
If you are calculated, don't turn your face, the really smart way to do it is like this

author:Zhong Niannian
If you are calculated, don't turn your face, the really smart way to do it is like this

Text/Zhong Niannian

Picture/From the Internet, please contact to delete the infringement


In this world, gentlemen are rare, and villains are common.

Too often, the hurt we suffer comes from those we once trusted the most, and it can also completely collapse our outlook on life.

Especially when you are counted by others, all your previous expectations are in vain, and you are replaced by great anger.

We want to take revenge and make the other side defeated, but it is not enough to have a passion for blood, we also need to pay attention to ways and means.

has been calculated, turning the other cheek is the next policy, and the best policy is to do these things well.

If you are calculated, don't turn your face, the really smart way to do it is like this

01: Keep your distance and don't overdo it

Many people have bad character, they are like a cancer that must be completely removed in order to be happy immediately.

But the way you get rid of the other person is not to be at the same point as to him, but to keep your distance and avoid fighting.

Being too entangled with bad people and bad things is not a kind of courage, but a kind of stupidity.

Because you waste your time, you can't change the other person, and you may get yourself hurt more.

If the other party's attack does not cause substantial damage, and they are only incapable of barking because they are jealous of you, the more we make a big move, the more we fall into the trap of the other party, and what he wants to see is the way you open your teeth and claws, hoping to tell yourself that you are nothing more than that.

Allowing anger to squander will make us lose face, so it is better to keep our sanity and break up with these people. ,

Friends who are useless in life should be kept away as soon as possible, and we can avoid disputes with each other in order to be completely purified, and only then will we have more strength to work hard.

If you are calculated, don't turn your face, the really smart way to do it is like this

02: Have a clear attitude and don't give the other party a chance

In life, those who are often bullied by others are not necessarily without their shortcomings, on the contrary, they have a cowardly personality and forgive others anytime and anywhere, so they give the other person the opportunity to become even worse.

In the early years, he had an entanglement with his brothers and sisters because of a piece of land, and the other party wanted to take it for himself, although it was reasonably resolved afterwards, but the brothers and sisters still had an arrogant attitude.

For this reason, Brother Wang's wife persuaded him to keep his distance, but he still cared about his feelings and repeatedly came to the door to curry favor.

Seeing this, the brothers and sisters were not grateful, but felt that Brother Wang was so cowardly, so they could bully him unscrupulously in the future.

In the past ten years, the brothers and sisters have repeatedly seized Brother Wang's wealth, and often come to provoke them, making Brother Wang's family restless.

It wasn't until Brother Wang couldn't bear it anymore that he finally got angry, and his brothers and sisters began to do their duty, and his life finally returned to peace.

From that moment on, Brother Wang realized that people were all praising high and low, watching people cook.

If you are weak, he will be strong, and if you are strong, he will become weak, this is an eternal truth.

You can treat others with kindness, but if other people's calculations have violated your basic rights and interests, you must fight for reason, protect your legitimate rights, and at the same time have a clear attitude and tell the other party that you are not a soft persimmon to be manipulated by others.

If someone still wants to cross the thunder pool, then you have to use legal weapons to protect yourself.

If you are calculated, don't turn your face, the really smart way to do it is like this

03: Adopt legal rights and interests to strike a head-on blow to the bad guys

I once saw an example on social platforms, a netizen bought a property, and suddenly a child was bound, and later inquired about it and learned that someone deliberately designed it to use the netizen's property to get the opportunity to go to school.

Netizens communicated with many parties, but the other party not only did not admit his mistake, but had an arrogant attitude.

Later, netizens simply called the police and used their legal rights and interests to protect themselves, and then they got back everything that belonged to them.

Around us, there are many people who do not distinguish between right and wrong and have extremely poor character, and you cannot reason with them, only the law can bring them to justice.

In this case, you don't have to be too soft-hearted, after all, others don't show you any affection.

Protecting oneself is the highest level of wisdom.

If you are calculated, don't turn your face, the really smart way to do it is like this

People live for a lifetime, it is inevitable that they will not be calculated by others, and they must adopt different methods according to different situations to make themselves invincible.

In short, in the face of such situations, we should think first of all, and never give anyone a chance to bully you.

Be able to respond to the attacks of others correctly, and I believe that you will go more smoothly in the future.