
The latest trap exposed: Secret letter to the darkest moment! Ma Chao has fallen to the bottom, and Lu Bu is completely unable to play?

author:The pinnacle of the rampage

With the passage of time when the version is opened, there are four "trap" heroes who have surfaced, and it is difficult to win the game after taking them out, today we will talk about these heroes and see what the problem is!

【Ma Chao】

The latest trap exposed: Secret letter to the darkest moment! Ma Chao has fallen to the bottom, and Lu Bu is completely unable to play?

As can be seen from the figure above, Ma Chao's various statistics in the new season have plummeted, not only falling out of the ranks of strong heroes, but even the winning rate has entered the bottom, which is the lowest except for Tanbian.

PS: At present, it is around 47%, only 1% higher than Lu Bu, which is basically a "trap" range.

The latest trap exposed: Secret letter to the darkest moment! Ma Chao has fallen to the bottom, and Lu Bu is completely unable to play?

The problem exposed by Ma Chao is obvious, that is, because of the changes in the environment of the current version, the difficulty of changing lanes has become higher, and it is impossible to easily eat double lines, resulting in a lot of hero's lane strength, which is not conducive to Ma Chao's performance.

Coupled with the heroes who have risen in recent versions, such as Mulan, Sikong Zhen, Ji Xiaoman, etc., it is difficult for Ma Chao to take advantage of it after encountering it, and even if he is not careful, he may directly lose the opportunity to connect with the line, let alone go to the lane to develop.

PS: The situation is similar to that of Yuange before, the risk is not proportional to the return, and it is becoming more and more difficult to fight economic suppression.

However, the planner said before that some adjustments will be made to Ma Chao in the future, and we can look forward to it, after all, the Tanbian problem has been improved in the experience server, and I believe that Ma Chao will not be too bad.


The latest trap exposed: Secret letter to the darkest moment! Ma Chao has fallen to the bottom, and Lu Bu is completely unable to play?

In the official server, there were two adjustments to Arlen, but the numbers only formed a brief increase, and then went into a downward state, and the win rate so far has reached the bottom range.

The latest trap exposed: Secret letter to the darkest moment! Ma Chao has fallen to the bottom, and Lu Bu is completely unable to play?

In fact, the problems that Aaron had were very similar to those of Tanbian. Because it is relatively "bulky", it does not have much efficiency in changing lanes, and the strength of the line is relatively mediocre, which leads to incompatibility with the current version.

The latest trap exposed: Secret letter to the darkest moment! Ma Chao has fallen to the bottom, and Lu Bu is completely unable to play?

And the power period is a bit late, even if it is dragged to wait for Yalian to play in the group, the opponent's core outfit is basically formed, and its own advantages no longer exist, and the actual performance is not as good as Mulan, Ji Xiaoman and other heroes with higher strength in the early stage.

A series of adjustments have been made to the tank equipment in the experience server, and I don't know if Yalian can get some dividends in the future, otherwise the current version is too difficult to play.

[Secret Beliefs]

The latest trap exposed: Secret letter to the darkest moment! Ma Chao has fallen to the bottom, and Lu Bu is completely unable to play?

I think it's also a version trap, and his problems are more obvious, here are a few highlights:

(1) The early stage is weak, and it can be said that no one can beat the strong heroes from the lane to the present, which also leads to an extremely slow transfer efficiency, not only can not be supported, but it may also increase the pressure on teammates

PS: Now it is easy to raise a "big brother" in secret letters, and they are completely replaced by light letters.

(2) Changes to the map, terrain, etc., make it more and more difficult to contain the secret letter with a single belt, and the opposing side has more ample opportunities to counter him. In addition, many people now know how to operate in the army, and it is really difficult to play with a forced single belt.

(3) The adjustment of the new version of the troop line, heroes like Ma Chao and Guan Yu will lose the line, not to mention the secret letter. This more or less slowed down his development and prevented him from fully exploiting the mechanics.

【Lu Bu】

The latest trap exposed: Secret letter to the darkest moment! Ma Chao has fallen to the bottom, and Lu Bu is completely unable to play?

As can be seen in the picture above, Lu Bu's appearance rate has plummeted this season, and the winning rate has not changed, and he is still at the bottom, which can be said to be the biggest "trap" this season.

Before, he could also "call it" a jack-of-all-trades hero, and he could take it out to resist pressure when he was indecided. But this season, the hot and strong wings can all suppress Lu Bu, not only can they not resist the pressure, but they will also give away all the way if they don't pay attention, which is really difficult to play.

The latest trap exposed: Secret letter to the darkest moment! Ma Chao has fallen to the bottom, and Lu Bu is completely unable to play?

And I was originally slow to clear the line, and the current version attaches great importance to this, which directly leads to not only being unable to play online, but also difficult to make some feedback for the team, and many games are basically single-line heroes.

PS: It often appears, Lu Bu is still on the way to come, but his teammates have already finished playing.

The current popular heroes all have the ability to pull, and even if Lu Bu transitions to the later strong stage, there is still a way to counter him, which is the main reason for the low win rate.

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