
CPTTP is the English abbreviation of "Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement", and the full name is ComprehensiveandProgressiveAgreem

author:Katsura crosses

CPTTP是“跨太平洋伙伴关系协定”的英文缩写,全称是 Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership。 它是原跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)在美方退出后,由其余11个成员国重新谈判达成的区域全面经济伙伴关系协定。

The CPTTP was officially signed on March 8, 2018 and entered into force on December 30, 2018. As of November 2023, the CPTTP has 11 member countries, namely:








New Zealand




The content of the CPTTP covers trade in goods, trade in services, investment, intellectual property, government procurement, competition policy and other fields, aiming to promote trade and investment liberalization among member countries and create a high-standard free trade area in the Asia-Pacific region.

The signing and entry into force of the CPTTP is of great significance for promoting the process of economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region. It is not only conducive to the economic development among member countries, but also helps to maintain the free trade system in the Asia-Pacific region and promote global economic growth.

CPTTP is the English abbreviation of "Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement", and the full name is ComprehensiveandProgressiveAgreem
CPTTP is the English abbreviation of "Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement", and the full name is ComprehensiveandProgressiveAgreem
CPTTP is the English abbreviation of "Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement", and the full name is ComprehensiveandProgressiveAgreem
CPTTP is the English abbreviation of "Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement", and the full name is ComprehensiveandProgressiveAgreem
CPTTP is the English abbreviation of "Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement", and the full name is ComprehensiveandProgressiveAgreem
CPTTP is the English abbreviation of "Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement", and the full name is ComprehensiveandProgressiveAgreem
CPTTP is the English abbreviation of "Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement", and the full name is ComprehensiveandProgressiveAgreem
CPTTP is the English abbreviation of "Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement", and the full name is ComprehensiveandProgressiveAgreem

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