
A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

author:Yoga Treasures

Warming up before practice can make the exercise more comfortable and easy to avoid injury.

We can also practice the first five sitting postures.

  • Note that for the chair pose (5th), the upper body is leaned forward, the arms are up, and the hips are briefly off the edge of the chair.

For meditation (number 11), you can also sit in a chair if you wish.

  • All poses should reduce discomfort, not increase it.

Make a note of which pose most effectively targets your affected joints and practice them daily.

1. Mountain Pose + Torsion

  • This gentle twist "relaxes the shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees and opens up the space between these joints."
  • Start the movement with your eyes, then let your torso follow, then the rest of your body.
A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

Twist your torso to the right, then slowly to the left, allowing your arms to swing freely.

  • Stand in a mountain position with your arms at your side and palms facing inward.
  • Keeping your toes and knees aligned, twist your torso to the right, then slowly twist to the left, allowing your arms to swing freely.
  • Repeat this movement and take a few deep breaths.

2. Wrap your shoulders in circles

This movement helps to mobilize the shoulder joints by stretching the deltoid and pectoral muscles.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

Keeping the rest of your body steady, use your arms in large circles and slowly move in one direction for a few deep breaths

  • Stand in mountain pose with your arms outstretched to your sides, shoulder-height.
  • Make fists with both hands facing up and thumbs relaxed
  • Keeping the rest of your body steady, use your arms in large circles and slowly move in one direction for a few deep breaths, then a few more breaths in the other direction, then release your arms on both sides.

3. Wrist loops

These movements help to mobilize the wrist by strengthening the muscles, including the wrist flexors and extensors.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

Keeping your arms still, slowly turn both wrists in one direction two to three times

  • Mountain Pose, with your arms at your side, make a fist with your hands again with your thumbs facing forward and relax.
  • Keeping your arms still, slowly turn both wrists in one direction two to three times, then a few more times in the other direction.

4. Punches

This exercise will help to stretch and strengthen the joints of the hand.

While your arms can be in a number of different positions, with your hands in fists, extending your arms out in front of you, shoulder-height and parallel to them, can help gently strengthen your arms.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

The wrist is in a neutral position

  • Starting with the mountain pose, raise your arms to shoulder height, make fists with both hands, and point your thumb side towards the ceiling (with your thumb relaxed and placed on top);
  • The wrist is in a neutral position (i.e., there should be a straight line from the forearm to the back of the hand).
  • As you inhale, keep your wrists neutral and your hands open and your fingers apart. As you exhale, keep your wrists neutral, slowly close your hands and make your fists.
  • Repeat this a few times, moving with your breathing, then relax your arms on both sides.


This pose strengthens the hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, and calves, and helps with hip, knee, and ankle mobility.

  • The wall is used to minimize weight on the hips, knees, and feet, and to help maintain balance during heel raises.
A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

The wall is used to minimize weight on the hips, knees, and feet, and to help maintain balance during heel raises.

  • Stand in front and put your hands on your hips.
  • Slide your hips down the wall, bend your knees, and step forward with your feet, pausing when your knees are bent to a challenging but sustainable level.
  • You can bend your knees slightly at first. Over time, as you gain quadriceps strength, you can bend your knees to, but probably no more than 90 degrees.

For more intensity, raise your arms above your head (or as high as you can for comfort). Hold for a few breaths.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

For more intensity, raise your arms above your head

Then stand up and rest with your back against the wall for a breath or two. Return to the chair position with the help of the wall.

To strengthen your calves, try lifting both heels while keeping your knees bent.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems
  • Start a breathing cycle by lifting both heels, then gradually lift your heels upwards for a few breaths.
  • Release your heels, return to your uprightness, and slide your back up along the wall to lighten the load on your legs.

6. Runner's stretching on the wall

This one fits your calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) and Achilles tendon to help with ankle movement. The change in posterior knee flexion directs the stretch to the soleus muscle.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

The change in posterior knee flexion directs the stretch to the soleus muscle.

  • Turn around so that you are facing the wall and place your hands on the wall at chest height.
  • Keep your spine elongated with your left foot back and your heel on the ground as you bend your elbow until you feel a stretch in your left calf muscles.
  • If you don't feel stretching, try pushing your left foot back further. Hold here for a few breaths.

Bend your left knee so that it is in a straight line with the center of your left foot. Hold here for a few breaths.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

Bend your left knee so that it is in a straight line with the center of your left foot. Hold here for a few breaths.

Release the position, then repeat on the other side.


This pose gently stretches the lower back and moves the hips.

  • Lie on your back with your knees together and take a few breaths.
A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

Then place your hands on your knees and use your hands to help your knees go around in circles, apart from each other, repeat.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

Place your hands on your knees and use your hands to help your knees go around in a circle, apart from each other, repeat.

8.腘绳肌拉伸(SUPTA padangusthana)和瑜伽带绕腿

This asana targets not only the hamstrings and calves, but also the hip abductors and adductors, increasing flexibility in the ankles, knees, and hips.

Note that if straightening one leg on the floor will affect your lower back, you can keep your leg bent and your feet flat on the floor.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

Hold one side of the strap in each hand and stretch your right leg toward the ceiling, through your heel, with your toes aligned with your right shoulder.

  • Lie on your back with your legs stretched forward. Pull your right knee towards your chest and place the strap on the bottom of your right foot.
  • Hold one side of the strap in each hand and stretch your right leg toward the ceiling, through your heel, with your toes aligned with your right shoulder.
  • Bend and straighten your right leg a few times, then straighten a few breaths as comfortably as you can.

Then take the strap of your right hand and circle your right leg in one direction, then breathe a few times in the other direction and switch sides.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

Circle your right leg in one direction,


It can work the hamstrings and gluteal muscles while stretching the quadriceps muscles and increasing the flexibility of the hip joints and knees.

  • It also strengthens the extensor muscles of the spine and supports an upright posture. Unlike the standing pose, where all the weight of the body is transferred to the feet through the hips and knees, in the bridge pose, the task of the shoulders is to support part of your weight.
A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

Work your hamstrings and glutes while stretching your quadriceps muscles to increase hip and knee flexibility.

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the ground with your heels under your knees or slightly forward.
  • Bend your elbows at right angles to your ribcage so that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor, your fingers pointing towards the ceiling, and your palms facing each other.
  • As you inhale, push down on your feet (to stay grounded), upper arms, and the back of your shoulders so that your hips and heart go up.
  • As you exhale, relax and return to the floor. Repeat the bridge one or two more times.
  • Left lower. Inhale back to the center and repeat these movements a few more times.


These asanas help to liberate the lower back and mobilize the hips in preparation for the next seated meditation.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

Inhale, then exhale, knee down to the right, rolling to the outside edge of the right foot and the inside edge of the left foot.

  • Lie on your back with your arms outstretched to your sides, bent your knees, and your feet about shoulder-distance apart, flat on the floor.
  • Inhale, then exhale, knee down to the right, rolling to the outside edge of the right foot and the inside edge of the left foot.
  • As you inhale, lift your knees up to the center. As you exhale, knees are facing
A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

As you exhale, bring your knees together and place the soles of your feet back on the mat. Repeat this a few more times.

  • Then put your feet together. As you inhale, spread your knees apart as far as possible so that the soles of your feet are in contact.
  • As you exhale, bring your knees together and place the soles of your feet back on the mat. Repeat this a few more times.
  • Then, with your knees spread and your feet together, take a breath.

11. Seated meditation

  • To reduce the weight on your ankles, knees, and hips, sit on several folded blankets (or cushions) that are horizontally against the wall.
  • Place your hands on your thighs with your palms up or down
  • Close your eyes or gently lower your head and be aware of the present moment
  • Draw your attention to the inner components of the present moment and the breath

Continue this relaxing mindfulness for a few minutes. In successive exercises, try to gradually extend the time you meditate.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

Continue this relaxing mindfulness for a few minutes.

11. Snow angel relaxation

This movement may feel good after meditation and strengthens the muscles of the shoulders and hips for abduction and adduction. While you can practice this pose by sliding your hands and feet along the floor, this version uses four blankets to reduce friction. If, in this and the following supine position, you have your head resting on the floor, the back of your neck is uncomfortably shortened, and your chin tilted towards the ceiling, you can also place a folded blanket under your head.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

Inhale, like a snow angel, and place your legs wide open on the floor with your toes up and your arms extended to the sides

  • Lie on your back with your legs together and a folded blanket under your heels, with your hands at your sides and palms up (a folded blanket behind your hands).
  • Inhale, like a snow angel, with your legs spread wide on the floor, toes up, arms extended to the sides, and then up next to your ears with palms facing up.
  • Exhale, bring your legs together and bring your arms back to your sides. Repeat these movements slowly over several breathing cycles, moving as you breathe.

13. Lie down and relax

  • With your hands and heels still supported by the blanket, take a deep breath and breathe easily for a few minutes.
  • When you're relaxing, imagine warmth and relaxation filling your entire body.

See if you can stay in the traces of these feelings, even as you return to consciousness and activity.

A joint-centered set of gentle and friendly yoga sequences is practiced daily to improve joint problems

When you're relaxing, imagine warmth and relaxation filling your entire body.

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