
When it comes to the holidays, the child does not sleep at night and does not wake up in the morning?

author:Ting Ma Alan

Text/Ting's mother

The holiday season is an endless happy time for children, but for many parents, especially old mothers, it is often an anxious time.

When it comes to the holidays, the child does not sleep at night and does not wake up in the morning?

When the sun sets, the children are as excited as if they have been beaten with chicken blood, and the beds in the early morning seem to have a magnetic force, and the children can't get up. I believe that many families are playing out such a scene.

So, how to solve this problem and let the little baby in the family have a regular schedule?

Let's explore three tips to help old mothers get rid of their anxiety.

The first trick: make a reasonable schedule and rest plan

It's hard to get started, and making a reasonable schedule is the first step to success.

Experts suggest that your child's sleep time should be adjusted according to their age, with preschoolers needing 10-13 hours of sleep per night and school-age children needing 9-11 hours per night.

Therefore, according to the specific situation of the child, we can develop a schedule that can not only meet their growing needs, but also adapt to the rhythm of family life.

When it comes to the holidays, the child does not sleep at night and does not wake up in the morning?

My friend Wang Mei has a 7-year-old son, Xiao Ming. During the holidays, Wang Mei made a schedule for Xiao Ming to go to bed at 9 p.m. and get up at 7 a.m. every day. To make sure Ming falls asleep on time, Wang Mei restricts the use of electronic devices after 8 p.m. and does a series of relaxing activities before bedtime, such as reading or listening to soft music. After a period of persistence, Xiao Ming's work and rest time gradually became regular.

The second trick: create a good sleeping environment

A comfortable sleeping environment is essential to improve your child's sleep quality.

Studies have shown that the right temperature, soft light, and a quiet environment can help children fall asleep faster. In addition, keeping the bedding clean and comfortable is also a detail that cannot be overlooked.

When it comes to the holidays, the child does not sleep at night and does not wake up in the morning?

Li Hong attaches great importance to the sleep quality of the child warehouse and creates a good sleeping environment for her daughter Xiaofang. She dims the lights in her room before she goes to bed and uses blackout curtains to block out the light outside. Li Hong also puts a night light on Xiaofang's bedside so that she doesn't feel scared when she wakes up at night. In order to ensure air quality, she also deliberately purchased an air purifier and changed her bedding regularly. The attention to these details has greatly improved Xiaofang's sleep quality.

Tip 3: Increase your activity during the day

Adequate exercise not only keeps children healthy, but also depletes their physical strength, which naturally leads to sleepiness and easier sleep at night.

Therefore, we can arrange some outdoor activities during the day, such as cycling, swimming or participating in various sports classes.

When it comes to the holidays, the child does not sleep at night and does not wake up in the morning?

Xia Xiao's twin sons, Xiaoqiang and Xiaojie, have at least two hours of outdoor activities every day during the holidays. In the morning, Xia Xiao would take them to the park to play football, and in the afternoon, she would let them take swimming lessons. This arrangement not only allowed Xiaoqiang and Xiaojie to sleep soundly at night, but also greatly improved their physical fitness.

In addition to the above three tips, there are some other tips that can help children better adjust their schedule, such as avoiding overeating at dinner and not drinking too much before bed, so as not to get up at night to go to the bathroom.

Of course, every child's situation is different, so in practice, we also need to make appropriate adjustments according to the characteristics of our own children.

Although the holidays are a time for children to relax and have fun, as parents, we cannot ignore their routines.

When it comes to the holidays, the child does not sleep at night and does not wake up in the morning?

Through scientific and reasonable methods, we can help children develop good living habits, and at the same time, let themselves get rid of work and rest anxiety and enjoy a harmonious and happy family atmosphere.

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I am @婷momalan, a nationally certified nursery teacher, family education lecturer, committed to sharing parenting experience in small stories, welcome to follow me, and accompany children to grow up together.