
The word emphasized by the general secretary runs through the whole process of theme education

author:The mouth of the National Gate
The word emphasized by the general secretary runs through the whole process of theme education

On January 31, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting to review the "Summary Report on the In-depth Study and Implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in the Whole Party" and "Opinions on Consolidating and Expanding the Educational Achievements of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era".

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to continue to do a good job in implementation, focus on practical work, do practical work, and seek practical results, so as to better transform the achievements of theme education into the effectiveness of promoting high-quality development.

"It is necessary to carry out practical requirements throughout the whole process of theme education, and resolutely prevent and overcome formalism and bureaucracy";

"Combined with reality, classified guidance, up and down linkage to grasp rectification, so that the masses can see the actual results";

"Effectively solve practical problems and achieve solid results".


For this theme education, General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to it, personally plans and deploys, guides and promotes the whole process, and puts forward a series of requirements that fall on the word "real".

-- Do a good job in theoretical study and investigation and research

Thought is the precursor to action. "How can we achieve the unity of the whole party's thinking, will, and action? The most fundamental thing is to arm the whole party with the party's basic theory. General Secretary Xi Jinping said in one sentence the importance of strengthening theoretical learning.

"Red resources are a witness to our party's arduous and glorious struggle, and the 'red classroom' traces the red memory, revisits the classic history, and makes me deeply realize that the red regime, new China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics are not easy to come by, and they should be cherished. This is the feeling of a young party member after participating in the "red classroom".

Only by strengthening study theoretically can we be firmly convicted in thinking, persevering in will, and unswerving in action. Revisit the on-site experience and temper the party spirit and learn solidly. All parts of the country put "learning ideas" in the first place in the theme education, and through a variety of learning forms, promote the theoretical study to go deeper, to the truth, and to the heart, and to clean up the source and consolidate the foundation from the ideological point of view, and then turn the theoretical study of the theme education into a "gas station" for the success of things.

"The hardened road around the village in Xishe Village has not been repaired", "The village road in Daotu Village is relatively narrow and prone to traffic accidents", "I hope there are more channels for employment at the doorstep...... Dozens of chairs, a few round tables, cadres and the masses sat around their knees and chatted, and the "pro-jiaben" (Li language, meaning "relatives come") -- the activities of cadres and masses to solve difficult problems in various townships and towns in Baoting Li and Miao Autonomous County, Hainan Province, were in full swing.

When planning the theme education, the general secretary particularly proposed to vigorously carry out investigation and research. The masses of the people are at the forefront of practice, and only by going to the masses of the people can many questions that they cannot figure out suddenly become clear and find answers.

The word emphasized by the general secretary runs through the whole process of theme education

With the "four grassroots units" as an important starting point, in the second batch of theme education process, Ningde City, Fujian Province vigorously advocated the "front-line work method" that can be at the scene and is not at the venue, and selected more than 5,000 party members and cadres to go to the grassroots frontline.

Zhejiang Province has further improved the working mechanism of "five-level large-scale visits" in provinces, cities, counties and villages, and 12,000 leading cadres at or above the county and department level have gone to the grassroots level to carry out visits and visits.

Chongqing organized party members and cadres to sink to the front line to find pain points and solve problems, and increased the production efficiency of a cable enterprise by 20% through 26 digital transformations.

Walk the "fields" frequently, often listen to "parents' shortcomings", ask more about "firewood, rice, oil and salt", really find out the truth, study public opinion thoroughly, and come up with specific countermeasures...... The theme education in many places has achieved practical results and gained a "good reputation" from the people.

-- Examine and rectify outstanding problems

"Insist on learning, comparing, inspecting, and rectifying. The central government clearly put forward that "do a good job of inspection and rectification" is a key measure of the theme education, and strive to solve outstanding problems in six aspects: theoretical study, political quality, ability, responsibility, work style, integrity and self-discipline.

The word emphasized by the general secretary runs through the whole process of theme education

In order to rectify formalistic and bureaucratic problems such as "Wenshan Huihai", Hunan has clarified that "the time for carrying out 'four noes and two straights' inspections and random inspections shall not be less than 50%".

In response to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission's notification that six leading cadres in Qinghai had seriously violated the spirit of the eight central regulations, Qinghai revised and improved the list of main responsibilities of the provincial party committee to implement the comprehensive and strict governance of the party.

Since the launch of the second batch of theme education of the party committees of cities and counties in Zhejiang Province, a total of 1,066 problems have been sorted out, and all rectifications will be completed by the end of January 2024.

Focusing on typical cases, in the "dissecting sparrows", the problem is investigated and solved by small eyes, the knife edge is analyzed inward, and the problem is solved by drawing inferences from one another, which can not only prevent the problem from rebounding, but also promote the "solution of a class of problems" through "dissecting a problem".

-- Do a good job of benefiting the people and benefiting the people

"The test of the effectiveness of all our work is ultimately to see whether the people have actually benefited. General Secretary Xi Jinping's words are to the point.

"Reality" is the foundation of entrepreneurship. In the final analysis, it depends on whether the problem is solved and whether the masses are satisfied.

"In the future, it will be more convenient for us to go out and sell goods. Ruan Fei, a villager from Bailihe Village, Guandu Town, Zhushan County, Shiyan City, Hubei Province, has been particularly happy recently. Since the launch of the second batch of theme education, Zhushan County has listed the implementation of the rural road smoothing project as an important part of doing practical things for the people. Now, the road leading to the village is hardening and is about to be poured to his doorstep.

The word emphasized by the general secretary runs through the whole process of theme education

In the process of theme education, Hubei Province focused on the goal of "practicing the purpose for the benefit of the people", deployed and promoted the top ten practical matters of people's livelihood at the provincial level, and promoted members of the leadership team at or above the county level to lead 1 to 2 practical matters of people's livelihood. Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province, carried out the action of "I do practical things for the masses", and sorted out the problems learned in the investigation, such as the difficulty of transferring elderly patients to hospitals, road congestion at the junction of urban and rural areas, the inability to keep up with property services, and the cumbersome work process of villagers, into a task list and solved them one by one.

What is good for the people will be prosperous, and what is good for the people will go to the end. Party committees (party groups) at all levels can only better transform the achievements of theme education into the effectiveness of promoting high-quality development only by taking the consolidation and expansion of the achievements of theme education as a major political task, shouldering the main responsibility, and doing a good job in implementation.

Source: CCTV

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