
Party Newspaper Read Every Day: 2024-01-30 People's Daily Golden Sentences (Issue 4167)

Party Newspaper Read Every Day: 2024-01-30 People's Daily Golden Sentences (Issue 4167)

The concern that is always at ease has always lingered in the heart of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Everything depends on the people. Ask the people, ask the people, think what the people think, and do what the people ask.

Standing firmly on the people's position is not only a deep sentiment and original mission, but also an important world view and methodology. From the loess to Zhongnanhai, Comrade Xi Jinping has always insisted on coming from the masses and going to the masses, asking the people for advice and listening to the people's voices. "Where does the right way come from? from the masses. ”

Start with research and open the way with research.

Development benefits the people.

People are the main body of development and the purpose of development. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "the satisfaction of the people is the fundamental criterion for judging the effectiveness of theme education".

Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the achievements of development and construction are aimed at benefiting all people in a more equitable manner.

Since the launch of the second batch of education on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, all regions, departments and units have adhered to the people-centered development philosophy, and the majority of party members and cadres have done practical things, solved people's worries, and made efforts to solve outstanding problems in the field of people's livelihood, and continuously enhanced the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

  Promote work by learning, solve problems and improve work

  Yongkang South Railway Station in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province is crowded. During the Spring Festival, the employees of State Grid Jinhua Power Supply Company inspected the overall operating environment, fire-fighting facilities and lighting equipment of the power distribution room of the high-speed rail station, did a good job in the maintenance of electrical equipment and the elimination of hidden dangers, answered the questions of users about power supply, popularized the knowledge of safe electricity use in winter to passengers and station staff, ensured the safe and reliable power supply of important passenger transportation hubs, and escorted passengers to return home safely. In the second batch of theme education, the Red Boat Communist Party Member Service Team of State Grid Jinhua Power Supply Company continued to strengthen the construction and transformation of regional grids, improve the grid structure according to local conditions, and enhance the support and guarantee capacity of the power grid.

  In the theme education, all localities, departments and units use learning results to promote their own work, and strive to solve the needs and expectations of the masses.

  Weighing, packing, shipping...... These days, the live broadcast room of Zhao Haijun, a villager in Xipo Village, Jingdian Town, Shexian County, Hebei Province, is very lively, and with the support of many fans, the home-grown black dates are quickly sold out.

  In the theme education, Shexian County took Xipo Village as a pilot to strengthen the leadership of party building, and mobilized the "two new" working committees to set up a live broadcast base in the e-commerce industrial park, with production, planning, live broadcast, sales, logistics and other links, and each village promoted one special agricultural product to attract party members, rich leaders, college students, etc. The live broadcast base organizes technical training, builds a professional live broadcast team, integrates brands, and promotes local specialties, food, and folk customs to go out, bringing fire to products, bringing vitality to the economy, and benefiting the masses.

  Yixing City, Jiangsu Province, focuses on practical problems such as dining and medical treatment for the elderly, mobilizes social forces such as caring enterprises, grid workers, and volunteers, and actively explores models such as "dine-in meal assistance + fixed-point meal pick-up", and continuously optimizes meal assistance services in urban and rural communities. Accelerate the integration of resources such as various elderly care service institutions, day care centers for the elderly, and home-based elderly care service stations, and continue to promote the standardization of elderly care institutions such as home-based elderly care service sites.

  Located in Liufang Street, Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province, the Liufang Farmers' Market used to have outdated facilities and potholes, which made daily operation and management difficult, and due to its small footprint, it was increasingly unable to meet commercial needs.

  In the theme education, the party members and cadres of Liufang Street understood the needs of the people through visits and research, held special meetings to study solutions, and reached a consensus through the "Party Building Alliance" and China Railway Urban Construction Group. At the same time, Liufang Street also carried out a special clean-up operation, focusing on cleaning up the behaviors of occupying the road to place goods, occupying the road to operate, and building privately, and striving to rectify the chaos in the market.


  When night falls, drive to Beicheng Street Street, Gaoping City, Jincheng City, Shanxi Province, and the provincial highway Changjin Line Nanwangzhuang-Beiwangzhuang section is brightly lit. Yang Jingyi, a villager from Nanwangzhuang Village, said: "In the past, this section of the road was not well lit and there were many cars, which was quite unsafe. Now that the street lights are installed and bright, we feel much more at ease. ”

  In the theme education, Jincheng City adheres to the goal-oriented, problem-oriented, and practice-oriented, and implements the "four guarantees and four joints" mechanism of city-level leaders and county-level leaders and villages, township-level leaders and villages, and village-level cadres to people. After the relevant responsible comrades of the Gaoping Municipal Party Committee learned about the lighting problem of the provincial highway Changjin Line during the investigation, they worked on-site for many times to promote the implementation of lighting, greening and beautification projects, and installed more than 1,200 street lamps to effectively improve night lighting and facilitate vehicle traffic.

  Since the launch of the theme education, the majority of party members and cadres have gone deep into the grassroots and the masses, unblocked the channels for expressing their demands, and solved the difficulties and contradictions of the grassroots masses in a timely manner.

  In Xingwang Community, Yuping Street, Libo County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, left-behind children and teenagers have difficulty in managing after-school work, which was once a problem that the masses complained about. After learning of this situation, the county party committee and the county government actively studied solutions. Led by the county education bureau, the surrounding schools are coordinated to provide after-school services such as interest classes, so that children have a safe place to go before their parents get off work.

  In the theme education, Libo County has opened channels for the expression of mass demands, and the main responsible comrades of the party and government regularly receive visits from the masses, and other team members take turns to receive public visits. At the same time, we should do a solid job of connecting the three-level tour visits in small counties and villages, and promote the timely and on-the-spot resolution of the reasonable demands of the masses.

  In Xin'an Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, since the introduction of intelligent directional speakers, the relationship between square dance enthusiasts and surrounding residents has become more harmonious. In the past, square dancing events here often caused complaints from nearby residents because of the excessive volume. The Xin'an Street Joint Enterprise has installed intelligent directional speakers to make the sound only spread in a specific direction and range, which not only solves the problem of noise disturbance, but also reserves the activity space for square dance enthusiasts.

  Bao'an District inherits and carries forward the fine tradition of "four grassroots units", sets up weekly grassroots research service days, and carries out the action of "going to the community and doing practical things". During the theme education, 11,000 party members and cadres in Bao'an District solved more than 8,000 things around the masses through visits and investigations, carried out more than 2,000 various party and mass activities, and served more than 100,000 party members and the masses, so that enterprises and the masses can enjoy high-quality party and mass services at their doorsteps.

  Improve the mechanism to ensure that the actual effect is effective

  In the theme education, all regions, departments and units adhere to the combination of "immediate reform" and "long-term establishment", draw inferences from one another, establish rules and regulations, make up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, plug loopholes, and win the sincere praise of the masses with a normal and long-term mechanism.

  In response to the problems reported by the masses such as running errands, cumbersome procedures, and the need to advance funds, Bozhou City, Anhui Province has introduced an implementation plan for medical reimbursement without differences, and through measures such as transforming the system, timely settlement, and strengthening audit, it ensures that the insured people can directly settle and reimburse in all designated medical institutions in the city. Through the development and application of an intelligent review system, the documents that cannot be directly settled for medical treatment in other places are automatically converted into the reimbursement data of each specific project, which greatly shortens the review time and reduces misjudgment. In addition, seize the opportunity of the autumn harvest season when there are many people returning to their hometowns, go to the masses to publicize medical insurance policies, and provide services such as reimbursement processing, insurance participation and payment.

  Hunan Province conducts a "retrospective" review of the handling of hot issues that are reported by the masses, and invites the interviewed people, interviewed enterprises and other entities to carry out satisfaction evaluations and accept social supervision. Zhuzhou High-tech Zone and Tianyuan District summarize and improve effective practices and experiences, form a system, make up for the shortcomings of the system for recurring problems, plug work loopholes, prevent problems from rebounding, and ensure the normalcy and long-term effect of theme education achievements. Focusing on the implementation of the minimum subsistence guarantee for the needy people, Chaling County has successively introduced a number of policies to increase the scope and efficiency of the subsistence allowance, improve the minimum subsistence security standard, and ensure that the bottom is covered, the bottom is good, and the bottom is accurate.

Yizheng City, Jiangsu Province, has set up functional rooms such as left-behind children's book houses, chronic disease health huts, e-commerce platforms, and disability rehabilitation in 186 village party and mass service centers, and has formulated 12 systems such as home care for the disabled, RV bathing, and assistance for children in difficulty, so as to ensure the normal and long-term effectiveness of assistance for special groups.

Promoting Cultural Confidence and Self-Empowerment (People's Perspective)

——Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Cultural Thought and continue to create a new situation in propaganda, ideological and cultural work (6)

Commentary Department of this newspaper

People's Daily (2024-01-30 Edition 05)

  Only by guarding the cultural subjectivity and having cultural self-confidence can a nation stand still, stand firm, and go far

  Only by consolidating the cultural subjectivity can we maintain a high degree of recognition of our own culture, adhere to our own path, and consciously draw nourishment and wisdom from the excellent traditional culture formed and accumulated by the Chinese nation from generation to generation

  There are books and classics, and they are passed down from generation to generation. In June 2023, at the foot of Yanshan Mountain in Beijing, the Central Headquarters of the National Version Pavilion of China is hidden in the lush forests of green mountains. The ancient classics left by the vicissitudes of Chinese civilization are here "the famous mountains of Tibet and passed on to future generations". General Secretary Xi Jinping said with deep affection: "Our culture is here! It is very civilized, progressive, and advanced. In the future, it will be passed on for 5,000 years, and more than 5,000 years. "Casting the soul with literature, the precious classics that carry the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization reflect the cultural self-confidence built on the basis of more than 5,000 years of civilization inheritance, and gather the majestic power of self-confidence, self-improvement and courage to move forward.

  Cultural self-confidence is a more basic, broader, and deeper self-confidence, and a more basic, deeper, and more enduring strength. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "China has a long history and a vast civilization, which is the foundation of our self-confidence and the source of our strength. The National Conference on Propaganda, Ideological and Cultural Work proposed that Xi Jinping's cultural thought not only has innovations and breakthroughs in cultural theory, but also has deployment requirements in the layout of cultural work. To adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's cultural thought and constantly create a new situation in propaganda, ideological and cultural work, we must deeply understand that strengthening cultural self-confidence reflects our party's high consciousness of consolidating cultural subjectivity, and we must promote cultural self-confidence and self-improvement to achieve spiritual independence.

  Strengthening cultural self-confidence is a major issue related to the rise and fall of the country's fortunes, cultural security, and national spiritual independence. Self-confidence leads to self-improvement. He pointed out that "when we say that we must strengthen our self-confidence in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, theoretical self-confidence, and institutional self-confidence, in the final analysis, we must strengthen cultural self-confidence", emphasizing that "Chinese civilization has endured for thousands of years, and it has endured many hardships and endured, which is a miracle of human civilization and the confidence of our self-confidence", and made it clear that "we must be good at extracting the essence and drawing energy from the treasure house of Chinese culture, maintain a high degree of confidence in our own cultural ideals and cultural values, and maintain a high degree of confidence in our own cultural vitality and creativity...... General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on cultural self-confidence profoundly expounds the special importance of cultural self-confidence and demonstrates our party's high degree of cultural consciousness and cultural responsibility. Only by guarding the cultural subjectivity and having cultural self-confidence can a nation stand still, stand firm, and go far.

  If any culture wants to lead, cohesive, shape, and radiate, it must have its own subjectivity. Our cultural self-confidence comes from such cultural subjectivity, and with cultural subjectivity, we have a firm self in the cultural sense, and cultural self-confidence has a fundamental basis. This cultural subjectivity was established by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China on the land of China; it was established on the basis of creative transformation and innovative development of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, the inheritance of the revolutionary culture, and the development of the advanced socialist culture, and on the basis of drawing on and absorbing all the outstanding achievements of human civilization; and by integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific reality and with the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Only by consolidating the cultural subjectivity can we maintain a high degree of recognition of our own culture, adhere to our own path, consciously draw nutrition and wisdom from the excellent traditional culture formed and accumulated by the Chinese nation from generation to generation, continue the cultural genes, extract the essence of thought, show the spiritual charm, and ascend the Chinese atmosphere.

  "If you want to know the road, you must first go to history". Chinese culture is like the treasure of time, condensing the heritage of a great country. Write the ancient rhyme of Chinese characters one by one, build the grandeur of the Great Wall with one brick and one tile, and sing the quintessence of the classics with one tone and one tune. The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the crystallization and essence of the wisdom of the Chinese civilization, the root and soul of the Chinese nation, and the foundation for us to gain a firm foothold in the turmoil of world culture. Only by "knowing where it has been" can we maintain our concentration, base ourselves on the magnificent history of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years, and truly understand the historical inevitability, cultural connotation and unique advantages of China's path; only by "knowing where it is" can we remain sober, base ourselves on the great historical practice of the Chinese nation and the contemporary practice, use Chinese principles to sum up China's experience, and elevate China's experience to Chinese theory; Only then can we strengthen our faith, integrate Chinese culture into the great practice of Chinese-style modernization, work together to create a new culture that belongs to our time, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation with high spirit and confidence.

  The splendid rivers and mountains of China have nourished the only great civilization in the world that has continued and developed in the form of a country to this day. In today's world, if there is any political party, country, or nation that can be confident, then the Communist Party of China, the People's Republic of China, and the Chinese nation have the most reason to be confident. On the new journey of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, integrating cultural self-confidence into the spiritual temperament and cultural character of the whole nation, and cultivating a high-spirited and upward style and a rational and peaceful mentality, can enhance the spiritual strength to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and promote the Chinese civilization to shine with the brilliance of the new era.

More emphasis on employment priority orientation (commentator's observation)

-- Boosting Confidence in Development and Enhancing Economic Vitality (4)

Zhang Fan

People's Daily (2024-01-30 Edition 05)

  To do a good job in employment, it is necessary to dig deep into the "reservoir" of employment and open up high-quality employment space in promoting high-quality development

  Organize and hold special job fairs, "live broadcast with posts" and other activities, strengthen career guidance services, and carry out "point-to-point" transportation services for returning to hometowns and jobs...... Recently, 10 departments, including the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, have jointly launched the 2024 "Spring Warm Migrant Workers" service action, deploying a series of heart-warming measures such as promoting employment, protecting travel, and curing wage arrears. Since the beginning of the year, from making every effort to ensure the employment of migrant workers, to carrying out special activities for employment assistance month across the country, to intensively introducing employment stabilization policies in the new year, all localities and departments have taken rapid action to strive for a "good start" to stabilize employment.

  Employment is the most basic livelihood and an important support for economic development. Looking back at 2023, we have made every effort to stabilize the overall employment situation, and the employment situation has improved overall: 12.44 million new urban jobs have been created for the whole year, and the average surveyed urban unemployment rate for the whole year has decreased by 0.4 percentage points from the previous year...... With steady growth in employment, a steady decline in the unemployment rate, and strong protection for key groups, it is not easy to achieve such results in the face of increasing uncertainties in economic operation. In 2024, employment pressure will still exist, the structural contradictions in employment of some groups and industries will still be prominent, and there will still be a certain gap between the employment situation and people's expectations in terms of work income, social security, and stable development. To this end, it is necessary to give more prominence to the priority orientation of employment, improve the employment promotion mechanism, focus on stabilizing and expanding jobs, ensure the stability of employment of key groups, and strengthen efforts to promote the continuous improvement of the employment situation.

  Employment is a priority, and policies are needed to escort it. The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that "more policies are conducive to stabilizing expectations, growth, and employment". In the past year, from the implementation of the "direct subsidy and quick processing" of employment subsidies and social insurance subsidies, to the implementation of unemployment insurance to stabilize the return of jobs "enjoy without application", and then to the timely resumption of one-time subsidies for job expansion...... A series of policies have been introduced one after another and continue to exert force, forming a strong synergy to promote high-quality and full employment. To do a good job in this year's employment work, it is especially necessary to implement the employment priority policy in detail, and make overall use of policies such as tax reductions and exemptions, social security subsidies, and loan interest discounts to help business entities reduce their burdens, stabilize jobs and expand employment. At the same time, stabilizing and promoting employment is a systematic task, and it is also necessary to promote the linkage of other economic and social policies such as education, integrate the traction of various policies on employment, and enhance the driving force of economic and social development on employment.

  To stabilize and expand employment, it is also necessary to continuously expand new channels for employment. For example, in Shaanxi, Qishan Zhenzi noodles in the provincial labor service brand "Xiqi Famous Food" are the most prestigious, and the local efforts to expand the "one bowl of noodles" economy have allowed many job seekers to stabilize their employment "rice bowls" at their doorsteps. At present, the vigorous development of new industries, new forms of business and new business models has generated many new job demands, which is also conducive to expanding employment space and improving the quality of employment. To do a good job in employment, it is necessary to dig deep into the "reservoir" of employment and open up high-quality employment space in promoting high-quality development. In addition, we should also pay attention to exploring new employment growth points in promoting coordinated regional development and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and do everything possible to promote employment expansion and quality, so that more people can achieve good employment and good jobs.

  Public employment services are an important means of promoting employment. Daowai District of Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, has launched employment service brands such as "Job Hunting Night Market" and "100 Cities and 100,000 Enterprises on Campus", which have helped many people find their favorite jobs; Luoyuan County in Fujian Province has set up employment service stations in villages, and many villagers' jobs have been "chatted out at the entrance of the village." Practice has proved that making every effort to consolidate employment services at the grassroots level and continuously expand the space for employment services can create more favorable conditions for stabilizing and promoting employment. We will build a "15-minute employment service circle" so that residents can learn about policies and find jobs at their doorsteps, provide multi-level and diversified training and apprenticeship opportunities to help job seekers improve their skills and experience, and build a digital information platform to better bridge the "information gap" between enterprises and job seekers...... Implementing these tasks in detail and continuously enhancing the balance and accessibility of employment services will provide stronger support for doing a good job in employment work.

  Stable employment leads to peace of mind and social stability. With the economic recovery and the acceleration of industrial transformation and upgrading, the positive factors for stabilizing employment are also accumulating. Strengthen confidence, forge ahead, give more prominence to the priority orientation of employment, earnestly grasp the largest livelihood project, people's support project, and foundation project, and enhance the adaptability and stability of employment, so that we can hold up the "stable happiness" of the people with "more stable work".

The "head goose" leads the flight, and the "goose flock" flies high (on-site commentary, the New Year walks the grassroots)

——Vibrant, steaming China (3)

Zhu Lei

People's Daily (2024-01-30 Edition 05)

  In the winter leisure season, Lei Yingguo, a large grain grower in Fengcheng City, Jiangxi Province, is not idle. He was braving the bitter cold wind to organize employees to overhaul agricultural machinery and equipment, and the grain processing plant next to him was also busy, and rice processing, packaging, and distribution were carried out in an orderly manner. Truckloads of selenium-rich ecological rice are ready to be shipped to local enterprise canteens, souvenir shops, and commissaries, and will be sent to Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places through logistics. Lei Yingguo said proudly: "Let's take more than 620 farmers to increase their income together!"

  The liquid fermentation tank is automatically stirring the cultures, and the emerging pocket mushrooms give off a rich mushroom aroma. Walking into Shangfang Village, Liuhu Town, Nanchang City, the mushroom park of 5,000 square meters of Xinjiang Edible Mushroom Technology Co., Ltd. is eye-catching. Villager Ding Jianxin mushroom cooperative has driven more than 100 farmers to become rich.

  Lei Yingguo and Ding Jianxin, one is a large planter who grew up locally, and the other is a technical talent who returned to his hometown to start a business. They are not only native people, but also experts in driving the villagers to get rich, just like leading geese, leading the flock of geese to fly into the distance.

  The key to rural revitalization lies in people. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "talent revitalization is the foundation of rural revitalization". The vast fields contain infinite hope, and local talents are the pathfinders who make hope a reality. In recent years, a group of talents like Lei Yingguo and Ding Jianxin who have devoted themselves to the cause of rural revitalization have been based on local innovation and entrepreneurship, and their personal careers have been thriving, which has also formed a driving force for the villagers. The "head goose" led the flight, and the demonstration drove the villagers' motivation to develop and get rich.

  To promote rural revitalization, it is necessary to further activate the creativity of local talents. Talents born and raised in Sri Lanka have deep feelings for their hometown and homeland, and are familiar with the local cultural environment and resource endowment. At the same time, the villagers also trust them more. The development of industries, the integration of resources, and the demonstration are inseparable from the "capable people" who can be trusted by the masses. In fact, local talents should also show responsibility, get rich without forgetting their fellow villagers, and lead everyone to get rich together.

  The foundation of local talents to do practical things and achieve things lies in their excellent skills. The reporter interviewed and found that many local talents are creative and enterprising, but they often encounter bottlenecks. For example, their sensitivity to market trends and insight into industrial development need to be improved. Jiangxi will combine the "One Village, One College Student Project" with the cultivation of local talents, and promote local talents to enter institutions of higher learning to recharge. Ding Jianxin is the beneficiary of this policy: he studied at Jiangxi Agricultural University and cooperated with the Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences to jointly develop a three-dimensional circulation intelligent mushroom room, which can realize three-dimensional cultivation and intelligent control, and save more than 30% of energy. Innovate the mechanism, focus on local talents and modern farmers in demand, carry out training for the whole industry chain in a hierarchical and classified manner, and strengthen professional guidance and assistance, which is conducive to cultivating more rural revitalization leaders who lead one party and drive one area.

  To write a good article on rural revitalization, we should also cohesion, stimulate the enthusiasm of all subjects to make contributions, and rely on talents to promote the industry. The reporter's interview in Dongxiang District, Fuzhou City is very representative. The returnee of Hefang Village, Xiaogang Town, plans to drive the villagers to engage in vegetable cold chain storage projects, but there are risks in starting a business, and the villagers have no bottom in their hearts. The two village committees guide the unemployed party members in the village to show their identities, be pioneers, and play an exemplary and leading role. The project became the largest cold chain warehouse in the local area, and it quickly paid off. The per capita net income of the villagers has more than doubled in three years, and the collective income of the village has increased from zero to 800,000 yuan in 2023. Build a strong talent team for rural revitalization, and continue to make efforts in "introduction, education, and use". Give full play to the power of "soil experts", "Tian Xiucai" and "township makers", attract all kinds of talent resources to sink, and mobilize the enthusiasm of all farmers, so as to stimulate people's energy and leverage rural revitalization with talent revitalization.

  The rural world is vast, and hard work creates the future. Strong carriers, excellent services, adhere to the combination of local training and external introduction, build more entrepreneurial platforms, and fully stimulate the innovation and creativity potential of talents, the road to rural revitalization will definitely become broader and broader.

The platform is clearer and the service is more convenient (People's Times)

Kim Hyeok

People's Daily (2024-01-30 Edition 05)

  The value of life service platforms lies in improving the comfort and convenience of life through digital empowerment. Only by eliminating the "psoriasis" attached to it can it be truly convenient and beneficial to the people

  Recently, some consumers have chosen low-rated restaurants in reverse, which has become a hot topic in the catering industry. This is a disagreement with consumers on the authenticity of relevant scoring and recommendation mechanisms, and a warning to those life service platforms that pursue traffic and ignore integrity. Acts such as publishing illegal marketing information and organizing the manipulation of sub-control evaluations by life service platforms not only disrupt the order of cyberspace and affect the experience of using the platform, but also extend to real life, infringe on the rights and interests of consumers, and even induce violations and crimes, and the harm should not be underestimated.

  The value of life service platforms lies in improving the comfort and convenience of life through digital empowerment. Only by eliminating the "psoriasis" attached to it can it be truly convenient and beneficial to the people. As of January 8, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has cleaned up more than 7.9 million pieces of illegal and negative information, disposed of more than 1.7 million accounts, closed 562 websites, and removed 201 applications, achieving positive results. Only by increasing the force of punishment, promptly rectifying problematic platforms and functions for removal from the shelves in accordance with law, and publicly exposing typical cases, can a deterrent be formed and the spread of negative trends be curbed.

  The life service platform covers many and wide application scenarios, the scale of users continues to grow, and a large amount of information is generated every day. In fact, no matter how subtle the dissemination of bad information is, there is a common entrance, and that is the platform. It is necessary to supervise and guide relevant platforms to continuously improve information content management systems, standardize the publication of information content, and pay close attention to key points such as post comments, information flow recommendations, live broadcasts, short videos, list pop-ups, and high-risk products, comprehensively investigate problems and loopholes, and improve the ability to review and discover. Only by further consolidating the main responsibilities of website platforms and strictly controlling the entrance can the space for the dissemination of negative information be compressed and the formation of a gray industrial chain can be prevented.

  Carrying out a series of "clear" special actions to focus on rectifying all kinds of online chaos is an important way to govern the online ecosystem. However, it is also necessary to see that network ecological problems are easy to rebound, and it is necessary to continuously sum up experience, strengthen online and offline integrated supervision, and accelerate the formation of a long-term governance mechanism. At the same time, it is necessary to innovate supervision methods, make good use of new technical means such as big data and artificial intelligence, establish channels and mechanisms that facilitate user reporting, improve the efficiency of feedback on reporting and handling, and build a supervision line of defense with the participation of the whole society, so that there is nowhere to hide bad information.

  Life service platforms, which are connected to online merchants and consumers on the one hand, play an important role in serving online and offline life. At the end of last year, the Ministry of Commerce and 12 other departments jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Digital Empowerment of Life Services" to promote the digital transformation and upgrading of life services. By strengthening supervision, making up for shortcomings, upgrading services, and maintaining clarity, life service platforms can better meet people's high-quality and diversified life needs, and play a more important role in promoting consumption, benefiting people's livelihood, and stabilizing employment.

More emphasis on employment priority orientation (commentator's observation)

-- Boosting Confidence in Development and Enhancing Economic Vitality (4)

Zhang Fan

People's Daily (2024-01-30 Edition 05)

  To do a good job in employment, it is necessary to dig deep into the "reservoir" of employment and open up high-quality employment space in promoting high-quality development

  Organize and hold special job fairs, "live broadcast with posts" and other activities, strengthen career guidance services, and carry out "point-to-point" transportation services for returning to hometowns and jobs...... Recently, 10 departments, including the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, have jointly launched the 2024 "Spring Warm Migrant Workers" service action, deploying a series of heart-warming measures such as promoting employment, protecting travel, and curing wage arrears. Since the beginning of the year, from making every effort to ensure the employment of migrant workers, to carrying out special activities for employment assistance month across the country, to intensively introducing employment stabilization policies in the new year, all localities and departments have taken rapid action to strive for a "good start" to stabilize employment.

  Employment is the most basic livelihood and an important support for economic development. Looking back at 2023, we have made every effort to stabilize the overall employment situation, and the employment situation has improved overall: 12.44 million new urban jobs have been created for the whole year, and the average surveyed urban unemployment rate for the whole year has decreased by 0.4 percentage points from the previous year...... With steady growth in employment, a steady decline in the unemployment rate, and strong protection for key groups, it is not easy to achieve such results in the face of increasing uncertainties in economic operation. In 2024, employment pressure will still exist, the structural contradictions in employment of some groups and industries will still be prominent, and there will still be a certain gap between the employment situation and people's expectations in terms of work income, social security, and stable development. To this end, it is necessary to give more prominence to the priority orientation of employment, improve the employment promotion mechanism, focus on stabilizing and expanding jobs, ensure the stability of employment of key groups, and strengthen efforts to promote the continuous improvement of the employment situation.

  Employment is a priority, and policies are needed to escort it. The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that "more policies are conducive to stabilizing expectations, growth, and employment". In the past year, from the implementation of the "direct subsidy and quick processing" of employment subsidies and social insurance subsidies, to the implementation of unemployment insurance to stabilize the return of jobs "enjoy without application", and then to the timely resumption of one-time subsidies for job expansion...... A series of policies have been introduced one after another and continue to exert force, forming a strong synergy to promote high-quality and full employment. To do a good job in this year's employment work, it is especially necessary to implement the employment priority policy in detail, and make overall use of policies such as tax reductions and exemptions, social security subsidies, and loan interest discounts to help business entities reduce their burdens, stabilize jobs and expand employment. At the same time, stabilizing and promoting employment is a systematic task, and it is also necessary to promote the linkage of other economic and social policies such as education, integrate the traction of various policies on employment, and enhance the driving force of economic and social development on employment.

  To stabilize and expand employment, it is also necessary to continuously expand new channels for employment. For example, in Shaanxi, Qishan Zhenzi noodles in the provincial labor service brand "Xiqi Famous Food" are the most prestigious, and the local efforts to expand the "one bowl of noodles" economy have allowed many job seekers to stabilize their employment "rice bowls" at their doorsteps. At present, the vigorous development of new industries, new forms of business and new business models has generated many new job demands, which is also conducive to expanding employment space and improving the quality of employment. To do a good job in employment, it is necessary to dig deep into the "reservoir" of employment and open up high-quality employment space in promoting high-quality development. In addition, we should also pay attention to exploring new employment growth points in promoting coordinated regional development and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and do everything possible to promote employment expansion and quality, so that more people can achieve good employment and good jobs.

  Public employment services are an important means of promoting employment. Daowai District of Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, has launched employment service brands such as "Job Hunting Night Market" and "100 Cities and 100,000 Enterprises on Campus", which have helped many people find their favorite jobs; Luoyuan County in Fujian Province has set up employment service stations in villages, and many villagers' jobs have been "chatted out at the entrance of the village." Practice has proved that making every effort to consolidate employment services at the grassroots level and continuously expand the space for employment services can create more favorable conditions for stabilizing and promoting employment. We will build a "15-minute employment service circle" so that residents can learn about policies and find jobs at their doorsteps, provide multi-level and diversified training and apprenticeship opportunities to help job seekers improve their skills and experience, and build a digital information platform to better bridge the "information gap" between enterprises and job seekers...... Implementing these tasks in detail and continuously enhancing the balance and accessibility of employment services will provide stronger support for doing a good job in employment work.

  Stable employment leads to peace of mind and social stability. With the economic recovery and the acceleration of industrial transformation and upgrading, the positive factors for stabilizing employment are also accumulating. Strengthen confidence, forge ahead, give more prominence to the priority orientation of employment, earnestly grasp the largest livelihood project, people's support project, and foundation project, and enhance the adaptability and stability of employment, so that we can hold up the "stable happiness" of the people with "more stable work".

With the fundamental purpose of leading the great social revolution (ideological horizontal)

——Accurately grasp the practical requirements of promoting the "nine points" of self-revolution (2)

Gao Changwu

People's Daily (2024-01-30 Edition 09)

  The courage to carry out self-revolution is a distinctive mark that distinguishes the Communist Party of China from other political parties, and leading the social revolution is an important mission of a Marxist political party. Practice has proved that the Communist Party of China is capable of leading the people to carry out a great social revolution as well as a great self-revolution. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, clearly putting forward the practical requirements of "nine to" to further promote the party's self-revolution, the second of which is "to lead the great social revolution as the fundamental purpose". This practical requirement profoundly reveals the dialectical relationship between the party's self-revolution and the great social revolution that complement and promote each other, and fully embodies the purpose and direction of promoting self-revolution. We must thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on the party's self-revolution, firmly grasp this practical requirement, and promote the party's self-revolution and comprehensive and strict governance of the party from the height of carrying out the great social revolution.

  As soon as our party was founded, it clearly stated that "the fundamental political purpose of the party is to carry out social revolution." Marxism holds that the social revolution is based on and motive force for the contradictory movement of the productive forces and the relations of production, and is deepened in depth along with the emancipation and development of the productive forces. To promote self-revolution, we must take leading the great social revolution as our fundamental purpose, which is determined by the nature, purpose, and original aspiration and mission of our party. Our party is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, and at the same time the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, and serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental purpose of the party, and we must take the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people as the fundamental starting point and end goal of all our work. The party's original intention and mission is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. In order to keep in mind the original aspiration and mission and practice the fundamental purpose, our party must scientifically grasp and accurately apply the law of contradictory movement between the productive forces and the relations of production, resolve the contradictions, promote the progress of history, and realize the free and all-round development of man through the implementation of social revolution. Both history and reality tell us that a social revolution often requires a long historical process to achieve its final victory. In this process, we must ensure that the Party will always be the leading force and that it is qualified and capable of uniting and leading the people to carry out the great social revolution, and we must not stop the self-revolution for a moment. Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is the result of our party's leadership of the people in carrying out the great social revolution, and it is also the continuation of the great social revolution led by our party, and it must be carried out consistently. This requires us to constantly carry out self-revolution, uphold the truth, correct mistakes, build the party into a stronger and more powerful party, and better lead the great social revolution.

  The history of the great social revolution led by the Party is also a history of promoting the Party's self-revolution. Looking back at the party's course of struggle over the past 100 years, it is not difficult to find that the party's self-revolution did not take place in isolation and carried out alone, but was a great social revolution that was subordinated to and served the party's leadership; the party's self-revolution made major progress can often promote a historic leap forward in the great social revolution. From the 87th Conference, the Gutian Conference to the Zunyi Conference, from the Yan'an Rectification Movement to the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and then to the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party in the new era, our Party has always kept pace with the times, forged ahead, given full play to the leading role of the Party's self-revolution in the great social revolution, and promoted the great social revolution to move from victory to new victory. It can be said that the organic unity and mutual promotion of self-revolution and social revolution constitute an important vein in our party's struggle over the past 100 years.

  In the new era and new journey, our party has led the people to carry out a great social revolution, which covers an unprecedented range of fields, touches on the profundity of the adjustment of the pattern of interests, involves the sharpness of contradictions and problems, the arduousness of breaking through the obstacles of the system and mechanism, and the complexity of the situation of the great struggle. At the same time, the "four major tests" and "four dangers" facing the party will exist for a long time, and the various factors that affect the party's advanced nature and weaken the party's purity are still very dangerous and destructive. We should draw wisdom and strength from the party's more than 100-year history of struggle, persist in closely linking the "two revolutions," and use the party's self-revolution to lead and promote the great social revolution led by the party; with the fundamental purpose of leading the great social revolution, we should plan and promote the party's self-revolution by closely centering on comprehensively promoting the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, so that the party's self-revolution will better obey and serve the party's central task, and ensure that the party will always become the vanguard of the times, the backbone of the nation, and the backbone of the people.

The basic trend of the mainland's economic rebound and long-term improvement has not changed (the economic situation is rational)

Ning Jizhe

People's Daily (2024-01-30 Edition 09)

  Core Reading

  In the past year, the mainland's economy has continued to recover, rebounded and improved, and made solid progress in high-quality development. At present, the mainland's economic recovery is still at a critical stage. On the whole, the favorable conditions for the mainland's development outweigh the unfavorable factors, and it still has important development opportunities.

  In 2023, the mainland's economy will rebound and high-quality development will be solidly promoted. In the new year, we must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, consolidate and enhance the positive trend of economic recovery, continue to promote the effective improvement of the quality and reasonable growth of the economy, and comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

  The main expected goals of economic and social development in 2023 have been successfully achieved

  In the past year, the mainland's economy has continued to recover and rebounded, and macroeconomic indicators such as economic growth, employment, prices, and the balance of payments have made steady progress, satisfactorily achieving the main expected goals of economic and social development.

  The economy is growing at a leading rate among the world's major economies. In 2023, the mainland's gross domestic product (GDP) will grow by 4.5% year-on-year in the first quarter, 6.3% in the second quarter, 4.9% in the third quarter, 5.2% in the fourth quarter, and 5.2% year-on-year for the whole year, which is higher than the annual growth forecast of 2.1% for the United States, 2.0% for Japan, and 0.7% for the euro area released by the International Monetary Fund, and is expected to contribute more than 30% to world economic growth. The expansion of domestic demand has played a supporting role in economic growth, and after the transition of epidemic prevention and control, contact and agglomeration consumption continued to rise, and automobile-related consumption also turned from a decline to an increase, with final consumption expenditure contributing 82.5% to economic growth.

  The goal of creating new jobs was achieved. In 2023, 12.44 million new jobs will be created in mainland China's urban areas, reaching the expected target at the beginning of the year. The surveyed unemployment rate in urban areas averaged 5.2 percent, down 0.4 percentage points from the previous year. In December, the surveyed urban unemployment rate was 5.1 percent nationwide, and the surveyed urban unemployment rate in 31 major cities was 5.0 percent. The employment of migrant workers continued to improve, and the surveyed urban unemployment rate of the migrant agricultural population fell to 4.3% in December, compared with an annual average of 4.9%.

  The price situation is generally stable. In 2023, with the growth of mainland industry and agricultural production and the phased correction of some international commodity prices, the price increase in mainland China will be lower than expected at the beginning of the year. The consumer price index (CPI) rose 0.2% year-on-year, and the core CPI, which excludes food and energy prices, rose 0.7% and remained stable. The core CPI is generally stable, and food prices are low, which is conducive to reducing the daily cost of people's lives. In the long run, the mainland CPI will show an overall stable and moderate upward trend.

  The balance of payments is basically balanced. In the past year, in the face of the complex environment of slowing global economic and trade growth and suppressing and containing China by a few countries, the relevant parties have made efforts to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment, and achieved a steady increase in the volume and quality of imports and exports. The total import and export of goods was 41.76 trillion yuan, an increase of 0.2% over the previous year. Among them, the total import and export value reached 3.81 trillion yuan in December, a record high for the monthly scale. The proportion of general trade imports and exports, private enterprise imports and exports, imports and exports to the Belt and Road countries, and exports of mechanical and electrical products increased, and the trade structure continued to improve. At the end of the year, foreign exchange reserves exceeded 3.2 trillion US dollars, and the RMB exchange rate was generally stable.

  High-quality development has been steadily promoted and new achievements have been made

  In 2023, while growth picked up, employment increased, prices were low, and the balance of payments was basically balanced, the high-quality development of the mainland economy was solidly promoted and new achievements were made.

  New progress has been made in the construction of a modern industrial system. The steady growth of the three industries has supported the recovery and development of the economy. In 2023, the added value of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries will increase by 4.1%, 4.7% and 5.8% year-on-year respectively. The agricultural foundation has been further strengthened, and the total grain output has reached a new high, which has remained stable at more than 1.3 trillion jin for nine consecutive years. The leading role of industry has been strengthened, the proportion of added value of manufacturing industry in GDP has basically stabilized, and the overall scale has continued to rank first in the world, and the proportion of equipment manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing has increased. From January to November 2023, the operating income of information transmission, software and information technology services, leasing and business services increased by 12.8% and 12.7% respectively. The construction of modern infrastructure such as the national water network, high-speed railway, and 5G communications has been strengthened.

  New breakthroughs have been made in scientific and technological innovation. The new national system has been continuously improved, the national strategic scientific and technological strength has been continuously strengthened, the main position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation has been enhanced, and a number of major scientific and technological achievements have emerged. The Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft returned smoothly, the Shenzhou-17 manned spacecraft was successfully launched, the C919 large passenger aircraft was put into commercial operation, the first domestic large-scale cruise ship was tested, the world's first 16 MW large-capacity offshore wind turbine was hoisted, and high-end equipment such as surgical robots and new cotton pickers were successfully developed and put into use. New technologies have given birth to new industries, new forms of business and new models, and the rapid growth of strategic emerging industries and future industries such as a new generation of information technology, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, biomedicine, new energy, and new materials has accelerated, and the formation of new quality productivity has been accelerated.

  Reform and opening up are advancing in depth. The new round of reform of party and state institutions has been basically completed, the reform of state-owned enterprises has continued to deepen, and a series of policies to encourage and support the development and growth of private enterprises have been introduced and implemented. From January to November 2023, there were 30.204 million new business entities across the country, a year-on-year increase of 10.5%, of which most of the newly established enterprises were private enterprises. High-level opening-up continued to expand, the China (Xinjiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone was established, and the "Overall Plan for Promoting High-level Institutional Opening-up in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone in Comprehensively Aligning with International High-standard Economic and Trade Rules" was issued. In 2023, 53,800 foreign-invested enterprises will be newly established across the country, a year-on-year increase of 39.7%. The China-Europe Railway Express ran a total of 17,000 trains and sent 1.9 million TEUs throughout the year, an increase of 6% and 18% year-on-year respectively.

  The foundation for safe development has been consolidated and consolidated. The prevention and resolution of risks and hidden dangers such as real estate, local debt, and small and medium-sized financial institutions have been carried out in an orderly manner. Food security is guaranteed, and the country's grain reserves are sufficient. Energy security has been continuously strengthened, domestic oil and gas production has increased, and power supply and price stability have been effective. The security capacity of the industrial chain and supply chain has been significantly strengthened, with investment in high-tech industries increasing by 10.3 percent year-on-year, and the actual use of foreign investment in high-tech manufacturing increasing by 6.5 percent.

  The people's livelihood protection is strong and effective. In 2023, the per capita disposable income of residents across the country will grow by 6.1% in real terms, faster than the GDP growth rate in the same period. Among them, the per capita disposable income of rural residents increased by 7.6 percent in real terms. This is not only the result of the hard work and operation of the people, but also the result of the state's implementation of various policies to benefit the people and farmers. In response to the people's urgent and anxious problems, basic public services such as compulsory education, basic medical care, basic pension, and public culture have continued to be strengthened. In the field of housing, the work of ensuring the delivery of buildings, ensuring people's livelihood and ensuring stability has been further promoted, and the "three major projects" such as the construction of affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for both ordinary and emergency purposes, and the transformation of urban villages have been fully launched. From January to December 2023, the average proportion of days with good air quality in 339 cities at and above the prefecture level across the country is 85.5%, and the people's sense of ecological environment gain, happiness and security is constantly improving.

  The favorable conditions for the mainland's development are stronger than the unfavorable factors

  At present, the mainland's economic recovery is still at a critical stage, and the basic trend of rebounding and long-term improvement has not changed, and the prospects for promoting high-quality development are bright. At the same time, it should also be noted that there are still some difficulties and challenges to be overcome to further promote the mainland's economic recovery, mainly due to insufficient effective demand, overcapacity in some industries, weak social expectations, and still many hidden risks, there are blockages in the domestic circulation, and the complexity, severity, and uncertainty of the external environment are rising.

  On the whole, the favorable conditions for the mainland's development outweigh the unfavorable factors, and it still has important development opportunities. First, there are opportunities in the super-large-scale market. The mainland has a huge population, with a middle-income group of more than 400 million and gradually expanding, and the people's yearning for a better life will generate huge consumer demand, and the upgrading of the investment structure and industrial structure caused by the upgrading of the consumption structure will give rise to new demand. Second, there is a broad space for the development of urban and rural areas, which contains opportunities. At present, there is still a big gap between the urbanization rate of the registered population and the urbanization rate of the permanent population in the mainland, and promoting a new type of urbanization with people as the core and accelerating the urbanization of the rural population will release huge domestic demand. Third, there are many business entities and opportunities. The mainland has more than 180 million business entities, and there is great potential for entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. Fourth, the industrial system is complete and contains opportunities. The mainland's industries have a large scale, complete system, and strong supporting capacity, which can efficiently meet various types of market demand, which is conducive to the formation of economies of scale, scope, and agglomeration. Fifth, there are opportunities for innovation to support the improvement of development capabilities. The mainland ranks first in the world in terms of full-time equivalent of R&D personnel, ranks second in the world in R&D investment, and also has a talent dividend formed by more than 200 million people with university education and more than 200 million skilled talents. In the face of digitalization and greening, two important trends in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, we have the ability to firmly grasp the opportunity and accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance. Sixth, the complex and changing external environment is in danger. Although the current momentum of world economic growth is insufficient and geopolitical risks are increasing, peace, development and cooperation are still the trend of the times, and the trend of economic globalization is unstoppable. As long as we unswervingly expand high-level opening up to the outside world and concentrate our energies on running our own affairs well, we will be able to continuously improve the internal and external environment, overcome all kinds of difficulties, and turn crises into opportunities. It should also be noted that there is still considerable room for the mainland to intensify macroeconomic regulation and control. In the past few years, the overall planning of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development has not carried out "flood irrigation" type of strong stimulus, which has accumulated useful experience and left policy space for effectively responding to risks and challenges and actively promoting economic recovery.

  To implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and do a good job in this year's economic work, we must adhere to the unity of thought, will and action with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, take adhering to high-quality development as the last word in the new era, improve the performance evaluation methods for promoting high-quality development, fully mobilize all positive factors and various factor resources, and strive to promote the economy to achieve qualitative and effective improvement and reasonable quantitative growth. It is necessary to persist in seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, establishing first and then breaking down, and come up with more policies that are conducive to stabilizing expectations, growth, and employment, and actively forging ahead in changing the mode, adjusting the structure, improving quality, and increasing efficiency. It is necessary to intensify macroeconomic regulation and control, strengthen counter-cyclical and cross-cyclical adjustment of macroeconomic policies, continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy, and strengthen the innovation and coordination of policy tools. It is necessary to plan major measures to further deepen reform in an all-round way, and continue to inject strong impetus into promoting high-quality development and accelerating Chinese-style modernization. It is necessary to coordinate the expansion of domestic demand and the deepening of supply-side structural reforms, the overall planning of new urbanization and the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, the overall planning of high-quality development and high-level security, and strive to implement various key tasks and measures, effectively enhance economic vitality, prevent and resolve risks, improve social expectations, and consolidate and enhance the positive trend of economic recovery. It is necessary to grasp the internal laws of the development of things, accurately identify the time and situation, crisis and opportunity, pros and cons, always maintain a spirit of hard work, take the initiative to take the initiative, grasp the implementation to the letter, grasp the implementation vigorously and resolutely, grasp the implementation in a realistic and pragmatic manner, and dare to do good to grasp the implementation, so as to promote the effectiveness of high-quality development to test the work.

Impress the audience with sincerity and sincerity (Xinyu, let a good voice become the strongest voice)

Zheng Xiaolong

People's Daily (13th Edition, January 30, 2024)

  The production of the TV series "Scout Hero" is my third cooperation with screenwriter Liu Gejian, and it is also the second time we have created a drama series on the theme of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea after the "Nengwen Nengwu Li Yannian" unit of the TV series "Meritorious". In the face of many works with the same theme, it is not easy to make a drama that the audience, especially young audiences, likes.

  The key to solving and solving the problem is to delve into that period of history. We read a lot of research books, memoirs, and interviewed many veterans of the Volunteer Army and listened to them tell the details of the battle. Everyone believes that "Scout Heroes" should focus more on the people in the war and tell the stories of the volunteer soldiers; not only to show the heroic spirit of the volunteer soldiers who defended their families and the country and were not afraid of life and death, but also to let the audience understand why they did what they did and how they grew up in the war; not only to restore the fighting spirit of the volunteer soldiers, but also to let the audience feel their wisdom and strategy.

  It's also important to choose the perspective of the storytelling. When filming "Meritorious", we chose the "highlight moments" of the characters. For example, Li Yannian participated in more than 20 large and small battles, and in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he led officers and soldiers to recapture the lost 346.6 heights, which was "the most unforgettable battle of his life." Domestic dramas rarely tell the story of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea from the perspective of scouts, and "Scout Heroes" cuts from the perspective of scouts, telling the story of how a reconnaissance team obtains important information about the enemy, destroys enemy positions, and contributes to the victory of the war. From this, the big is seen from the small to the big and the grand narrative is completed.

  In order to make the story authentic and credible, we adhere to the creative principles and attitude of realism, based on real historical materials, and try to conform to historical facts and the logic of war as much as possible. The script incorporates a large number of real stories and characters extracted from history, and invites military advisers to join the group to explain and help the actors train. In order to restore the war scenes, we also filmed a lot of location scenes and night scenes.

  In that war more than 70 years ago, the Chinese People's Volunteers fought for justice and peace, and paid great sacrifices. "Scout Heroes" is a group drama, showing the tempering of the soldiers in the war, presenting the spirit and belief of the soldiers, and each character strives to be shaped with characteristics and not flattened. Under the theme of the series, it also shows a deep comradeship, while enriching the image of the characters, it tries to shorten the distance between the heroes and the audience.

  My father, who had participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan, almost lost his life to a bomb that exploded around him, and he lost contact with his family for a time. War is brutal and has great unpredictability. During the broadcast of the series, I learned that many viewers wept because of the sacrifice of the volunteer soldiers. These soldiers are the epitome of thousands of volunteer soldiers, who may not have vigorous deeds, but they are also worthy of being written in thick and colorful. Let more audiences understand the stories and spirit of these ordinary warriors, and this work will have more practical significance.

  From "Desire", "Pekingese in New York" to "Scout Hero", I have been on the road of creation for more than 30 years. My perception of film and television creation should be real. Only by respecting the laws of artistic creation and impressing the audience with sincerity and sincerity can the works be retained and spread.

Promote the formation of a refreshing and refreshing comradeship (Jintai tide)

Wu Chuqi

People's Daily (2024-01-30 19th Edition)

  At the education work conference on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "promote the formation of a refreshing and refreshing comradeship, a well-behaved relationship between superiors and subordinates, and a new type of political and business relationship that is pro-Qing and unified, and be a good leader, builder and defender of a good political ecology and social atmosphere";

  Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has had the tradition of "gentlemen's friendship is as light as water". Our party has always attached importance to drawing wisdom and strength from the excellent traditional Chinese culture and advocating a refreshing comradeship. For a long time, the party has said "comrade", which shows the frank and heart-to-heart relationship between each other, and the relationship and friendship that stresses both feelings and principles. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, from the promulgation of the "Several Guidelines on the Political Life of the Party in the New Situation" to the revision of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", the cage of the system has become denser and tighter, and the norms and yardsticks have been improved to promote the formation of a refreshing and refreshing comrade relationship.

  Exchanges between comrades, in the exchanges, see the party spirit, see the original intention. Judging from the cases investigated and handled, some cadres mistook their contacts for transactions, "If you give them a peach, I will repay them." Some cadres mistake comradeship for the righteousness of the rivers and lakes, pull and pull, and call each other brothers...... The circle that gathers because of profit will eventually disperse because of profit. The vulgar exchanges of "choosing power, profit, and money" have stained the relationship that should be refreshing and well-behaved with a copper smell and a philistine, which is a manifestation of not stressing party spirit and losing principles. Party members and cadres should consciously purify the life circle, entertainment circle, and communication circle, constantly improve self-cultivation, strengthen party spirit, and make the "circle of friends" clean and refreshing.

  We must always hang our swords high, abide by discipline and rules. Discipline and rules are "charged high-voltage lines", and party members and cadres can be fearful, warned, and stopped in their actions when interacting with each other, so that the relationship between them can be refreshing and refreshing. We must always be in awe of party discipline and state law, keep in mind that "the party must not engage in feudal dependence, small hills, small circles, and small gangs, and must not engage in doormen, eunuchs, and door-to-door attachments", and use the party constitution, party rules, and party discipline to restrain every word and deed, and put an end to the "seven haves". At the same time, for party members and cadres who take discipline and rules as a child's play, we must dare to show their swords, resolutely investigate and deal with them, and let iron discipline "grow teeth" and exert authority. Only in this way can we form a deterrent and provide a strong guarantee for promoting the formation of a refreshing and refreshing comradeship.

  It is necessary to make good use of the sharp weapon of criticism and self-criticism to normalize and purify intra-party relations. "It is rare to be a friend and dare to criticize in person" is an expression of the sincerity and purity of the relationship between comrades, and is also the unique fine tradition and political advantage of our party. Criticism and self-criticism are a good medicine, and they are true love for comrades and oneself. At present, party organizations at all levels have successively held thematic education special democratic life meetings and organizational life meetings, party members and cadres should seriously carry out criticism and self-criticism in combination with study and reform, not only sincerely point out the problems of others, the criticism of criticism, the reminder of the reminder, but also calmly accept the opinions of others, if there is a change, if there is no encouragement, through effective criticism and self-criticism, help each other, common progress.

  If you are of the same mind, you will be of the same heart, and if you are of the same mind, you will be comrade It is necessary to work hard for a long time and make unremitting efforts to make the pure and frank background of the communists brighter, and to make the creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness of the whole party stronger.

"It is necessary to strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era. At the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "in-depth education on party spirit, party style and party discipline, inherit the party's glorious traditions and fine style, stimulate the pursuit of lofty ideals by Communist Party members, and regard the abuse of power for personal gain and corruption as a great shame." It is necessary to pay attention to family education and family style, and urge leading cadres to strictly manage their relatives and children. Actively publicize the concept of honesty and exemplary integrity, and create a good trend of respecting honesty and rejecting corruption. ”

  To administer the party strictly in an all-round way, it is necessary to rely on curing the symptoms, taking strong medicine to get rid of the disease, and emphasizing the rule to control chaos; we must also rely on curing the root causes, cultivating oneself with a righteous mind, cultivating culture, and guarding the foundation of the government. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era, and educate and guide the majority of party members and cadres to enhance their consciousness of not wanting to be corrupt. The General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of a Culture of Integrity in the New Era", emphasizing that the construction of a culture of integrity should be strengthened and strengthened, and that cadres should be honest, the government should be clean, the politics would be clean, and the society would be clean.

  At present, all localities and departments have taken a variety of measures to promote the construction of a culture of integrity, consolidate the ideological foundation of honesty and integrity, cultivate integrity, self-discipline and ethics, and promote the social trend of advocating honesty and rejecting corruption.

  Combine positive and negative efforts to consolidate the ideological foundation of honesty and integrity

  "Only by always taking ideals and convictions as the support, taking the theoretical armament as the guide, and consciously using the party's innovative theories to study new situations and solve new problems, can we ensure that the goal of the struggle is clear and the direction is not biased. During the third "Youth Forum" of the Wuhan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Hubei Province in 2023, a young discipline inspection and supervision cadre shared his learning experience.

  The Wuhan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision arranged for young discipline inspection and supervision cadres to receive systematic education in Marxist theory, party spirit and party history in layers and batches, and set up 20 youth theoretical study groups to educate and guide young cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and build political loyalty.

  Only when we are theoretically sober can we be politically firm and conscious in action. At the same time, pay attention to making good use of the incorruptible elements contained in the local red culture, carry out in-depth education on the party's glorious traditions and fine work style, and guide party members and cadres to inherit excellent qualities such as loyalty to the party, daring to be good at struggle, and hard work.

  One hand grasps the positive guidance, and the other hand grasps the negative warning.

  "I am deeply ashamed and miserable to see many old leaders and colleagues who have worked together for many years in this way today...... "On October 25, 2023, the Shenzhen Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Guangdong Province organized a warning education conference in the field of engineering construction in the city, and Li Fumin, former deputy secretary of the party group of the Municipal Transportation Bureau and former director of the rail office, stood on the stage and faced more than 1,700 party members and cadres in the field of engineering construction and land development, and warned his former colleagues with his own painful lessons and profound repentance.

  Cases are the best textbooks and the best sobering agents. The discipline inspection and supervision organs of Shenzhen have transformed case resources into warning education resources, closely following the pace of case investigation and handling, and promptly transforming case-handling results into educational products, continuously improving the pertinence and effectiveness of warning education.

  During the annual discipline education study month, the party constitution, party rules and party discipline education and training courses for leading cadres at the two levels in the urban area are held at different levels, and the trainees are organized to watch warning education films and distribute the compilation of confessions of serious violations of discipline and law, which has become a "fixed action" for Shenzhen to carry out warning education every year.

  "Warning education has an irreplaceable role in promoting the integration of not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt. Shenzhen will firmly establish and continue to deepen the application of the concept of 'full-cycle management', promote the close integration and coordination of warning education and severe punishment, promote reform and governance with higher-quality 'second half of the article', continue to release the deterrence of 'punishment', build a dam of 'prevention', and cultivate a clean and upright political ecology. Liu Liansheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and director of the Municipal Supervision Commission, said.

  Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, with the series of activities of "Honest Bricks, I Love Honesty" as the starting point, organically integrates discipline and law education, warning education, and integrity education through normalized integrity preaching, "first-in-command" party classes, and creating a viewing line for integrity culture, and guides party members and cadres to strictly abide by the party constitution, party rules and party discipline, and actively practice the values of loyalty and honesty, fairness and decency, seeking truth from facts, honesty and integrity; The characteristics of corruption, the characteristics of those who violate discipline and law, and the ideological changes behind corrupt behaviors guide party members and cadres to abandon the "spectator" mentality, so that warning education can achieve practical results......

  All localities and departments continue to consolidate the ideological foundation of honesty and integrity, guide party members and cadres to stick to their original intentions in knowing and respecting, guarding against fear, enhance the sense of discipline and rules, and further develop the habit of working and living in a supervised and constrained environment.

  Focus on creating a brand and integrate the requirements of integrity into daily life

  "As long as the affairs of the villagers are reasonable and legal, I will definitely help to the end, and I will definitely not do anything that violates party discipline!" Recently, a propaganda activity on "upright family style, abiding by the rules, and setting an example" organized by the Linping District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, and the District Women's Federation was staged in various towns and streets.

  The construction of a culture of integrity is a systematic project and a long-term task, and it is necessary to promote the close cooperation, coordination and joint management of all responsible entities. In recent years, the Linping District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has taken the construction of a clean culture as a basic project for the construction of a clean and honest culture, and issued the "Implementation Measures for Strengthening the Construction of a Clean Culture in the New Era" to further refine the goals and tasks of the construction of a clean culture, build a core brand of a clean culture, and vigorously promote the construction of a clean culture by focusing on characteristics, cultivating bright spots, establishing models, and emphasizing demonstrations.

  "We have launched a number of characteristic products and demonstration positions with prominent logos and rich connotations, such as the 'Lotus Flower Cup' Integrity Story Competition, the Grand Canal Integrity Cultural Park, and the Zhong Huamin Memorial Hall, to give full play to the educational, inspiring, cohesion, guidance and restraint role of the integrity culture, and promote the participation of the whole society in the construction of integrity culture. Ye Minqi, member of the Standing Committee of the Linping District Party Committee, secretary of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and director of the District Supervision Commission, said.

  Through education and training resources such as the "Qingfeng Propaganda Group" and party schools, we have customized "integrity packages" for young cadres to teach them the first lesson in their careers; through heart-to-heart talks, "mentor-apprentice pairing", and home visits to clean government, we have paved the way for the healthy growth of young cadres...... The Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Fuqing City, Fujian Province, pays close attention to the important group of young cadres, and educates and guides young cadres to buckle the "first button" of honest politics.

  "Closely following the whole cycle and whole chain of young cadres' selection and breeding, the next step is to pay attention to classified policies in education, comprehensively use induction training, targeted education, cultural infiltration, etc., to guide young cadres to adhere to their original mission and cultivate the value concept of honesty and integrity; Zhang Bin, member of the Standing Committee of the Fuqing Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Director of the Municipal Supervision Commission, said.

  The family style of party members and cadres has a bearing not only on their own families, but also on the party's style and political style.

  Article 152 of the newly revised Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China stipulates: "If a leading cadre of a Party member does not attach importance to the building of family style, and fails to manage and educate his or her spouse, his or her children, and his or her spouse, causing adverse effects or serious consequences, he shall be given a warning or a serious warning; ”

  All localities and departments put the construction of family style in an important position, constantly explore new ways to build a clean and honest family style, and cultivate a good style of work with a good family style. In order to urge the "key minority" to strengthen the construction of family education and family style, Hainan Province has held special classes on discipline education for the "number one" on a regular basis, expanded the education targets to the spouses and children of leading cadres, and organized "family-style" clean government talks for newly promoted and further used provincial management cadres for three consecutive years; discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in Sichuan Province have taken the collection and selection of "Tianfu Good Family Rules" and other activities as the starting point to dig deep into the resources of family style and integrate the construction of clean and honest family style into the overall situation of party style building and anti-corruption work.

  Innovate the carrier form and promote the culture of integrity to infiltrate the hearts of the people

  "Such an incorruptible cultural landscape can be seen and touched, and I often bring my children here to let them be edified. "Knock on the drum of "Erbu Shangshu" and touch the wooden fish of "Hanging Fish Taishou"...... In Nanming District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, a series of interactive and incorruptible cultural landscapes have become a new fashion for citizens and tourists to check in.

  The Nanming District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision will integrate the culture of integrity into the renovation projects of old communities and back streets and alleys, multi-functional stadiums, residential courtyards, etc., to create a clean cultural landscape that the masses like to see, and let the cadres and the masses feel the culture of integrity in the way of real scene substitution and immersive experience.

  Culture is used to transform people, and honesty is used to cultivate morality. All localities and departments have optimized the allocation of resources, improved the quality of construction, meticulously built all kinds of cultural positions of integrity, better played the function of education, and created and carried forward a good trend of advocating honesty and resisting corruption in the whole society.

  The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has upgraded and built 6 bases for the culture and education of integrity, and built 17 places for the education of various types of integrity, and Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, has opened a special subway train with the theme of integrity culture and a special bus line called "Qingfeng Ancient City", so that citizens and tourists can feel the infiltration of the culture of honesty in the process of traveling......

  "You can browse the provincial clean government exhibition hall with a finger movement, and start a 'clean wind journey' ......" Previously, after the website of the Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision "Online Clean Government Exhibition Hall" was launched, it attracted many party members and cadres.

  The Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision coordinates the discipline inspection and supervision forces at the city and county levels, and puts the province's distinctive clean government culture and education positions on the network platform and mobile terminal in the form of VR panoramas, and draws a map of clean culture, so that party members and cadres can feel the all-round three-dimensional integrity education with sound, sound and painting without leaving home.

  In recent years, various regions and departments have widely used new media and new technologies to disseminate the culture of integrity, innovated communication carriers, and achieved wide and effective coverage of audiences through social media, mobile clients and other communication platforms.

  All localities and departments should base themselves on reality and highlight their characteristics, constantly strengthen the ideological embankment of resisting corruption and preventing degeneration, guide party members and cadres to nourish their bodies and minds with the culture of integrity, and promote the practice of advocating morality and honesty.