
This story is perhaps the earliest BE aesthetic

This story is perhaps the earliest BE aesthetic

This story that takes place in the classical blue color is perhaps the earliest BE aesthetic you can find.

Orpheus, the son of the god Kaliope and the king of Thrace, had a singing voice and lyre skills that could move all things in the world. Many women loved him, but he only liked the pure, transparent, smiling Eurydice that he met in a single singing.

However, at the wedding, Eurydice was bitten on the ankle by a poisonous snake. Orpheus, who is deeply in love with his wife, finds the entrance to the underworld and touches the king with his singing. Hades agreed to allow Eurydice to return to the human world, but Orpheus was required not to look back at her on the way back.

After walking the long road to the underworld, when a few rays of sunlight fell in front of Orpheus, he was surrounded by an indescribable sense of happiness, and he couldn't help but look back at Eurydice......

The end of the story is more sad and poignant than you think.

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This book is a new picture book launched by Ideal Country. It has been recommended as a key bibliography for many years by the French Ministry of Education, which attaches great importance to "American business" and art education.

In the book, the author Ivan Pomo selects five classic Greek mythological stories:

1️⃣ The Tragedy of Oedipus: Why did the venerable king decide to kill himself in the eye?

2️⃣ Orpheus's tragedy: Why did the musical poet manage to break into the underworld but failed to save his lover?

3️⃣ Theseus and the Minotaur Monster: Why do heroes who fight monsters leave behind their saviors?

4️⃣ Battle of Troy: The endless and tragic war was caused by an apple?

5️⃣ Odysseus's Homecoming: What made the down-and-out king return home after countless trials over the course of ten years?

The cover is the pure blue of the Greek Aegean Sea, and Orpheus, the protagonist of the story just told, plays the lyre leisurely in this blue.

The author is the French master Ivan Bomo, who has been named after three secondary schools in Paris alone, and has won the prestigious literary award Prix Goncourt, the Children's Prize and the Paris City Hall Prize, and his works have been translated into many countries.

Ivan Bomo is not only a renowned artist, but also an excellent storyteller. Telling stories from a cinematic perspective and at the pace of a detective novel, he interweaves modern life with ancient Greek mythology, while skillfully incorporating ukiyo-e and Renaissance painting techniques into his work, offering readers a visual journey across time and space. This book is not only a recreation of mythology, but also a tribute to the history of art.

"Accept your dark side and accept the violence that hides in everyone. Learn to control it and never use it. ”

"Love, love forever, let love prevail over all, whether we are alive or dead, old or young, poets or boatmen of the underworld......"

The exquisite pictures and simple words constitute an artistic conception with infinite meaning, talking about the eternal propositions of human beings such as life, death, and love. This is the unique charm of Greek mythology, which can only be appreciated by the pure.

This story is perhaps the earliest BE aesthetic
This story is perhaps the earliest BE aesthetic
This story is perhaps the earliest BE aesthetic
This story is perhaps the earliest BE aesthetic
This story is perhaps the earliest BE aesthetic
This story is perhaps the earliest BE aesthetic
This story is perhaps the earliest BE aesthetic
This story is perhaps the earliest BE aesthetic

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