
It is a hundred times more effective for parents to talk to their children in this way than to reason with them

It is a hundred times more effective for parents to talk to their children in this way than to reason with them

Text/Ting's mother

In the world of parent-child communication, language is not only a tool for communication, but also the key to shaping emotional bonds and behavior patterns.

It is a hundred times more effective for parents to talk to their children in this way than to reason with them

Many parents tend to take a reasonable approach when educating their children, hoping to guide their children's behavior through logic and reason. Psychological research has shown that the way parents communicate with their children is far more important than the content itself.

So, how should parents talk to their children in order to achieve a more effective educational effect than simply reasoning?

1. Children's psychological characteristics

Children are in the stages of development, and their cognitive, emotional, and social qualities are constantly evolving.

This means that their understanding of the world is concrete and intuitive, that they are highly dependent on emotion, and that their recognition of authority is also based on emotional connection.

Therefore, if a parent's words can touch their children's emotions, they can more directly influence their behavior.

It is a hundred times more effective for parents to talk to their children in this way than to reason with them

2. How to communicate with children

1. Use positive language

When a child does something wrong, it's easy for parents to fall into a pattern of criticism.

Studies have shown that positive language motivates positive behaviors in children.

For example, if the child is not putting away the toys, the parent can say, "I'm sure you can put the toys away well because you do it well every time." ”

This kind of encouragement not only avoids the generation of negative emotions, but also enhances children's self-confidence and sense of responsibility.

It is a hundred times more effective for parents to talk to their children in this way than to reason with them

2. Empathetic communication

When a child experiences setbacks or is emotionally depressed, the first task for parents is to understand and accept their child's feelings.

For example, if a child cries because they lost a game, the parent can say, "I know you're sad right now, it's really upset to lose a game." However, I see that you did your best, and I am proud of you. ”

This kind of empathetic communication can help children learn to express and manage their emotions, while also feeling the support and understanding of their parents.

3. Coordination of body language

In addition to verbal language, body language is also an important part of communication.

When parents communicate with their children, appropriate body language such as eye contact, smiles, and hugs can convey more warmth and trust.

It is a hundred times more effective for parents to talk to their children in this way than to reason with them

For example, when a child shows you his paintings, parents can smile and give them an affirmative look or even hug their child to show appreciation, such body language is more powerful than any words of praise.

4. Story-based teaching

Children naturally love to listen to stories, so parents can tell stories to convey the truth.

For example, in the face of children who are reluctant to share, parents can tell a story about sharing, so that children can understand the fun and importance of sharing in the story. Through the guidance of the storyline, children are more receptive to abstract concepts.

5. Scenario simulation

Sometimes, parents can role-play ways to help their children understand the consequences of certain actions.

For example, if a child encounters a conflict at school, parents can work with their child to simulate the situation and role-play to explore different ways to resolve it. This approach not only helps children learn to solve problems, but it also enhances their empathy.

It is a hundred times more effective for parents to talk to their children in this way than to reason with them

Overall, parent-child communication is an art as well as a science. It requires parents to continue to learn and practice, understand the psychological characteristics of their children, use appropriate communication skills, and establish a positive and healthy parent-child relationship.

Through emotional connection, positive language, empathetic communication, body language cooperation, and story-based teaching, parents can more effectively guide their children's behavior and cultivate their character and ability.

This kind of communication is indeed a hundred times more effective than simple reasoning.

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I am @婷momalan, a nationally certified nursery teacher, family education lecturer, committed to sharing parenting experience in small stories, welcome to follow me, and accompany children to grow up together.