
After the facelift surgery, the scar is heavy and the plastic surgeon answers in a targeted manner, hitting the nail on the head!

author:Dr. Yuan Qiang, a plastic surgeon

Aesthetic patients who want to have facelift surgery will definitely have a lot of problems in their stomachs, and the process of each face-to-face consultation is also an opportunity for me to have a deeper empathy for the beauty seekers who want to do this project.

After the facelift surgery, the scar is heavy and the plastic surgeon answers in a targeted manner, hitting the nail on the head!

Today, I would like to answer two questions that beauty seekers are more worried about in addition to safety (because safety is the premise, and in any case, it is necessary to ensure that the surgery is carried out safely, so there is no need to worry):

1. Is the scar heavy?

Regarding the issue of heavy scars, MCR composite lift has good control of postoperative incision marks (surgery is generally not recommended for scar constitution except for scar constitution).

First of all, the incision location is very particular, the incision in front of the ear and behind the ear is generally located in the fold, which is very hidden, and can be well hidden after the recovery period. In addition, the existence of the "golden force point" makes the tissue fixation more firm, and there is no need to provide more assistance during skin suturing, so that the tension of the wound during suturing can be greatly reduced, and the scar will not be too obvious.

After the facelift surgery, the scar is heavy and the plastic surgeon answers in a targeted manner, hitting the nail on the head!

Finally, through the effect of "cosmetic tension reduction suture", to further prevent the occurrence of scars, of course, postoperative care is also important, the use of some drugs to prevent scars, can also play a good role, about three months to half a year, you can recover to only a shallow white line, normal social distance can not be seen at all.

After the facelift surgery, the scar is heavy and the plastic surgeon answers in a targeted manner, hitting the nail on the head!

If you have already had a facelift and the scar is obvious, it may be that the tension is too strong during the suturing, and the wound care after the operation is not scientific. In addition, postoperative scar care includes the time to remove stitches and dressings, and postoperative hair washing and cleaning, which must be advised by doctors and nurses.

2. Will it fall back after surgery?

As a plastic surgeon who has been focusing on facial rejuvenation for nearly 30 years, I have to confess that there will definitely be a pullback after facelift surgery, which is about a month.

But there are also two situations of falling, the first is that it is not a fake facelift? This kind of "fake facelift" is weak for the suspension and lifting power of the shallow expression area. At first, I felt okay when I first peeled it, but after a few months, or even half a year, it completely fell back, even.

After the facelift surgery, the scar is heavy and the plastic surgeon answers in a targeted manner, hitting the nail on the head!

Because normal facelift surgery has a small drop after the swelling is reduced, in order to offset or prevent this small part of the drop, a part of the falling space will be reserved, and it will reach the normal position after it recovers.

After the facelift surgery, the scar is heavy and the plastic surgeon answers in a targeted manner, hitting the nail on the head!

We beauty seekers should not be obsessed with this state of excessive exaltation, in this state the expression is unnatural, and it is a normal young state after the overkill returns. Many people think that fallback is bad, but in fact, fallback is the need for surgical design.

For more knowledge of plastic surgery, you can also pay attention to the headlines: Dr. Yuan Qiang, a plastic surgeon!