
Spending hundreds of millions of mechas, can domestic sci-fi games compete this year!

author:A little game

When it comes to science fiction works, the first thing that many viewers and friends can think of is some foreign Hollywood masterpieces, China's science fiction market has been in a state of depression, and in terms of the current market size, the scale of the domestic science fiction market is far below the world level. But in recent years, we have also had some science fiction works that have been well received at home and abroad, such as "The Three-Body Problem" and "The Wandering Earth". But when it comes to domestic sci-fi games, I believe that many viewers and friends are like me, their brains are blank, and there is no game in the domestic sci-fi game market that can be recognized by domestic and foreign players.

Spending hundreds of millions of mechas, can domestic sci-fi games compete this year!

Now, the darkest time of domestic science fiction games has passed, and Xishanju's science fiction game masterpiece "Solving Limit Machine" has completed its first test, and domestic science fiction mecha games will usher in a new dawn! At present, no major game manufacturer in China can put the science fiction track in the company's strategic position, and Xishanju should be the first! Many people may think that Guo Weiwei is crazy, spending hundreds of millions of yuan on this unpopular track in eight years, but Guo Weiwei said that he just wants Chinese science fiction games to compete on the world stage!

Spending hundreds of millions of mechas, can domestic sci-fi games compete this year!

In fact, there is no shortage of science fiction game players in China, but a lack of science fiction game works! Guo Weiwei once doubted whether he chose this direction correctly, it was the players who gave him the confidence to continue to work hard! In March 22, Guo Weiwei's team released a recruitment video on the Internet, which exploded more than one million views in just three days, and the comment area was full of voices that domestic science fiction game players were looking forward to, and it was the voices of these players that gave Guo Weiwei the confidence to continue, the team slowly expanded, and "Solving the Limit" became more and more perfect.

Spending hundreds of millions of mechas, can domestic sci-fi games compete this year!

At present, the first test of "Limit Solving Machine" has been completed, whether it is at home or overseas, it has caused a lot of repercussions, whether it is in gameplay or game painting style, "Limit Solving Machine" has reached the top level of the science fiction game industry. The reason why the charm of "Solving the Limit" is so great is precisely because Xishanju has made "Solving the Limit" the ultimate in the game industry and satisfying all the fantasies of players about mecha games, as Guo Weiwei said in the interview, "Although our move skills are average, we are better than practicing day after day", and it is with this spirit of day after day, continuous polishing and continuous carving, there is "Limit Solving Machine" that has received so much praise today.

Spending hundreds of millions of mechas, can domestic sci-fi games compete this year!

The emergence of "Limit Machine" fills the gap of excellent works of domestic science fiction games, for Xishanju, "Limit Machine" is like climbing Mount Everest, Mount Everest is in front, and it will never go, but it took 8 years for Xishanju to come to this point, ten years of cold window grinding a sword, and now out of the sheath to try the edge, "Limit Machine" will definitely climb to the top of Mount Everest, and shine in domestic science fiction games!

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