
Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender

author:Mon is stylish

Speaking of Zhang Yu, people who have watched the movie "Lushan Love" are deeply impressed by her, Zhang Yu, who still has charm when she was young, is still very attractive when she is middle-aged and old, she is still very attractive in dressing, she is a very temperamental woman, she dresses decently and naturally, without any greasy feeling, and is very in line with her age and temperament.

Unlike some middle-aged and elderly women who like to pretend to be young, Zhang Yu's dress pays more attention to comfort and naturalness, and does not deliberately pursue youth. She likes to wear comfortable, natural clothes that are not only practical but also show off her temperament and confidence. On the other hand, some middle-aged and elderly women, in order to pursue youthfulness, choose some too fancy or exaggerated clothing, which often makes people feel unnatural and even look greasy.

Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender

>>> outstanding taste + innate appearance advantage, it is so beautiful that the old man is too relaxed

When she was young, Zhang Yu attracted a lot of attention with her amazing appearance, she was bold and confident in her youth, and many sexy clothes did not disobey her. As she grew older, Zhang Yu's dressing style began to undergo some changes, and after she got older, she tended to wear a minimalist style, simple, luxurious and elegant, which is very in line with the aura of women of her age.

Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender

>>> maintain natural beauty and not overdo it

Zhang Yu is now 66 years old, but her makeup gives people a fresh and natural feeling, she did not choose too strong colors or too exaggerated shapes, but chose simple, comfortable, natural dress, such a dress not only does not make people feel greasy, but can show her temperament and confidence, from young to middle-aged, even if there are wrinkles on the face, but the fresh and natural makeup has always accompanied her, looking gentle and durable.

Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender

[tips1] makeup and hair are anti-greasy

✓ Perm micro roll, fluffy and natural youthful

The first thing to change is the hairstyle, do you know why your style looks greasy and old? It may be because your permed hairstyle is too old-fashioned, many women either try black long straight or perm greasy aunt curls, which are easy to look very old-aged, to learn Zhang Yu's perm of this kind of micro-curls, natural and gentle, will not look dull.

Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender

And in the choice of hairstyle, middle-aged women try not to have too long hairstyle, although the long hair is gentle and has a sense of atmosphere, but in fact, long hair is also easy to look sluggish and difficult to take care of.

On the contrary, Zhang Yu's short hair style makes her whole person more energetic and looks very capable, and after cutting her short hair, it also makes her upper body look more neat, even if her cheeks become fat, she can also show three-dimensional facial lines through hairstyle.

Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender

✓ Makeup is sheer and refuses heavy makeup

As we all know, makeup is also an important part of keeping us beautiful, older women can not always face the sky, but also can not wear heavy makeup, the most suitable makeup is often light makeup, nude makeup, this kind of makeup can not see too many traces of makeup can make you present a fresh and natural beauty.

The essence of light makeup is that the base makeup should be clear and not too white, and at the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the shape of the eyebrows, eye makeup and lip makeup, and the details of the makeup should be delicate and not rough, and you can choose the same color when choosing blush and eye shadow.

Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender


(1) Buy clothes based on body shape and learn to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses

Appropriate dressing can always keep us elegant, so like middle-aged and elderly women when buying clothes, where should they start? First of all, we should pay attention to choosing the right version according to your body shape, such as Zhang Yu belongs to a square and round face. And her figure is not a particularly slender type, so she is suitable for wearing this V-neck outfit, which effectively lengthens the neck line and makes the upper body appear slimmer.

Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender

When choosing clothes, we should pay special attention to the fit of the fit, when we choose the right clothing, help us to modify the head-to-shoulder ratio, can shape a more slender and slender figure, such as when we buy clothes, we should pay attention to the shoulder width, waist circumference, buy pants to pay attention to the waistline, and trouser length.

Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender

(2) The color matching of clothing is elegant and fashionable, and farewell to dull and bright colors

The color choice of clothes is also very important, if you want to wear a sense of fashion, then we can not wear too fancy, greasy, the color of the clothes can not be too bright, if you want to wear a sense of fashion, it is recommended that you try more basic colors, and if you want to pursue the trend, you can also use popular colors appropriately, but you must not match the dull or gaudy.

Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender

(3) The accessories are exquisite in workmanship and textured

A truly sophisticated woman, they don't ignore every detail of their outfit, even if it's just a brooch or a necklace or earrings, it's a plus for our look. As a girl, Zhang Yu also knows the importance of these details, so no matter how low-key her daily dress is, she will never lack these elegant accessories.

Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender

(4) Mainly elegant and intellectual, don't pretend to be tender

In addition, for mature women, it is also very important to find their own suitable style, which can allow us to avoid a lot of detours, what kind of style is suitable for older women? elegant style, intellectual style is more suitable for you, try not to try sweet style, sexy style matching, because those styles will be more provocative, ordinary people are difficult to control.

Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender

▼ Superior posture and posture show a lot of charm

In addition to having a slender and slender body, we should also pay attention to our body shape and posture management. With good manners, even if the body is fat, we can also show a good state, as a goddess, Zhang Yu even if she is old, but she still pays attention to sitting posture. Standing and sitting, and not hunched over, not shrugged, such a confident and generous state is lacking in many peers.

Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender

▼ The body is well-proportioned, the temperament is dignified, and everything looks good

Maintain a slender and slender figure, with a dignified and elegant demeanor, then no matter what kind of clothing you wear, we can show the best state, even if some simple design of the basic model can also let you release a unique beauty, this elegance is revealed from the bones, is difficult for ordinary people to imitate.

Looking at the 66-year-old Zhang Yu's dress, I found that middle-aged and elderly women are more temperamental than pretending to be tender

In general, middle-aged and elderly women should pay more attention to comfort and naturalness in their dressing, rather than pursuing too much youthful and tender matching. Only the dress that really suits you can show your temperament and confidence. And Zhang Yu's anti-greasy way of dressing is more able to show the elegance of women.

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