
The first-class business seat of the high-speed rail is not allowed to stand people, what do you think? Read the rules and reasons for the high-speed rail

author:The secrets of life are revealed

Recently, the G1956 train was unable to run due to the overload alarm triggered by too many passengers on the train, and passengers without seats and tickets were asked to get off the train and make up their tickets. In the video, the aisle of the carriage is crowded with people, and some attendants say that the train cannot run, and passengers without seats and tickets are asked to pay their tickets at the station. This scene shocked and puzzled many people, why did high-speed rail have such a situation?

The first-class business seat of the high-speed rail is not allowed to stand people, what do you think? Read the rules and reasons for the high-speed rail

This is not an isolated case. According to the news of Fast Technology, there will be a large number of people traveling on the high-speed rail during the Spring Festival in 2024, and netizens reported that there were many people without seats in the second-class carriages of the high-speed rail, and there were even overloaded carriages, resulting in the suspension of trains. So, can passengers without a ticket stand or find a vacant seat in a first-class or business-class carriage with few people? In this regard, 12306 said that first-class and business-class passengers are not allowed to stand under any circumstances, and passengers without tickets are allowed to sit in first-class seats, which is a "overstepping" behavior. The 12306 railway personnel also said that there is no particularly large number of people in the second-class seats, and if there is serious overcrowding, some passengers who "buy short and long" will be cleared.

This policy has caused a lot of controversy and discussion, some people think that this is unfair and disrespectful to high-speed rail passengers, some people think that it is to ensure the safety and order of high-speed rail, and some people think that it is to maintain the quality and image of high-speed rail. So, is this policy good or bad? Let's look at two different cases to see their similarities, differences, and implications.

The first-class business seat of the high-speed rail is not allowed to stand people, what do you think? Read the rules and reasons for the high-speed rail

Case 1: Xiao Wang is a college student, because of the Spring Festival holiday, he wants to go home for the New Year, but he did not buy tickets in advance, so he can only find some third-party platforms online to see if there are any remaining tickets. He found a high-speed rail ticket from Beijing to Shanghai, only 300 yuan, but it was unseated, and he had to pay the ticket on the train to the terminal. Xiao Wang felt that this was a good opportunity, so he bought it without hesitation. He thought he could find an empty seat in the car, or go to the first class or business class to stand for a while, but after getting on the bus, he found that the carriage was so crowded that he couldn't even squeeze through the aisle. He had to stand in a corner with his luggage, enduring the bumps and crowding. He wanted to go to first class or business class, but was stopped by the attendant, saying that no one was allowed to stand in these carriages and that he had to go back to his car. Xiao Wang felt very aggrieved, feeling that he had spent money, but he did not get the service he deserved, and he felt that this was unfair and disrespectful to him.

Case 2: Xiao Li is a white-collar worker, because of work reasons, he has to travel from Shanghai to Beijing, he booked a high-speed rail ticket for business class on 12306 in advance, and spent 2,000 yuan. He feels that it is worth it because he can enjoy the highest level of service of high-speed rail, with more comfortable seats, more private space, and a better travel experience. He was looking forward to this business trip, but when he got on the bus, he found that there were many passengers without seats in the carriage, some of them were standing in the aisle, some were sitting in empty seats, and some were even lying on their seats. He felt very uncomfortable, he felt that he had spent so much money and he could not get the quality he deserved, and he felt that this was a deception and an insult to him.

The first-class business seat of the high-speed rail is not allowed to stand people, what do you think? Read the rules and reasons for the high-speed rail

From these two cases, we can see that the policy of not allowing people to stand on the first-class business seat of the high-speed rail has different impacts on different passengers. For passengers who do not have a seat ticket, they may feel that this is a restriction and discrimination, they feel that they also have the right to enjoy the services of the high-speed rail, they feel that they also pay for it, why can't they go to first class or business class?

In fact, there is some truth in both views, but they are also biased. Passengers who do not have a seat ticket, although they also pay, but they pay a different price than a first class or business class passenger, and they enjoy a different service. They can't feel free to enter any carriage just because they bought a ticket, which is unfair and disrespectful to other passengers. Passengers in first class or business class, although they pay a higher price, they can't feel that they can enjoy the entire carriage because they bought a high-end ticket, which is incomprehensible and unsupportive of high-speed rail. They should understand that high-speed rail is a form of public transportation that is meant to facilitate the travel of a large number of passengers, not to satisfy the selfish interests of individual passengers.

The first-class business seat of the high-speed rail is not allowed to stand people, what do you think? Read the rules and reasons for the high-speed rail

So, is the policy of not allowing people to stand on the first-class business seats of high-speed rail good or bad? I think this is a good policy, which is conducive to the development of high-speed rail and the interests of passengers. Why? Let's take a look at the following:

First, this is to ensure the safety of high-speed rail. High-speed rail runs at very fast speeds, and in the event of an unexpected situation, such as a sudden braking or emergency stop, standing passengers will be at greater risk. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety and operational stability of high-speed rail, it has become a necessary regulation to prohibit standing riding. This is the protection of the lives and property of all passengers, and the responsibility and responsibility of the high-speed rail.

Second, this is to ensure the order and norms of high-speed rail. As a representative of modern transportation in mainland China, high-speed rail has always been loved by passengers for its efficiency, speed and safety. However, if the carriage is overcrowded, it will affect the comfort and safety of passengers. In order to avoid this, high-speed rail needs to develop some rules and management measures to restrain and guide the behavior of passengers. For example, it is stipulated that passengers must have a valid ticket, and cannot buy short rides, cross seats, or stand up. These rules and management measures are to maintain the operation order and management norms of the high-speed rail, to ensure the normal operation and service quality of the high-speed rail, and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of passengers and travel experience. Therefore, we should abide by the rules and management measures of high-speed rail, rather than violating and resisting them at will.

The first-class business seat of the high-speed rail is not allowed to stand people, what do you think? Read the rules and reasons for the high-speed rail

Third, this is to ensure the quality and image of high-speed rail. High-speed rail is a business card of the mainland and an important symbol to show the mainland's scientific and technological strength and modernization level. The first class and business class of the high-speed rail are the top cabins of the high-speed rail, providing higher comfort and service quality. If passengers without seat tickets are allowed to enter these carriages, it will affect the particularity and quality of these carriages, and will also affect the brand and image of high-speed rail. Therefore, in order to maintain the quality and image of high-speed rail, it is also necessary to prohibit standing riding.

Fourth, this is to ensure fairness and justice in high-speed rail. The fares of high-speed rail are differentiated according to different classes and services, with first-class and business-class fares being the highest and the most difficult to obtain. If passengers without tickets are allowed to enter these carriages, it will break the fare system of high-speed rail, and it will also harm the rights and interests of first-class and business-class passengers. This is a violation of the fairness and justice of high-speed rail, and a violation of the rules and laws of high-speed rail. Therefore, in order to ensure the fairness and justice of high-speed rail, it is also reasonable to prohibit standing rides.

To sum up, the policy of not allowing people to stand on the first-class business seat of the high-speed rail is a good policy, which is conducive to the development of high-speed rail and the interests of passengers. This policy is based on the comprehensive consideration of the safety, order, quality, fairness and justice of the high-speed rail, and is the responsibility and responsibility of the high-speed rail, as well as the protection and respect of passengers. We should understand and support this policy, not complain and oppose it. We should abide by the regulations of high-speed rail and work together to create a safe and comfortable travel environment.

So what do you think about the policy of not allowing people to stand on the first-class business seat of the high-speed rail? Welcome to share your thoughts and opinions with me in the comment area! Let's discuss together to create a better high-speed rail travel environment. Thank you for reading and wish you all a Happy Chinese New Year!

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