
Whose troops are the large number of tanks that appeared in Texas? Can the National Guard really fight a civil war with the US military?

author:T34 with Tiger Review

Now Texas (Texas) and US President Joe Biden continue to be tough over the migration crisis, and 25 Republican governors have signed up in support of Texas.

There are rumors on the Internet that the Texas National Guard has dispatched tanks to confront it.

Whose troops are the large number of tanks that appeared in Texas? Can the National Guard really fight a civil war with the US military?


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It is estimated that a large number of netizens have watched some videos and pictures of some tanks and infantry fighting vehicles moving or transporting them on trains.

Some of the pictures don't look like the terrain of the Midwest of the United States, but they are actually Leopard 2 tanks developed by Germany, so this is obviously an oolong.

There are also some Americans who saw a large number of M1A2 main battle tanks and M2A2 infantry fighting vehicles loaded and transported on trains while driving, such as the picture below:

Whose troops are the large number of tanks that appeared in Texas? Can the National Guard really fight a civil war with the US military?

Heavy troops

But the picture can't tell if it was filmed in Texas, and it can't be seen if it's going to Texas.

What is known for sure is that the Kansas National Guard delivered the tanks to Texas.

On January 26, 2024, 25 M1 tanks and 16 M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles from the 1st Battalion of the 635th Armored Regiment of the Kansas National Guard were transported by train to Fort Briss Military Base in Texas.

This is officially announced by the state of Kansas.

Whose troops are the large number of tanks that appeared in Texas? Can the National Guard really fight a civil war with the US military?

Promulgation screen

The time is also right, it is said to go to military exercises.

Do you believe that it is really just a drill?

Some netizens may ask: Did Kansas respond to Trump's call to "send the National Guard to support Texas"? Zhenpai tanks confronted the federal patrol assigned by Biden?

Kansas is a blue state, which is a state that supports Biden's Democrats.

If these tanks really want to do something else, it can also put pressure on Texas.

By the way, the pictures of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles taken by American netizens while driving could be mechanized troops transferred from Kansas?

So does the National Guard in Texas have its own tank units?

Answer: No.

The National Guard in Texas had only two infantry brigade combat units and one combat aviation brigade, and not a single tank.

It is rumored that 25 Republican states have deployed a large number of M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, M109 self-propelled howitzers and Humvee military vehicles to support Texas?

Now the US media has named the news, claiming that it was made by an American netizen named Arthur Morgan, but no other information can verify this claim.

The message mentions that the National Guard in Republican states mobilized 48 M109 155mm self-propelled howitzers to Texas, and this 48 is suspicious.

The U.S. armored brigade combat team has an artillery battalion with a full complement of 18 M109s.

So 3 fully staffed artillery battalions are 54 vehicles, what does it mean to mobilize only 48 vehicles?

In addition, according to the current establishment, the M109 self-propelled gun and the M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle are only equipped with armored brigade combat teams.

So why only infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled guns and tactical military vehicles, and not tanks?

The U.S. National Guard does have tank units as well, and 5 states have armored brigade combat teams or cavalry brigade combat teams.

Idaho, Tennessee and Mississippi are red states that support Texas' efforts to stop illegal immigration.

North Carolina and Minnesota are blue states that support President Joe Biden.


There are also scattered tank units, such as the Ohio National Guard, which has tanks in the 1st Battalion of the 145th Armored Regiment (only 1 battalion).

Then there is the aforementioned Kansas where the 1st Battalion of the 635th Armored Regiment (and only 1 battalion) has tanks.

Ohio is a red state and Kansas is a blue state.

Someone else may ask: doesn't the National Guard have F-22 fighters?

Yes, the 192nd Fighter Squadron of the 149th Wing of the Chinese National Guard Air Force of Virginia Air Force and the 199th Fighter Squadron of the Chinese National Guard of the Hawaii Air Force.

Whose troops are the large number of tanks that appeared in Texas? Can the National Guard really fight a civil war with the US military?

Caution No. Sum F-22 Model

Virginia is a red state and Hawaii is a blue state.

So what fighters are the Texas Air Chinese National Guard equipped with?

The 149th Fighter Wing is the F-16C/D, and the recently formed 147th Strike Wing uses MQ-9 drones.

Now many big Vs and small Vs are rendering, and the United States is on the verge of the outbreak of civil war.

As they imagine:

The National Guard is all subordinate to the governors of the states, and now the 25 Republican states are united against Biden's federal government, anyway, there are tanks and fighter jets, and the big deal is to join forces to fight a war, and just run away from the US troops who obey the orders of the federal government.

Personal opinion: It's amazing to think too much.

25 Republican states support Texas,

There is also one Republican state, Vermont, which has said to wait and see.

Then there are 25 more states that support Biden's Democrats.

You are 25 states against 25 states + US military, is the advantage in you?

An even more important point: the National Guard is theoretically commanded by the governors of the states, and in practice the lines between such combat units and the US military are increasingly blurred.

It is the civil affairs forces of the states that really strictly obey the governors, and their functions are similar to those of the armed police on the mainland.

For example, there are 4 civil brigades in Texas, called Texas State Guard, which translates Texas Guards/Texas Guards, etc., which are mainly responsible for tasks such as security and security, search and rescue, and water patrols.

Such troops are not primarily designed for combat.

And the National Guard mentioned earlier is not the same as when it was first established, it can be regarded as the second US army.

During World War I and World War II, many National Guards were transferred directly to the U.S. military system to participate in world wars.

After the end of the World War, some of these National Guard units were dismantled, or some were transferred to the National Guard system.

For example, the 29th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army fighting on Omaha Beach during the Norman landings in World War II was like this:

Formed with National Guard units during World War I and disbanded after World War I,

Rebuilt during World War II and disbanded after World War II,

However, in 1946 it was transferred to the National Guard system and continued to exist.

Do you say that it is purely under the orders of the governor's troops?

Unlikely, its three brigades are scattered in three states.

This unit has also traveled abroad for exercises, such as joint military exercises with Japan's Self-Defense Forces.

Also, as mentioned above, the 192nd Wing of the Air Chinese Guard in Virginia has an iron cross symbol in its insignia, why?

Because this unit was originally stationed in West Germany, it was later transferred to the National Guard.

Moreover, when the United States is fighting a security war overseas, it often transfers units of the National Guard to rotate US troops.

Even in Ukraine before the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in 2022, the troops that went to conduct joint exercises with the Ukrainian army were often not units of the US military system, but the National Guard.

For example, in this photo in Lviv, Ukraine, on December 1, 2021, it is not the troops of the US military system that stand and salute with the Ukrainian army at all, but the 81st Brigade Contingent of the Washington State National Guard.

Whose troops are the large number of tanks that appeared in Texas? Can the National Guard really fight a civil war with the US military?

Salute with the Ukrainian army

Not to mention that some units of the National Guard have long been under the direct command of the US military, such as the F-22 in Hawaii, and the 1st Battalion of the 143rd Infantry Regiment in Texas itself, which is an airborne force and is also directly under the command of the US military.

So even if the governors did order the fight, would these National Guards not hesitate to fire at the U.S. military?


Then Texas unites 25 Republican states to put pressure on the federation, a possible routine:

1. Texas, with its share of US GDP, has succeeded in forcing the palace with other local forces to strengthen its control over illegal immigration.

This is indeed what the Republican Party has always wanted to do, the Democratic Party lets in illegal immigrants every day, and then amnesties some of them to become American citizens, and basically supports the Democratic Party, and in the long run, the Republican Party's base is diluted less and less.

2. Texas bowed to Biden after making enough drama and staged a "fan abuse" drama to make its basic market more determined to support the Republican candidate for president.

3. Out of control, playing a big drama and getting off the hook has turned into a misfire, is this situation because the "young officers" within the US military are walking alone? This kind of script is too Japanese Showa, right?

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