
The first half of my life: I watched it three times before I realized that He Han is also a love brain

author:Kiki's mother's upbringing

In order to learn more, Luo Zijun applied with Su Manshu to work under Aunt Wu.

Aunt Wu is very powerful in the industry, and she has high requirements for her subordinates, and many people can't stand her strict requirements and leave after a long time.

Su Man was afraid that Luo Zijun would not be able to stand it and leave the company, unwilling to let her go.

After all, she was recommended by He Han and Chen Junsheng's ex-wife, so having this relationship is very beneficial to the company.

Therefore, Su Manshu couldn't wait to offer Luo Zijun up, and she didn't have to do anything.

But Luo Zijun felt that he should take advantage of this relationship to learn more things, and insisted on being an assistant to Aunt Wu.

Aunt Wu told her: If you follow me, you have to work, I don't care who you are.

Luo Zijun hurriedly explained: You misunderstood! I am just friends with He Han.

The first half of my life: I watched it three times before I realized that He Han is also a love brain

The next day was Saturday, which was also Ping'er's birthday, but Luo Zijun received news that he was going to Hangzhou on a business trip with Aunt Wu.

In order to work, Luo Zijun could only hand over Ping'er to his mother, and only after making a phone call did he know that his mother lived in a hotel alone.

It turned out that Uncle Cui's son came back, and he felt that Zijun's mother was just for money, so she didn't agree with the two old men being together, and blasted her out.

Luo Zijun could only send Ping'er to the hotel, and when he left, he repeatedly advised: Don't leave Ping'er alone in the hotel!

Mom promised: It will not be, don't worry.

But as soon as Luo Zijun arrived in Hangzhou, he called his mother, and his mother left Ping'er alone in the hotel in order to see Cui Baojian's son, and Luo Zijun panicked.

hurriedly called Chen Junsheng, but no one answered after several calls, so he called He Han.

The first half of my life: I watched it three times before I realized that He Han is also a love brain

Chen Junsheng didn't answer the phone because he was talking to He Han about work, and he didn't bring his mobile phone.

When he saw Luo Zijun calling, He Han did not answer the phone in front of Chen Junsheng, but took him away and answered it again.

Obviously, he didn't want Chen Junsheng to know that Luo Zijun called him.

When she heard Luo Zijun's panicked voice, He Han directly promised her to go to the hotel to see Ping'er.

And He Han's next operation is really completely contrary to the personality, falling in love with the upper body, and the IQ drops directly to zero.

He not only went to the hotel to see Ping'er without telling Chen Junsheng, but also sent Ping'er and Luo Zijun's mother to Hangzhou, not only arranged a birthday party for Ping'er, but also accompanied him to make a wish and blow out candles.

The first half of my life: I watched it three times before I realized that He Han is also a love brain

Chen Junsheng struggled to negotiate with Phil here to buy time for He Han, but He Han delayed coming.

In the end, Phil joined other companies with company secrets, which brought a very big loss to Chenxing, for which He Han was investigated by the board of directors, and his job was about to be saved.

In fact, this matter, according to He Han's previous style of doing things, can be taken into account on both sides and handled perfectly.

For example, tell Chen Junsheng that Ping'er is alone in the hotel, let him take a trip, just go and see it, there is no need to run in person.

In this way, the negotiation with Phil will not be delayed, and the loss can be avoided by calming Phil's emotions.

As long as Karman's project is handed over, as for whether Phil leaves or not, the impact will be much smaller.

He Han also knew that Phil didn't necessarily really want to leave, but had a small emotion in his heart, thinking that he was too partial to Chen Junsheng.

Let Chen Junsheng talk to him, and if he doesn't come forward, it will only intensify the conflict.

But he still chose to go to see Ping'er first, and then come back to talk.

The first half of my life: I watched it three times before I realized that He Han is also a love brain

can only explain two points, first, He Han attaches too much importance to Luo Zijun in his heart, and second, he overestimates himself too much.

Paying attention to Luo Zijun's feelings, he thought that Luo Zijun did not call Chen Junsheng, but found himself, which is a kind of belief.

He Han felt that Luo Zijun must be unwilling to let Chen Junsheng know that his mother left Ping'er alone in the hotel.

When He Han answered Luo Zijun's call, he made a small action, that is, he looked at his watch, which should be estimating the time.

He felt that he had time to run to the hotel.

When leaving, tell Chen Junsheng that he must drag Phil and not let him meet other company executives, otherwise there is a risk of leaking secrets.

And told Chen Junsheng that he would be back at about four or five o'clock, Chen Junsheng frowned and agreed to him, he chose to believe He Han, but this time He Han disappointed him.

He Han did not return at the time he had promised.

The first half of my life: I watched it three times before I realized that He Han is also a love brain

When Ping'er told He Han that today was his birthday, he didn't need to send him to Hangzhou, and he could also arrange a birthday for him in Shanghai, send a cake and a gift.

Knowing that the company was in a hurry, he still drove to Hangzhou, just to celebrate a birthday for the child, which is really not like He Han's style.

He Han, who is obviously all about work, suddenly became ignorant of work and only cares about the thoughts of women and children.

Is it just to show that He Han is already deeply in love with Luo Zijun?

Because of this mistake, He Han lost his job, but when he faced the inquiry of the board of directors, he still kept silent about what he was doing that afternoon.

If Ping'er hadn't said it, Chen Junsheng wouldn't have known.

The first half of my life: I watched it three times before I realized that He Han is also a love brain

He Han's character has always been an elite, and the whole process of breaking up with Tang Jing, proposing, deciding to get married and then breaking up is very rational.

But for the sake of Luo Zijun's request, he lost his sense of proportion and delayed very important work.

Judging the two of them before and after, it really makes me very incomprehensible!

What do you think of such a plot, like the rational He Han, or is it a love brain?

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