
During the Spring Festival, we should pay attention to the principle of "three relatives do not leave, and two gifts do not return", which "three relatives and two gifts" are not?

author:I'm Qiu Tian

In a few days, we are about to usher in the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China, and it carries people's expectations and blessings for the New Year. I believe that at this time, everyone embarks on the journey home and enjoys the joy of reuniting with their loved ones. However, during the Spring Festival, in addition to reuniting with our families, we also have an important custom, which is to greet each other. New Year's greetings are a kind of ritual in traditional Chinese culture, which not only represents a blessing, but also the exchange and maintenance of emotions between people. But it also has some "etiquette" to abide by, among which there is a saying that spreads among the people - "three relatives do not leave, two courtesies do not return". So what exactly does that mean? Let's find out with me!

During the Spring Festival, we should pay attention to the principle of "three relatives do not leave, and two gifts do not return", which "three relatives and two gifts" are not?

First of all, let's learn about the "three parents don't go". The "three parents" refer to:

One: relatives who have not been in contact for a long time.

In life, many friends may have such relatives, they have always been in the field, because of work or some other reasons, and stay for a few years, which leads to the originally good relationship slowly becoming estranged. For such relatives who have not been in touch for a long time, due to the relatively weak understanding and emotional foundation of each other, it may be embarrassing and uncomfortable for us to visit. Moreover, visiting relatives during the Spring Festival is a time-consuming and labor-intensive activity, and for those who are already estranged from some relatives, a sudden visit may cause unnecessary distress and burden to the other party. To avoid this from happening, it is also a wise choice not to visit these relatives.

During the Spring Festival, we should pay attention to the principle of "three relatives do not leave, and two gifts do not return", which "three relatives and two gifts" are not?

Two: Look down on your relatives.

Among our relatives, it is inevitable that there will be a distinction between rich and poor. There may be relatives whose families are in good condition and live in splendor. Although this kind of gap between the rich and the poor cannot affect the actual kinship, some relatives from wealthy families look down on relatives who are poor, and they will not entertain you when you go to their homes. Such relatives make people feel cold, and they also make people see clearly the indifference and selfishness of human nature. Instead of humiliating yourself in front of them, it is better to minimize contact with them and keep a certain distance.

During the Spring Festival, we should pay attention to the principle of "three relatives do not leave, and two gifts do not return", which "three relatives and two gifts" are not?

Three: Relatives who are sick and hospitalized.

Some relatives may need to be hospitalized due to their physical condition, so we should not visit them during the Chinese New Year. Because we are sick and hospitalized, we need to recuperate, and if we visit, it is inevitable that we will disturb the rest of the other party and bring unnecessary burden to the other party. Moreover, the hospital itself is a concentration of viruses, and those who are not in good health are also prone to infectious diseases. Not only that, but in the eyes of the older generation, the hospital is also an unlucky place, and at the beginning of the new year, it is not good for us to visit patients in the hospital. Therefore, for relatives who have been sick and hospitalized, we should not visit them during the Chinese New Year, and we can wait until they are recovered and discharged from the hospital to express our concern and wishes.

During the Spring Festival, we should pay attention to the principle of "three relatives do not leave, and two gifts do not return", which "three relatives and two gifts" are not?

Next, let's talk about "two gifts do not return". The "two rites" refer to:

One: Don't return gifts that are too low in value.

In the Spring Festival, a season full of festivities and blessings, exchanging gifts is an important way to express feelings. However, we need to be careful not to choose gifts of low value when returning gifts, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. Chinese people pay attention to coming and going, and the same is true when returning gifts, we should choose to give back gifts of similar value. If the value of the return gift is significantly lower than the gift given by the other person, it will not only make people feel rude, but it may also make the other person feel that you are not sincere enough, and may even think that you do not value the relationship. Therefore, when returning the gift, you should try to choose a gift that is equivalent to the other person's gift or has a slightly higher value.

During the Spring Festival, we should pay attention to the principle of "three relatives do not leave, and two gifts do not return", which "three relatives and two gifts" are not?

2: Do not return singular gifts when returning gifts.

In the return gift, the number of gifts is also particular, in the traditional culture, the double number is regarded as an auspicious meaning, after all, good things come in pairs, so we should also choose the even number of gifts when returning the gift. For example, when choosing fruits, we can choose 6, 8 and other numbers that are auspicious in traditional culture. In addition to fruits, the same goes for other gifts, and we should all follow this traditional custom to add a festive and good wishes to the New Year. At the same time, it is also a kind of respect and inheritance of traditional culture. If today's article is helpful to you, then click a follow, a like, and thank you for your support.

During the Spring Festival, we should pay attention to the principle of "three relatives do not leave, and two gifts do not return", which "three relatives and two gifts" are not?