspect, and I know that if you want to make a difference in the factory, you must know how to understand technology.

So, I started as a basic fitter apprentice and started a new chapter in my life.

Every day at noon, when my colleagues are resting, I am still studying hard, one day at noon in the fourth month of my employment, a comrade-in-arms from a neighboring county, specially came to visit me in the machinery factory, at the gate of the factory, he saw that I was covered with oil, and his heart was very uncomfortable, he said to me at that time: "If you go on like this, when will your hard days come to an end?"

But I don't think so, because if you want to learn the technique well, you can't do it without practicing it. That's what I think, and that's what I do. In this way, after two years, I have been proficient in turning, milling, planing, and welding.

After the Spring Festival in 1985, I was appointed as the head of the technical department of the company.

The promotion of the position made me excited, and I am also very grateful to the leaders for their appreciation of me, giving me the opportunity to show my strengths, in order to shoulder the responsibilities of the position, do practical things, and live up to the expectations of the leaders, from that moment, I have become more and more strict with myself.

In the next six years, I served as the head of the purchasing department and then the head of the production plant.

I was discharged from the army in 1983 and was assigned to a supply and marketing cooperative, but I was unexpectedly transferred, and my fate changed dramatically

In every era, a group of people will be perfected, and a group of people will be eliminated.

In July 1991, the machinery factory was facing closure due to business problems, so the county's leadership team decided to restructure the enterprise, I felt that this was an opportunity to change my destiny, so after careful consideration, I chose to contract.

I know the root cause of the company's problems, that is, the quality of the product, every time the order is processed, there will be frequent returns due to quality reasons, which leads to a decrease in orders.

Therefore, after I contracted, the personnel were integrated accordingly and strictly controlled the quality. At the same time, I also took my assistant and took samples to southern Jiangsu and Zhejiang and other places for many times to seek cooperation opportunities, and also participated in the "Canton Fair" every year, the orders of the machinery factory came as scheduled, and the business in the factory was booming.

As of 2019, the annual output value of the enterprise has exceeded 80 million, which not only drives the employment of surrounding villagers, but also creates good social value.

Of course, I didn't need to talk about my own life, I bought a villa in my favorite area in the city, and in my home in the countryside, I also built a three-story building, and five years ago, I quit the company, and let my son who returned from studying abroad manage it, while I and my wife concentrated on enjoying their old age.

Over the years, after making money, I have funded the construction of cement roads and a stone arch bridge for the village, installed street lights for the people in the village for free, and distributed red envelopes to people over 65 years old in the village during the Spring Festival every year, which I have insisted on for 22 years.

In addition, I have sponsored more than 40 poor college students to complete their studies.

And the person who went to work in the supply and marketing cooperatives back then has become unemployed and has become a laid-off worker, and now I heard that the person is watching the door in a nursing home, and his life is very hard.

Woe is where blessing rests, blessing is where misfortune lurks". At that time, I lost the desirable position of the supply and marketing cooperative, and I was very depressed at the time, but I never thought that for me, it was a blessing with makeup and achieved my future life.

I was discharged from the army in 1983 and was assigned to a supply and marketing cooperative, but I was unexpectedly transferred, and my fate changed dramatically

Therefore, to be born as a human being, we must be grateful for all setbacks, because, the past is over, and the sky is ahead.