
Do single middle-aged and elderly women still need to get married?

author:Art Scene
Do single middle-aged and elderly women still need to get married?

Many people say that when people reach middle and old age, there is no need to remarry, and remarriage can be too little happiness. Many times, if one does not pay attention, he becomes a nanny for a remarried family, or is cheated of money, and ends up losing both money and money.

There are also some people who believe that they can still be happy in their later years, just keep their eyes open. When you see that the situation is not right, you can withdraw and leave in time.

So should middle-aged and elderly people remarry? Why do they choose to remarry?3 They speak their hearts for women, and they tell us with their actual situation that everyone has the right to choose.

65-year-old Aunt Qi

Aunt Qi is 65 years old this year, and the reason why she chose to remarry is because she wants someone to accompany her.

When she was young, Aunt Qi believed that people should not be bound by marriage, and should live freely alone. So she didn't get married.

Do single middle-aged and elderly women still need to get married?

When she reached middle age, she suddenly found that she had nothing but money, her parents were getting old, she was getting old, and she didn't even have a confidant around her.

Although I have friends, my friends have their own families, and I have too little energy to share, and I am still very lonely alone.

Aunt Qi also wanted to go over to adopt a child, but she was also afraid of trouble, she had never brought a child, and she didn't know if she could support the elderly, so she could only dispel this idea.

She thought of finding a partner for herself, and after being introduced, she met her current partner, Lao Li, and the two did not get a license, but just lived together and made some partner agreements.

Now that they have been together for 5 years, she feels that life is not bad, both of them have their own space and someone to talk to. When you have nothing to do, you can do something you like together, and take a look at it, and others are envious.

56-year-old Aunt Kim

Aunt Jin is 56 years old this year, she chose to remarry 3 years ago, and now her life is not good. Aunt Jin said: The main reason for her remarriage is that she wants to have someone to rely on.

Do single middle-aged and elderly women still need to get married?

Aunt Jin is an ordinary rural woman whose wife passed away due to illness a few years ago, leaving her alone. When Aunt Jin and her wife were young, they didn't have much savings, and they didn't have a craft, and after her wife left, she felt that half of her sky had collapsed.

Aunt Jin and her boss are not ahead of their time, they have never bought insurance for themselves before, and now that they are older, they are not like many retired workers who can receive pensions.

In order to make her life not worry about her future life, Aunt Jin went to work as a nanny and a waiter, but these can only get paid that month, and Aunt Jin herself always has a day when she can't do it.

She wants to find a companion for herself, find a support, and let her heart with nowhere to settle have a sense of security. Someone also said to Aunt Jin, you can work hard now, save more money, and it's good to live alone.

But Aunt Jin thinks this is not good, as she gradually gets older, no one wants to take care of her when she goes out to find a job, and the employer is afraid of taking responsibility.

Do single middle-aged and elderly women still need to get married?

On the other hand, if you have a headache and brain fever one day, everyone around you will take care of it, and no one will find out if you leave one day.

Therefore, Aunt Jin found herself a wife three years ago. The two live together, Aunt Jin is responsible for housework and cooking every month, and her wife gives Aunt Jin money to spend.

Although it lacks the sweetness of young couples, they can live together plainly and take care of each other, Aunt Jin thinks it's not bad.

Of course, at the age when she was able to move and still find a job, Aunt Jin didn't think about giving up her job, so she waited for her remarried wife to give money. Aunt Jin believes that no matter what age a woman is, as long as she can move, she must have her own job, so that she can have confidence and not be afraid of each other when her wife is not good to her.

Do single middle-aged and elderly women still need to get married?

60-year-old Aunt Lu

Aunt Lu is 60 years old this year, and she chose to remarry a year ago, because she didn't want to think she had no place to settle down, and she lived by looking at the face of her son-in-law's family, and also because she didn't want to drag down her daughter.

Aunt Lu and her wife have only one daughter, and I thought that after my daughter got married, the two of them would have no burden and could relax and enjoy life.

But I didn't want to have unforeseen circumstances, so my wife left early, leaving Aunt Lu alone. She gives all her energy to her daughter, helping her with housework, cooking, and taking care of the children. In order to make her daughter's life better, she also sold her and her wife's residence to her son-in-law to change the house under the persuasion of her son-in-law, and she should have said to her son-in-law: "Mom, you are Qianqian's mother, that is, my mother, I will definitely provide for you in the future." ”

However, when the child was older and didn't need Aunt Lu, the son-in-law instantly changed his face and began to pick Aunt Lu's thorns, wanting to drive Aunt Lu out of his home and take his parents over to live.

Do single middle-aged and elderly women still need to get married?

The daughter quarreled with her son-in-law several times for this, and in order to make her daughter happy, Aunt Lu came up with the idea of finding a wife for herself. Although I have some money in my own hands, it is not enough to buy a house.

It is also unrealistic to ask the son-in-law to spit out what he has eaten in his mouth. Aunt Lu herself didn't want to make it difficult for her daughter, and she didn't want to live with her son-in-law with a dead face, looking at her son-in-law's face, it was very difficult to be obedient. It's not pleasant to live like this, so it's better to move out.

For the life after remarriage, Aunt Lu is quite satisfied, and the stepwife is a person who knows how to hurt. Although they don't have much money, the two of them have enough food and clothing, and they have a sincere heart for each other and will care about each other.

Aunt Lu also has a place to live, and the wife also wrote a document to Aunt Lu, even if the wife leaves first, Aunt Lu can live until she dies, and she doesn't have to worry about being expelled by the son of the queen, so it's very good, Aunt Lu is very satisfied.

Do single middle-aged and elderly women still need to get married?

Write at the end

When people reach middle age and old age, whether to remarry or not, they must decide according to their own needs, and make the decision they want most after careful consideration, only in this way will they not regret it in the future.

On the other hand, unless you are particularly fond of solitude, you can live well alone. Otherwise, no matter what age people are, they need someone to accompany them to live together, take care of each other, and support each other.

Many times, everyone chooses to remarry without experiencing deep thinking, nor with sincerity, but sticking to their own little abacus in the new marriage, not wanting to pay, such remarriage will not be happy.

Since you have chosen to remarry, you might as well show your sincerity, say some things in front, figure out what you want most, don't have Long Wangshu, want everything, and in the end you won't get anything. The desire is hard to fill, and the life is naturally not happy.