
Factories have closed down one after another, and the EU is planning to "attack" Chinese photovoltaic companies?

author:Sobi PV Grid
Factories have closed down one after another, and the EU is planning to "attack" Chinese photovoltaic companies?
Factories have closed down one after another, and the EU is planning to "attack" Chinese photovoltaic companies?
Factories have closed down one after another, and the EU is planning to "attack" Chinese photovoltaic companies?
Factories have closed down one after another, and the EU is planning to "attack" Chinese photovoltaic companies?
Factories have closed down one after another, and the EU is planning to "attack" Chinese photovoltaic companies?

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The European Union is considering emergency support measures for Europe's solar panel manufacturing industry, citing a large number of cheap Chinese imports that threaten production within Europe, the Financial Times reported on its website on January 27. Industry data warns that manufacturers on the continent are "on the brink of collapse".

In recent weeks, it has been reported that 4 European factories have closed or announced closure plans. At the same time, the EU is preparing to announce plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions next month, which will require the EU to increase investment in renewable energy. Industry representatives blamed competition from China. John Lindahl, secretary general of the European Solar Manufacturing Council, an industry group, said: "There is a huge global overcapacity, and European manufacturers have to incur huge losses if they want to sell these products. We need to deal with the Chinese threat. EU officials reportedly told the Financial Times that the European Commission's measures could include launching an anti-dumping investigation into China, which could lead to punitive tariffs, or offering incentives to governments to keep factories running. An official said the European Commission was "aware" of the "difficulties" facing the solar industry and that Brussels was considering "all options" on trade measures.

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Factories have closed down one after another, and the EU is planning to "attack" Chinese photovoltaic companies?

But there is disagreement in the industry about whether the measures will help, the report said. The European Solar Energy Industry Association has spoken out against trade measures. Walburga Heimetsberger, CEO of the association, said: "We have repeatedly warned that EU and national policymakers must act quickly to come up with real solutions. State aid provisions, flexible auctions, and credit guarantees are some of the emergency measures that policymakers should consider. Another senior industry executive said history has shown that trade barriers will create a "lose-lose situation" and make the EU's climate goals "uncertain". Henning Rattle, a German solar installer from China who sources solar panels from China, said the reintroduction of protectionist measures would disrupt the market. "Today, solar panels in China are not only the most competitive in terms of price, but also in terms of quality," he said. He added that Europe lacks the kind of "long-term industrial strategy" for renewable energy manufacturers that countries like China and India have implemented.

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Factories have closed down one after another, and the EU is planning to "attack" Chinese photovoltaic companies?

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