
In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

author:Longnan Cheng County released

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Spring is the season for children to grow their bodies, after the spring equinox, a day grows a line, and the elderly know that spring should give children more nutrition. However, some children are picky eaters and do not eat well for various reasons, and adults try various methods to no avail.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

The color, pattern, and smell of the food can promote the child's appetite, if the child is a picky eater, the mothers can change the pattern to do, cute and good-looking, enhance the children's appetite, the child's appetite is good, and help the healthy growth!

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

1. Red bean yam cake

Needless to say, the benefits of yam are not hot, and they are nutritious and comprehensive. However, the taste of yam is bland, and many children are not very happy to eat it, so it is recommended that parents do this, and children like to eat it.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

1. Prepare the ingredients, 1 yam with an iron stick, cut it into uniform long sections, peel off the skin, soak it in water, wear gloves when peeling, so as to avoid skin allergies, and soak it in water to prevent the yam from oxidizing and turning black.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

2. 50 grams of black beans and 50 grams of red beans, soak them in clean water one day in advance, and soak them to reduce the cooking time.

3. Boil water in a pot, put the soaked black beans and red beans into the pot, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes after the water boils, cook the black beans and red beans until soft, turn off the heat after 30 minutes, and remove them for later use.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

4. Boil water in the pot again, put the grate, put the yam into the pot, boil the water over high heat, turn to low heat and steam for 15 minutes, take it out after steaming, put it in the basin, press it into yam puree with a spoon, put the yam puree in a bowl, add two spoons of sugar, mix well with a little vegetable oil, add the boiled red beans and black beans and mix evenly.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

5. Prepare a plate, spread a layer of plastic wrap for later use, apply a layer of vegetable oil on the board, vegetable oil can prevent the yam from sticking to the board and cannot be picked up, take out an appropriate amount of yam puree and flatten it, cut out different shapes with a mold, and place it on the plate.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

6. Then put the red beans and yams in the refrigerator and refrigerate, and finally put a little coriander and strawberries to garnish with them, and the taste will be more refreshing after refrigeration. If you don't like to eat cold, you can eat it directly after it is ready.

2. Black sesame egg rolls

Black sesame seeds have always been a traditional nourishing holy product, often eaten to strengthen the stomach and spleen, promote the growth of red blood cells, and fried into an egg roll with eggs, nourishing and nourishing.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

1. Beat 4 eggs into the basin, add 2 grams of salt, a little sugar, stir well and beat into egg liquid, then add 100 grams of butter and 90 grams of low-gluten flour, stir into a paste and add a handful of black sesame seeds and mix well for later use.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

2. Heat the electric baking pan, scoop a spoonful of egg batter and put it in the middle position, then cover the lid and the egg liquid will naturally flatten, and the egg roll will turn golden brown in about 1 minute, take a chopstick and roll it into a roll while it is hot.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

3. Roast all the egg batter into an egg roll according to this method, and it will be very crispy after cooling.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

3. Homemade dried shrimp

Shrimp is rich in nutrients, with higher calcium content than eggs and milk, especially suitable for boys and girls who grow tall, and it is easy to absorb. Prawns do this, and children can eat them as snacks.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

1. Prepare an appropriate amount of fresh shrimp, cut off the shrimp whiskers, shrimp legs, and shrimp guns, these parts are easy to burn, and the prawns are ready to be cooked after all the prawns are processed.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

2. Boil water in the pot, put in dried chili peppers, Sichuan pepper, star anise, green onions, ginger slices, turn to high heat and boil, add salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar to improve freshness, cooking wine to remove the smell, keep the heat and cook for three to five minutes, fully cook the fragrance of the ingredients, pour in the prawns and boil, and remove the foam after boiling.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

3. Continue to cook for about a minute, turn off the heat and soak for a while, this step is mainly to give the shrimp a taste, don't cook for too long to avoid the loss of umami, pour out the boiled prawns, put them in the tray in turn, and put them aside to dry the water vapor.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

4. After all the moisture is controlled, put it on the grill again, preheat the oven for 3 minutes in advance, put the prawns in, heat it at the same time, and bake it at 140 degrees for 45 minutes.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

Fourth, chrysanthemum crisp

Many children are reluctant to eat staple foods, first, the taste is indeed not as good as meat and vegetables, and second, staple foods do not look good, and children will like to eat foods that seem to be interesting. But the staple food is indispensable, and the staple food will be made in a cute and loving shape, and the child will love it.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

1. Prepare 30 grams of flour, add 5 grams of sugar, 3 grams of condensed milk, 3 grams of vegetable oil, mix the dough with 20 ml of cold boiled water, mix into a soft dough, knead the dough smooth and set aside.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

2. Then prepare 30 grams of flour with a piece of oil noodles, add 10 grams of vegetable oil, and mix the oil noodles into the same softness as the dough.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

3. Sprinkle dry flour on the board, roll the dough into long strips, knead it into a uniform dough, press it flat, wrap it in a small piece of oil noodles, put it at the tiger's mouth, tighten the opening to prevent the filling from being exposed when rolling, and sprinkle dry flour after all the wrapping. Prevents sticking when rolling.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

4. Flatten the dough, roll it into a cow's tongue shape, then fold the dough sheet, roll it into long strips, roll it out, fold it into small pieces of noodles for later use, the purpose of this step is to roll the oil dough evenly, facilitate the puff pastry layering, and roll it out a little lighter, not to break the skin.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

5. Prepare 20 grams of bean paste filling, mix in a little flour, make the bean paste filling harder, then roll out the small dough pieces into square dough sheets, wrap the bean paste filling, tighten the opening, wrap the green bean paste, and gently press it into a thin and uniform round dough sheet with a knife.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

6. Brush the baking tray evenly with oil, cut the dough sheet every 1 cm, cut it to one-third, cut it into the shape of a chrysanthemum, twist each petal 90 degrees, and the raw blank of the chrysanthemum crisp is ready.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

7. Place the cooked green blank in the baking tray, brush the egg yolk liquid at the center of the flower, sprinkle black and white sesame seeds to decorate, adjust the oven to 160 degrees, turn on the double fire, preheat the oven for 3 minutes, and then put the chrysanthemum crisp into the oven and bake it for 25 minutes to serve.

In the future, if the child does not eat well, you will do this, it is soft and delicious and easy to digest, but it is cute and has an appetite

Source: First Food Editor: Qiming

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