
#一句话证明你很幸福, what would you say # family sitting, the lights are amiable and do your favorite things every day, there are people you love around you face the sea, spring flowers are mined under the chrysanthemum east fence, and you can see the south leisurely

author:Emotional microcosm

#一句话证明你很幸福, what would you say#

The family sits idly and the lights are amiable

Do what you love every day, and have people you love by your side

Facing the sea, spring flowers are blooming

Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely see the South Mountain.

The crowd looked for him thousands of times, and suddenly looked back, but the man was there, and the lights were dim.

The eldest child hoes the beans in the east of Xidong, and the middle child is weaving chicken coops. The favorite child is dead, and the stream head lies on the lotus bed.

There are flowers in spring, there is a moon in autumn, there is a cool breeze in summer, and there is snow in winter.

Happiness is not described by the word "happiness", when you no longer seek happiness, you are already in happiness.

#Emotional micro# #Happiness# #请用一句话概括你眼中的幸福是什么#

#一句话证明你很幸福, what would you say # family sitting, the lights are amiable and do your favorite things every day, there are people you love around you face the sea, spring flowers are mined under the chrysanthemum east fence, and you can see the south leisurely
#一句话证明你很幸福, what would you say # family sitting, the lights are amiable and do your favorite things every day, there are people you love around you face the sea, spring flowers are mined under the chrysanthemum east fence, and you can see the south leisurely
#一句话证明你很幸福, what would you say # family sitting, the lights are amiable and do your favorite things every day, there are people you love around you face the sea, spring flowers are mined under the chrysanthemum east fence, and you can see the south leisurely

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