
Medusa Infiltration Introduction

author:Kali & Programming

The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive guide to the Kali Linux tool Medusa to help readers understand and master the use of the tool in penetration testing. With interesting content and practical examples, this book will introduce the functions, features, and usage of Medusa to help readers effectively conduct penetration testing and find weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems.

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Chapter 1: Penetration Testing Basics

1.1 Overview of Penetration Testing

In this section, we will cover the definition, purpose, and importance of penetration testing to help readers build a basic understanding of penetration testing.

1.2 Common penetration testing methods and processes

This section will introduce the general methods and processes of penetration testing in detail, including steps such as information gathering, vulnerability scanning, vulnerability exploitation, etc., to help readers understand the overall process of penetration testing.

1.3 Legal and Ethical Principles

When conducting penetration testing, it is crucial to comply with laws and ethical guidelines. This section will cover the compliance and ethical requirements in penetration testing to help readers follow the correct code of conduct.

Chapter 2: Introduction to the Medusa Tool

2.1 Role and function of Medusa

This section will go into detail about the role and functionality of the Medusa tool, explaining its specific uses and benefits in penetration testing.

2.2 Features and Benefits of Medusa

In this section, we will explore the features and advantages of the Medusa tool over other similar tools to help readers understand the reasons for choosing Medusa.

2.3 Installation and Configuration of Medusa

In this section, we'll provide detailed steps and guides on how to install and configure Medusa to help readers get up to speed quickly and get ready for penetration testing.

Chapter 3: Password Cracking

3.1 Overview of Password Cracking

This section will introduce the basic principles and methods of password cracking to help readers understand the importance of password cracking in penetration testing.

3.2 Common Password Cracking Techniques

In this section, we will discuss some common password cracking techniques such as dictionary attacks, brute force attacks, etc., and explain how to use Medusa for password cracking.

3.3 Password Cracking with Medusa

This section will provide detailed instructions and examples on how to use the Medusa tool for password cracking to help readers understand and apply password cracking techniques.

Chapter 4: Username Enumeration

4.1 The Importance of Username Enumeration

In this section, we will explain the role and importance of username enumeration in penetration testing to help readers understand why username enumeration is necessary.

4.2 Common Username Enumeration Methods

This section will introduce some common username enumeration methods, such as dictionary-based enumeration, social engineering, etc., and explain how to use Medusa for username enumeration.

4.3 Using Medusa for Username Enumeration

In this section, we will provide detailed steps and examples of how to use the Medusa tool for username enumeration to help you master the techniques.

Chapter 5: Protocol Attacks

5.1 Overview of Protocol Attacks

This section introduces the basic concepts and principles of protocol attacks, and explains the application scenarios and purposes of protocol attacks in penetration testing.

5.2 Common Protocol Attack Techniques

In this section, we will discuss some common protocol attack techniques, such as SSH brute-force attacks, FTP blasting, etc., and explain how to use Medusa for protocol attacks.

5.3 Protocol Attacks Using Medusa

This section will provide detailed instructions and examples on how to use the Medusa tool for protocol attacks to help readers understand and apply protocol attack techniques.

Chapter 6: Profile Injection

6.1 Principles and Methods of Configuration File Injection

In this section, we describe the principles and methods of profile injection attacks, and explain how attackers can exploit profile injection vulnerabilities to gain system privileges.

6.2 Common Profile Injection Vulnerabilities

This section will explore some common configuration file injection vulnerabilities, such as PHP configuration file vulnerabilities, database configuration file vulnerabilities, etc., and explain how to use Medusa for configuration file injection attacks.

6.3 Profile injection attacks using Medusa

In this section, we will provide detailed steps and examples on how to use the Medusa tool to perform a profile injection attack to help readers master the relevant techniques.

Chapter 7: Multithreading and Dictionary Generation

7.1 Application of multi-threading technology in penetration testing

This section will introduce the importance and application scenarios of multithreading technology in penetration testing, and explain how to use multithreading to improve penetration testing efficiency.

7.2 Use of Dictionary Generation and Management Tools

In this section, we'll introduce some common dictionary generation and management tools, such as Crunch, Cupp, etc., and explain how to create and manage the dictionary files needed for penetration testing.

7.3 Multithreading Attacks and Dictionary Generation with Medusa

This section will provide detailed instructions and examples on how to use the Medusa tool for multi-threaded attacks and dictionary generation to help readers master the relevant techniques.

Chapter 8: Advanced Usage and Techniques

8.1 Advanced Configuration Options for Medusa

In this section, we will introduce some advanced configuration options for the Medusa tool, such as proxy settings, timeout settings, etc., to help readers configure them according to their specific needs.

8.2 Use of proxies and tunnels for anonymous infiltration

This section will discuss how to use proxy and tunneling techniques for anonymous penetration testing to protect the privacy and security of penetration testing.

8.3 Combination of Medusa with other penetration testing tools

In this section, we'll cover how to use Medusa in conjunction with other commonly used penetration testing tools such as Nmap, Metasploit, and more to improve penetration testing effectiveness and coverage.

Chapter 9: Practical Cases of Penetration Testing

9.1 Web Application Penetration Testing Cases

This section will provide a specific web application penetration testing case that demonstrates how to use Medusa tools to perform penetration testing to find and exploit vulnerabilities.

9.2 Network Device Penetration Test Cases

In this section, we will introduce a case study of a network device penetration test that illustrates how to use the Medusa tool to perform penetration testing on a network device to obtain sensitive information or control permissions.

9.3 Wireless Network Penetration Test Cases

This section will provide a penetration test case for a wireless network, showing how to use Medusa tools to perform penetration testing on a wireless network, find weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and gain unauthorized access.

9.4 Social Engineering Penetration Testing Cases

In this section, we will present a social engineering penetration testing case that illustrates how Medusa tools can be used in conjunction with social engineering techniques to trick users into gaining access to sensitive information or systems.

9.5 Internal Network Penetration Test Cases

This section provides an internal network penetration test case that demonstrates how to use Medusa tools to expand the attack surface and gain higher privileges when you are already on the internal network.

Chapter 10: Penetration Testing Reports and Recommendations

10.1 Importance of Penetration Testing Reports

In this section, we will discuss the importance and value of penetration testing reports and how to write a complete and clear penetration testing report for the reference of the client or team.

10.2 Penetration Testing Recommendations and Measures

This section will provide some post-penetration test recommendations and measures, covering vulnerability fixes, security hardening, training, etc., to help readers provide comprehensive security improvement suggestions for the target system.


Through the reading of this book, readers will master the methods and skills of using Medusa tools in penetration testing, understand common penetration testing techniques such as password cracking, username enumeration, and protocol attacks, and deeply understand the application of tools through practical cases. In addition, the book provides knowledge about penetration test report writing and security recommendations to help readers fully grasp the core essentials of penetration testing.

Please note that the purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive guide to Medusa's tools, but it does not represent encouragement or support for illegal activities. Penetration testing should only be conducted within a legally authorized and ethical framework and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Hopefully, this book will be helpful to penetration testing enthusiasts, security practitioners, and learners, making you more proficient and confident in the field of penetration testing. I wish you success in your penetration testing with Medusa tools!

Introduction to Medusa penetration testing tools

In the field of cybersecurity, penetration testing is an important activity that evaluates the security of systems and networks. In order to conduct successful penetration testing, penetration testers need to use a variety of tools and techniques to simulate hacker attacks and find weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the system. Kali Linux is an operating system dedicated to penetration testing and cybersecurity assessment, and it integrates a large number of penetration testing tools, one of which is Medusa.

Medusa is a powerful penetration testing tool for brute force and dictionary attacks. It is primarily used to test the authentication mechanisms of a system, such as usernames and passwords, as well as the security of other network protocols. Medusa supports a wide range of protocols and services, including SSH, FTP, Telnet, HTTP, IMAP, and more, enabling penetration testers to apply it broadly to test a wide range of systems and services.

The working principle of Medusa is very simple but effective. It attempts to authenticate the target system by using a pre-prepared username and password dictionary, or based on a custom dictionary provided by the user. Medusa uses multi-threading and concurrent connections to increase cracking speeds, enabling penetration testers to quickly test the security of the system.

The first step in penetration testing with Medusa is to gather information about the target system. This includes destination IP addresses, port numbers, username enumerations, and more. Once this information is gathered, the penetration tester can configure Medusa and begin the attack. Medusa provides a wealth of options and parameters to meet the penetration testing requirements of different scenarios and needs. For example, penetration testers can specify username and password dictionary files, set connection timeouts, select crack modes, and more.

In addition to brute force and dictionary attacks, Medusa also supports other advanced features. For example, it can use proxy servers for anonymous attacks, and it can also customize and extend attack patterns by using rule files. In addition, Medusa also has logging and report generation capabilities, which are convenient for penetration testers to record the attack process and results, and generate detailed penetration test reports.

Medusa is relatively simple to use, but it still requires some technical knowledge and experience from penetration testers. When using Medusa for penetration testing, penetration testers should follow legal and ethical guidelines and only use the tool within the scope of authorization. In addition, penetration testers should also understand the security of the target systems and services in order to adopt appropriate testing strategies and measures.

To summarize, Medusa is a powerful and flexible penetration testing tool in Kali Linux for brute force and dictionary attacks. It supports a wide range of protocols and services, and provides a rich set of options and parameters for penetration testers to test according to their specific needs. However, using Medusa for penetration testing requires caution and follows legal and ethical guidelines to ensure compliance and reliability of the test.

By learning and using penetration testing tools like Medusa, penetration testers can better understand the security of systems and networks, identify potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and provide targeted recommendations and recommendations for improvement to improve the security of the system. In the face of ever-evolving and sophisticated cybersecurity threats, penetration testing tools such as Medusa have become an indispensable part of the cybersecurity landscape. They help organizations and businesses assess the security of their systems and networks and provide solutions to remediate vulnerabilities and weaknesses found. As hacking techniques continue to evolve, so do penetration testing tools to deal with new threats and attack methods.

The advent of Medusa provides penetration testers with a powerful tool to simulate a hacker attack with authorization, assessing the security of the system. While Medusa is primarily used for brute force and dictionary attacks, it does much more than that. It supports a variety of protocols and services, such as SSH, FTP, Telnet, HTTP, IMAP, etc., enabling penetration testers to apply it extensively to test various systems and services. In addition, Medusa has advanced features like using proxy servers for anonymous attacks and custom attack patterns.

Before using Medusa, penetration testers need to collect information about the target system, including IP addresses, port numbers, and usernames. This information is the basis for conducting penetration testing and helps penetration testers understand the structure and security of the target system. Once this information is gathered, the penetration tester can configure Medusa and begin the attack. Medusa offers a wide range of options and parameters that can be tailored to specific needs. For example, penetration testers can specify username and password dictionary files, set connection timeouts, select crack modes, and more.

However, penetration testers need to exercise caution when using Medusa for penetration testing. First and foremost, they must follow legal and ethical guidelines to use the tool only within the scope of their authorization. Penetration testing must be authorized, otherwise it will be considered illegal activity. Second, penetration testers need to have a good understanding of the target systems and services in order to adopt appropriate testing strategies and measures. They should understand the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the target system, as well as possible attack methods, and ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test.

When using Medusa for penetration testing, penetration testers should also pay attention to the generation and documentation of reports. Penetration testing reports are a critical component in assessing a system's security, providing detailed information on weaknesses and vulnerabilities found and providing recommendations for remediation. Medusa has logging and report generation capabilities that can record the attack process and results, and generate detailed penetration test reports. These reports are very important for organizations and businesses because they provide guidance and direction for improving security.

All in all, Medusa is a powerful and flexible penetration testing tool that is widely used in Kali Linux. It offers features such as brute force and dictionary attacks, and supports a wide range of protocols and services. However, using Medusa for penetration testing requires caution and legality, follows ethical guidelines, and requires a good understanding of the target systems and services. By learning and using penetration testing tools such as Medusa, penetration testers can better assess the security of the system and provide recommendations for improvement to improve the security and defense capabilities of the system.

Set up the Medusa penetration testing tool in a Kali Linux environment


Kali Linux is a security-oriented operating system that is widely used for penetration testing and network security assessments. It integrates with a number of powerful penetration testing tools, one of which is Medusa. This article describes how to set up and configure the Medusa penetration testing tool in a Kali Linux environment to facilitate brute force attacks and dictionary attacks for authentication. We'll walk you through the installation and configuration process step-by-step, as well as some practical tips and advice.

Step 1: Install Kali Linux

To use Medusa, you first need to install the Kali Linux operating system. Kali Linux is available from the official website ( Choose the right version based on your hardware architecture and download it to your computer. The installation process is similar to a regular Linux distribution, just follow the on-screen prompts.

Step 2: Update the system

After completing the installation of Kali Linux, we need to make sure that the system is up to date. Open the terminal and execute the following command:


sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade


This will update your system's software packages and install the latest security patches.

Step 3: Install Medusa

In Kali Linux, Medusa is available as a package included in the official repositories. To install Medusa, simply run the following command in the terminal:


sudo apt install medusa


This will download and install Medusa and its dependencies. Wait for the installation to complete.

Step 4: Gather target information

Before using Medusa for penetration testing, we need to gather information about the target system. This includes things like the destination IP address, port number, and authentication type. You can use a network scanning tool such as Nmap to get this information. For example, the following command will scan the open ports of the destination IP address:


nmap -p- <目标IP地址>


Note: When conducting penetration testing, always make sure that you are legally authorized and that you are only operating on systems that you have permission to test.

Step 5: Create a username and password dictionary

Medusa uses username and password dictionaries to carry out brute force and dictionary attacks. You can use an existing dictionary file, or you can create a custom dictionary file. The dictionary file should contain possible username and password combinations so that Medusa can make a cracking attempt.

Here's an example of creating a custom dictionary file:











You can add more usernames and passwords as needed. Make sure that the dictionary file is formatted correctly and that each line contains only one username or password.

Step 6: Configure Medusa

Now, let's configure Medusa to prepare for penetration testing. The Medusa configuration file is located under the path '/etc/medusa/medusa.conf'. You can use a text editor such as Nano or Vi to open the profile and make the necessary changes.

Here are some commonly used configuration options:

1. 'Module': Specify the module to be used. Depending on your needs, select the appropriate module. For example, 'Module=ftp' is used for the FTP service, and 'Module=ssh' is used for the SSH service.

2. 'Host': Specify the destination IP address.

3. 'Port': Specify the destination port number.

4. 'UserPass': Specify the path to the username and password dictionary file.

5. 'Threads': Specifies the number of threads to be used for the cracking attempt. A higher thread count can increase the cracking speed, but it can also increase the load on the system.

Configure these options accordingly based on your target system and services. Make sure to save the configuration file and close the text editor.

Step 7: Run Medusa

Now that we've finished installing and configuring Medusa, it's time to start running it for penetration testing. Execute the following command in the terminal to start Medusa:


medusa -h <目标IP地址> -U <用户名字典文件> -P <密码字典文件> -M <模块> -T <线程数>


Replace the <目标IP地址>IP address of the target system, the path to the <用户名字典文件><密码字典文件>username and password dictionary file you created, <模块>the module to be used, and the <线程数>number of threads to hack attempts.

For example, the following command will use Medusa to brute-force the FTP service:


medusa -h -U usernames.txt -P passwords.txt -M ftp -T 8


This will start Medusa and use 8 threads to make a crack attempt at the FTP service. Depending on the target system and service, you may need to adjust the parameters in the command.

Step 8: Analyze the results

Once the Medusa run is complete, it will show the results of the cracking attempt. It will tell you the username and password combination that you have successfully cracked, as well as the credentials for a successful login. Depending on your needs, the results can be saved to a file for further analysis.

Depending on the goal of the test, other tools or methods can be used to further analyze the crack results. This could include logging into the target system and performing other actions, or documenting the results in a penetration test report.


When using Medusa for penetration testing, make sure to comply with applicable laws and ethical guidelines. Only operate on systems that you have permission to test and that are legally authorized.


Medusa is a powerful penetration testing tool in Kali Linux that can be used for brute force and dictionary attacks for authentication. By properly installing and configuring Medusa, you can utilize it to assess the security of your target system. When conducting penetration testing, always follow the principles of legality and ethics and ensure that you have the proper authorization.

This article provides a basic guide to help you set up and use Medusa. As your penetration testing skills improve, you can further explore Medusa's advanced features and other penetration testing tools to more comprehensively assess the security of your target system. Good luck on your penetration testing journey!

Lin Ruimu's Webinar, Lin Ruimu Network Management, Linux Lecture Hall - 51CTO Academy