
Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

author:Longnan Cheng County released

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Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day.

Entering the wax moon, the taste of the New Year is getting more and more sufficient, and every household has begun to buy New Year's goods. Spring Festival couplets, window flowers, lanterns, blessing characters and other decorations are hung between the doors and windows, reflecting a strong festive atmosphere. In terms of ingredient procurement, the market is also dazzling, from chicken, duck and fish, canned fruits, to dried fruits, candies and candied fruits.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

Nuts that are easy to store are better, while vegetables are more likely to spoil, such as leeks. There is the meaning of "long wealth", it is the preferred vegetable for dumpling filling in the Spring Festival, many people buy leeks in advance and put them directly in the refrigerator, but after a few days they find that the original fresh leek leaves have become yellow and rotten leaves, today I will share with you how to preserve leeks, simple and easy to learn, let's take a look.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

First of all, we should pay attention to choosing fresh leeks when buying leeks. We should pay attention to choosing leeks with narrow leaves. In general, leeks with narrower and thinner leaves are of better quality. This is because narrow and thin leaves are tougher and more tender, and leeks with larger and wider leaves tend to have too much water and are prone to rotting. Therefore, when selecting leeks, we can observe the width and narrowness of the leaves from the appearance, and choose narrower varieties.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

Secondly, we also need to pay attention to the color and smell of leeks. Fresh leeks should be bright green with a hint of dark green silver. If you notice that the leaves are yellow, wilted, or have obvious spots, it means that the leeks are no longer fresh. In addition, leeks should emit a strong and special smell, and if you don't smell the characteristic aroma of leeks, it is likely to be expired or of poor quality.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

In addition, when buying leeks, we should also pay attention to the roots of leeks. Fresh rootsThe roots of fresh leeks should be firm, well-defined, and not yellow or soft. If you notice that the roots are soft or yellow, it means that the leeks are no longer fresh.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

Before preservation, leeks must be selected first, and the yellow leaves and rotten leaves inside must be removed, because these bad leaves already contain germs, and if they are not removed, they will accelerate the decay of leeks. Next, let's talk about the preservation methods separately.

The first method:

Usually, the leeks we buy are with some moisture and are easily perishable at room temperature. If you put the leeks directly in the refrigerator, the moisture will quickly condense on the leek leaves, causing them to turn black and soft, and the taste will also be affected.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

Therefore, wrapping leeks in kitchen paper towels has become a very good solution. Many people like to use newspapers, but the ink on the newspaper is harmful to the body, so you should choose kitchen paper towels or dry gauze, pick the leeks that you haven't bought, but don't wash them, don't get wet, dry them a little and wrap them tightly with kitchen paper towels. In this way, the kitchen paper towel will absorb the excess moisture on the surface of the leek, keeping the leek dry. Then, place the wrapped leeks in an airtight bag to remove excess air and refrigerate them in the refrigerator.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

With this method, the leeks are well protected. The low temperature in the refrigerator can effectively slow down the metabolism of leeks and delay the rate of decay. At the same time, dry kitchen paper towels can also absorb the moisture inside the leeks, preventing nutrient loss and poor texture due to water evaporation.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

Leeks preserved in this way will keep them fresh for at least 20 days. When it's time to use it, just take out the required number of leeks and try to avoid opening the bag repeatedly so as not to let excess air into the bag.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

The second method:

Air-dried cabbage leaves are soft and do not retain much moisture, making them ideal for wrapping other vegetables, especially leeks. The processed leeks wrapped in cabbage leaves can effectively prolong the preservation time of the leeks, so that they can enjoy the green delicacy even in the cold winter.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

First of all, we need to choose semi-air-dried cabbage leaves. These leaves should be left over from the air-drying process, have a soft texture, and retain some residual moisture, but not too much. Spread the cabbage leaves on the table, making sure the surface is neat and flat. Next, the processed leeks are placed on top of the cabbage leaves. It is advisable to place a few leeks in the center of the cabbage leaves and then wrap two or three leaves to maintain the freshness of the leeks. Remember to wrap it gently so as not to crush the leeks.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

Finally, place the wrapped cabbage leaves and leeks in a cool, ventilated place. This environment helps to reduce water evaporation and maintain the freshness of the food. According to my experience, this preservation method can keep the leeks for about half a month, and the half-dried cabbage leaves can not only prevent the leeks from drying out, but also provide some moisture for the leeks.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

The third method:

Remove the dry, yellow, and old leaves of the leeks, leaving only the fresh green leek leaves and young stems. These old leaves often affect the freshness and taste of leeks, so it is important to remove them promptly. Next, align the roots of the cut leeks neatly. Aligned leeks will be more susceptible to water supply, which in turn will slow down the rate of water loss.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

Take out a cotton rope and gently wrap it around the leek root twice. Do not tighten too tightly so as not to press on the leek stems. The function of the cotton rope is to fix the roots of the leeks and keep the leeks in a stable position in the water.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

Pour the right amount of water into a plastic bucket of the right size so that the water can soak through the roots of the leek, about a centimeter or so. This water level can be adjusted according to the actual situation, but it should not be too high. With this water level setting, the roots of the leeks continuously absorb enough water to maintain their freshness and green color.

For this storage method, it can be stored at room temperature and does not need to be put in the refrigerator. The quality and freshness of leeks can be well maintained at room temperature, and the leeks can be guaranteed to be fresh and green for a week, and the leaves still retain enough moisture.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

Leeks are not only a nutritious vegetable, but also a delicacy for many people. It not only has a unique taste, fresh and fragrant taste, but also has the beautiful meaning of "long-term wealth". At the same time, there are also many ways to eat leeks, which makes people never get tired of eating them.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

First of all, leeks can be fried and eaten. Cut the leeks into suitable lengths, fry them in a hot pan with cold oil, add leeks and stir-fry evenly, add minced garlic, salt, chicken essence and other seasonings, and serve after frying. This way of eating retains the original flavor of leeks, which makes people have an endless aftertaste.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

Secondly, leeks can also be used to make leek boxes. Chop the leeks, serve them with eggs, shrimp, fungus, carrots, shiitake mushrooms and your favorite seasoning, mix well, wrap them in the dough, and then fry or fry them to make them look and taste. This way of eating not only retains the nutrition of leeks, but also adds layers to the taste.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

In addition, leeks can also be made into leek dumplings, leek buns, leek cakes, leek noodles and so on, and in addition to its deliciousness, the nutritional value should not be underestimated, leeks are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and amino acids and other nutrients. Among them, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and other vitamins are high, with antioxidant effect, help to remove free radicals in the body, in addition, leeks are also rich in calcium, iron, potassium and other minerals, can meet the body's needs for these elements.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

However, the most striking thing is the abundance of dietary fiber in leeks. Because leeks are so rich in dietary fiber, they are known as "intestinal cleansing grass". Dietary fiber is a mixture of insoluble fiber and soluble fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, reduce calorie intake, and have a good effect on fat loss and weight loss.

Only then did I know that it was so simple to preserve leeks! 20 days without yellowing or rotten, eat fresh leeks every day

Well, three ways to save leeks are shared with you here, I hope it can bring some help to your life, like my article don't forget to like the collection and add a follow, thank you for reading and we'll see you next time.

Source: Gourmet Gewu

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