
"Flowers": Li Li's defense of the Yellow River Road, the truth is hidden in the 300,000 IOU, and Mr. Bao is really ruthless

author:Xiaoqing view
"Flowers": Li Li's defense of the Yellow River Road, the truth is hidden in the 300,000 IOU, and Mr. Bao is really ruthless

Mr. Bao ate a dry fried beef river in the kitchen of Zhizhenyuan, and asserted that Zhizhenyuan had only been open for 3 months.

In a word, Li Li is really in big trouble.

The head chef led people to jump ship collectively, the seafood was out of stock, and the proprietress of Huanghe Road made a fuss to Zhenyuan, wanting to drive her out of Huanghe Road in one fell swoop.

Everyone was waiting to see the jokes, but Mr. Bao brought a group of Hong Kong chefs and successfully helped her gain a firm foothold on Huanghe Road.

The question is, did Mr. Bao have the foresight to foresee the crisis of Zhizhenyuan?

The answer is yes, if you understand the 300,000 IOU, you will understand that Li Li's defense of the Yellow River Road is actually the most ruthless calculation of Mr. Bao.

"Flowers": Li Li's defense of the Yellow River Road, the truth is hidden in the 300,000 IOU, and Mr. Bao is really ruthless


Why did Li Li invite him several times, but Mr. Bao didn't go to Zhizhenyuan?

When Zhizhen Garden opened, Li Li asked, "What is the hottest topic on the Yellow River Road?"

The manager replied: "Mr. Bao!"

It can be seen that Li Li knows how to take advantage of the situation, and the Zhizhen Garden she opened is not only a hotel, but also has information value.

The minimum consumption is 2,000 yuan, and guests never come here to eat, always hoping to help their business.

Therefore, people come and go on the Yellow River Road, which seems to be a meal, but they are actually waiting for people.

She wanted to invite Mr. Bao, just to let Mr. Bao bring wave traffic to her hotel, but unfortunately, Mr. Bao couldn't do it.

If you want to say that Mr. Bao doesn't care about her, he can't do it, although he eats at the restaurant opposite the door, his eyes look at Zhizhen Garden from time to time, and he also looks at Li Li from a distance.

"Flowers": Li Li's defense of the Yellow River Road, the truth is hidden in the 300,000 IOU, and Mr. Bao is really ruthless

Obviously, they have each other in their hearts, but it's not yet time to cooperate.

The first time Mr. Bao went to Zhizhenyuan, he went in from the back kitchen, and Li Li was startled when he learned the news.

You must know that the back kitchen is the most sensitive place in a restaurant, and it is also the place where problems can be exposed the most.

Sure enough, when the two met in the back kitchen, Mr. Bao was straightforward, saying that Li Li had blocked half of the Yellow River Road for a gas pipeline, implying that her background was not simple.

Seeing that Li Li did not answer positively, he also pointed out Li Li's past, saying that the other party had won a lot of money in Macau Lisboa, implying that he was interested in the resources behind her.

Why does Mr. Bao dare to assert that Zhizhen Garden is only open for 3 months?

The answer is in a cigarette.

"Flowers": Li Li's defense of the Yellow River Road, the truth is hidden in the 300,000 IOU, and Mr. Bao is really ruthless

The head chef handed Mr. Bao a high-grade cigarette, and Mr. Bao saw at a glance that this was given by the proprietress of Daily Fresh Hubei, which meant that someone was digging up the head chef of Zhenyuan.

If the head chef wants to change jobs, he must be in the next month's salary, and it can be inferred that it will not exceed three months.


That 300,000 IOU revealed his uncle's hole cards

As it turned out, Mr. Bao's speculation was correct, and the head chef began to make a fuss the day after receiving his salary.

He first said that someone would dig himself up with 1.5 times the salary, and after Li Li agreed, he didn't work well and deliberately let his subordinates break the plate, just to embarrass Li Li.

Li Li had no choice but to dismiss the entire kitchen, the proprietress on Huanghe Road, and concluded that Li Li could not find a chef in one day, so he booked a private room and prepared to make a big fuss.

"Flowers": Li Li's defense of the Yellow River Road, the truth is hidden in the 300,000 IOU, and Mr. Bao is really ruthless

For the sake of the hotel's business, Li Li could only come to Mr. Bao.

Mr. Bao gave her an idea, if she wanted to avoid conflict with the proprietress on the Yellow River Road, she had to raise the dishes by two grades and find a chef from Hong Kong, so that even if others wanted to imitate it, they couldn't imitate it.

Li Li said that she could invite a chef to Hong Kong, but it would take time to apply for a certificate, so she revealed that she had Hong Kong resources.

Mr. Bao was not ambiguous, saying that he had a friend back, and he just brought a chef from Hong Kong, and he could arrange for Zhizhenyuan to respond to the emergency first.

Even the king snake and seafood were arranged by Tao Tao.

Many people think that Mr. Bao is thoughtful, but he ignores a question, how can it be so coincidental, it just so happened that Li Li needed a chef, and his friend came back with a chef on this day, not early or late?

"Flowers": Li Li's defense of the Yellow River Road, the truth is hidden in the 300,000 IOU, and Mr. Bao is really ruthless

The answer is simple, all this is in the calculation of Mr. Bao.

Is there a detail that you noticed?

Mr. Bao went to Zhenyuan to eat a dry fried cow river, and as soon as the person came out of the restaurant, Jing Xiu, the owner of the cigarette shop, asked: "Is the dry fried beef river delicious?"

This news is too fast, in fact, this is the deliberate arrangement of Mr. Bao, he created a topic for Zhizhenyuan, and also brought huge business, which made the proprietress of Huanghe Road red-eyed and jealous.

From the chef's cigarettes, he could also deduce the time of the fuss, so he arranged it early and waited for Li Li to come to him.


On the surface, it is an alliance of interests

Why did Mr. Bao help Li Li?

The reason is very simple, he values the resources behind Li Li and wants to join forces.

But cooperation in the business field is not to say it with words, but to weigh it.

Therefore, Mr. Bao took out Du Honggen's 300,000 IOU and said, "It's not a loan, it's a meeting gift." ”

"Flowers": Li Li's defense of the Yellow River Road, the truth is hidden in the 300,000 IOU, and Mr. Bao is really ruthless

Du Honggen is the key person who made a big fuss in the True Garden, and he has a fatal flaw, he loves to go to Macau casinos.

Such a person, it is not difficult for Li Li to get the weakness of the other party, why would he accept Mr. Bao's meeting gift, in fact, he also wants to see how much strength the other party has.

In the final analysis, the defense of the Yellow River Road in Zhizhenyuan is just a resource exploration of Mr. Bao and Li Li.

Only when both sides know each other can they cooperate better.

If there is no such thing, it is impossible for Mr. Bao to gain Li Li's trust, let alone the penetration of the stock information behind.

Mr. Bao and Li Li, just like the two people on the other side of the table, have visible cards and invisible cards, whether they can trust each other or not, the most important thing is attitude.

In order to help Li Li, Mr. Bao asked his uncle to use his connections in Hong Kong, so that Li Li could see sincerity, which was also the basis for the cooperation between the two.

"Flowers": Li Li's defense of the Yellow River Road, the truth is hidden in the 300,000 IOU, and Mr. Bao is really ruthless

From here, we can see the layout of Mr. Bao, and the reason why he calculated Li Li was to take advantage of the situation.

Business is about strength, you don't have strength, you are a passerby in the Yellow River Road after all.

There are two kinds of strength, one is money and the other is connections.

Li Li has both of these things, otherwise, she would not dare to come to Huanghe Road to open a restaurant.

They tried again and again, got the answers they wanted, and also changed the relationship between the two, it is estimated that even Li Li herself didn't know that she had been trapped by Mr. Bao.

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