
The Spring Festival is approaching, and Tongliang District has launched a fire safety battle

author:At first glance



In the special training, the instructor explained the fire prevention methods in simple terms by means of pictures and texts, news reports, accident analysis, on-site explanations, questions and answers, etc. With the video of major fire accident examples, shocking pictures and figures made all the participants feel greatly shocked, and deeply realized the importance of "hidden dangers are more dangerous than open fires, and prevention is better than disaster relief".

The Spring Festival is approaching, and Tongliang District has launched a fire safety battle

该‬院‬院长谢海峰、副院长周鼓利参加了行政后勤的消防安全知识培训。 周鼓利在培训前进行了动员讲话,要求‬深刻汲取1月19日河南省南阳市方城县独树镇英才学校宿舍楼火灾事故教训,以积极端正的态度,认真参与消防安全知识技能培训,强化消防安全意识,提升自救知识和逃生技能。

The Spring Festival is approaching, and Tongliang District has launched a fire safety battle
The Spring Festival is approaching, and Tongliang District has launched a fire safety battle


The Spring Festival is approaching, and Tongliang District has launched a fire safety battle
The Spring Festival is approaching, and Tongliang District has launched a fire safety battle


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